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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

On the Subject of Girlfriends and Dating

At this stage in my life, about a month away from entering senior year of college, I am one of few people I know of in my group of friends who has never had a girlfriend. I have realized this very much recently because many times over the summer people I haven't seen in a while have asked me if I have a girlfriend at the moment. I guess everyone is just very interested in this topic, so here's my story! Most of my friends have been involved in a relationship, some have had many, others just one, but either way these relationships usually break down. A lot of the time I think these relationships don't last because the timing is bad. I never dated as a teen, but I think that age is almost too young. I don't think anyone at that age really knows what they want, that's why I have waited thus far. I never wanted to get involved in a relationship that didn't have a chance of going anywhere, what fun would that be?

Who wants this to happen!? Except for Simon of course...
I have had my fair chance to start relationships or go on dates, some of which are very comical, at least I think so. Last summer I was given phone numbers by three girls while at work. I haven't been able to keep pace so far this year, having not reeled in one yet, but there's still some summer left! Anyways, while getting these girls numbers was intriguing and certainly entertaining, I'm rather certain these young ladies were a bit too young. I wouldn't be surprised if they thought I was only a little older than them considering on of my coworkers this year thought I was nineteen and was rather surprised when I told her I was 21. I guess I look young for my age, but I'm not complaining. The reason I say the girls were too young is very simple. I received two of the numbers at the same time from a group of friends, who politely left me their digits on straws. One of the straws even had a message on it that read "So and So is Hot!" I won't write the name for privacy reasons, I'm not that much of an asshole. I still have the straw if you don't believe me. I noticed this group of friends after they got out of their movie. I watched them leave the theater and enter a car clearly driven by a parent. That was when I thought I probably shouldn't go there.

When's he going to call?
The other girl whose phone number I received I'm not as sure about, regarding age that is. I was speaking to two friends from high school who were one year behind me when all of a sudden this other girl started speaking to me. I had never seen this girl before, at least not that I could remember, but she sure knew who I was. She told me she recognized me as the guy that ran the hurdles in high school. I guess my fame must have stretched a bit further than I realized because I really had no idea who the girl was. The conversation lasted for a little while, but she wasn't in my concession line so it got cut off when she got to the front of the line. However, she came back to me later to get a drink, but looking back on it, I'm sure that wasn't why she really came back. I didn't think anything of it at the time, until later that week when I was leaving work and this other girl who I'd never seen stopped me and talked to me about the girl from the other night. This girl told me that the one I was speaking with the previous night was her cousin and then proceeded to give me her cousin's number. Let's just say that nothing came of this.

Are you old enough?
Well, that was all good and fun, but I have had some much more serious opportunities. As I said before, I just don't think high school dating leads to much but trouble and hurt feelings. Exceptions always exist, it is possible to have a successful high school relationship, but I think the vast majority end with the two people not liking one another very much. As a result of this thinking I never tried to date anyone in high school, nor did I have any inclination to attend prom, so I never went to that either. I could have done both, but I just didn't want any of the complications that come with dating and prom, not at that age anyways. I think that waiting until you are more mature to date is the way to go, especially following high school because it is at that time that you gain full independence and discover who you and other people truly are. Of course there is always an exception, though. There is one girl who I met in high school that I liked a great deal. I kept in touch with her for about a year after I graduated, but since then I haven't had much communication unfortunately.

Currently I am in an intriguing situation with one of my friends from college. She has hinted many times at having a relationship with me. Yes, I have noticed and when I come to think about it, I think it's been happening since the end of the previous school year, but I hadn't put it together at that point. At the beginning the hints were very subtle, I remember going to the bookstore to pick up a book with her and she referred to the rendezvous as "going on a date." Probably sounds silly to you, but given the circumstances and previous interaction, things I could never portray in words, it makes sense. Did I mention that she had a boyfriend at the time? Anyways, she came to our home track meet this past outdoor season and somehow we began talking about my parents, who were present at the meet, which is probably how they came up in the first place. What happened next always makes me laugh when I think about it. She asked me if she could meet my parents and I said of course. She proceeded to tell me that I should introduce her as my girlfriend! Then she grabbed my arm and said we could practice first. It was certainly a good time to say the least.

Some of my friends have told me that they are very interested to see who my girlfriend is in the future. Well, I still don't know when that time will come, but there is certainly potential. I have to do it at some point, I don't want to be lonely, but at the same time I don't like rushing into things, especially of great magnitude. I want to find the right person. So now you can wait in suspense for updates!


  1. Last time I remember somebody asking about this you said you were "pretty gay"... Liar

  2. Haha that's such a good one considering how it has conquered the test of time. Who knew we would still remember that moment to this day.
