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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Summer Job Chronicles: Look at My Friends

I got called into work today because one of my coworkers called out, but had no plans so I didn't really mind. Besides there's nothing wrong with making a little extra money. The day went by smoothly and rather boringly, except for a brief moment of entertainment around the middle of the shift. I was just minding my business helping a customer when I noticed a woman enter the theater with two large items. My attention was drawn to the two items she had under each arm and I realized she was carrying two blow up dolls. Yes, the woman brought in two sex toys with her.

We go everywhere together
The mother that I was serving looked very alarmed, with just cause. I just told her that I didn't understand either. I still really don't know what exactly was going on, but I caught small bits and pieces of the conversation she was having at the manager's kiosk. However what I was hearing didn't make much sense to me, but then again, many people are just flat out weird. I thought I heard the lady with the two blow up dolls say something about putting the dolls in the seats next to her so she would look fat. I don't know if that is what she wanted, but that's what I heard. What a strange lady. I don't think she ended up going to a movie though, I saw her walk outside with dolls and I never saw her come back in. I don't think I could have missed those dolls though, so I'm rather certain she didn't bring them into a theater with her. But still, what the hell?

This weekend is also the release of Captain America, which is another piece to the whole Avengers craze in film recently. Just like all the other movies that are related to the Avengers there is a small sneak peak at the end of Captain America, and I have to say its placement is extremely annoying. The Avengers sneak peak is all the way at the end of the credits. When we go clean up the theater that Captain America is playing in, we have to wait forever for all the people to leave because they have to sit there and wait for the minute-long preview that probably isn't even worth staying for because it doesn't tell you anything you don't already know. What? There's going to be an Avengers movie? And Captain America is going to be in it? Thanks for putting the sneak peak all the way at the end of the credits you assholes.

Holy shit! Are these things still going?
Maybe that woman had the right idea, bring blow up dolls so you have something to do while you're waiting for the credits to finish. At least that might get you close to the end of the never-ending scrolling words. When are filmmakers going to put everyone who watches the movies into the credits to recognize them for watching? You must give credit where it is due. Well, I have a nine hour shift tomorrow, who knows what zany activity I'll see!

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