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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Summer Job Chronicles: Stunning Compliment

Just got back from another wonderful night at the cinema. July 13, 2011, not much activity going down, it's the quiet before the mad rush this coming weekend with the opening of the final installment of the Harry Potter series. On nights like these, there's plenty of talk with coworkers because there's practically nothing to do. We had 35 people come in for the last show time, sums up our boredom. One of my coworkers is openly gay, and I have no problem with this. I am by no means homophobic. For some reason everyone on staff got to talking about gay terminology. Thus, everyone was being labeled by the gay guy. When he got to me, he said that I was absolutely gorgeous!

He loves me
My coworkers asked me if I was creeped out about that. To be honest, I don't really care. I think it's funny and a great compliment! I get along just fine with my gay coworker and I think it is good that he is honest about his interests. Besides, it would make for a long, awkward summer if I decided to be intolerant. Also, I can check that off the list now.

I'm actually not surprised that he said this about me. I have gotten the vibe from him before, but not in an oddly weird, strange, deranged way. For example, my first day back on the job I was working with him. I was texting with a girl from school and he came over and asked me if I was texting my girlfriend or my boyfriend. I told him that I most definitely did not have a boyfriend, much to his chagrin.

I also found out that I am working a ton this weekend. I don't know if it's because Harry Potter is coming out or because a lot of people conveniently took work off this weekend. Regardless, I have a great deal of hours. This is good and bad. The good side is that I am going to make money, probably the most in one week so far this summer. The bad side is that I am not going to have much time to study for my final in individual taxation. Looks like I'm going to have to give praying a chance.

I'm going to look on the bright side, though. Given that I'm going to make what I consider bank at this stage in my working life, I've just ordered Batman the Animated Series!! Cannot wait to watch all those great shows again! In the mean time, I'm looking forward to a day full of tax tomorrow. Let's get it!

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