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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Summer Job Chronicles: Is this what I ordered?

In my time working at the movie theater, I have noticed a strange pronunciation of a commonly used word at a theater. The word I am speaking of is popcorn. For some reason, the people around here say pupcorn. I have no idea where this pronunciation of the word came from but it is funny. "Uhhh, yeah, can I have a medium pupcorn?" I always respond to this question by asking if they would like any butter on their POPcorn, strongly emphasizing the POP part of the word. So far though, I don't think anyone has really noticed, at least I have not seen any indication, but they probably just don't care. We sell popcorn, a food made from POPping seeds, not PUPping seeds.

Maybe this is what they really want
I guess we really do learn something everyday. I just did a simple search for pupcorn and I found the picture that I displayed above. Apparently there is a product called pup corn, and who would have guessed, it's for dogs! I'm surprised that we don't get complaints from customers who clearly want this product and we serve them popcorn. That's almost like asking for Coke and getting Pepsi without being warned. Now I feel like a jackass. I guess I could suggest adding this product to our inventory, besides, it is what the people want.

I'm guessing this pronunciation resulted just from the fact that I live in New England and people around here just have weird accents. Especially those directly in my area, they don't like to use the letter "r" in words that it belongs in and then add an "r" on words it has no business in. Can you guess where I''m from?!?!

On a side note, it's time for another plug for the new blog project Retentive Gibberish. I know I just mentioned it in the previous post, but I don't want it to become a complete failure as some previous projects. One that comes to mind was the super friends group, I can't recall the actual name of it, but it was started by fellow blogger Chase Robertson back when we were entering freshman year of college as private Facebook group to keep us all in touch. Let's just say it didn't get much attention and fizzled out rather quickly. I'm not surprised at this result looking back now because I don't think Facebook was made to keep things private. Anyways check it out! There should be solid posts up there soon!

Sweet Myspace reference. Apparently you can't have more than 8 friends.
Speaking of failed projects, that kind of sums up summer and my failure to do much of anything worth noting. Or maybe I'm successful in having done nothing out of the ordinary. But who really cares when there's so much to learn about pupcorn! Also, if you can't tell already, nothing fun has happened at work lately, at least not comparable to the mysterious disappearance of a doll's glasses and the major inconvenience of not accepting credit cards for a few days. So I hope you're pleased with this piece of crap about strange ways of pronouncing common items.


  1. Does this pupcorns business have anything to do with me specifically using it as my plural noun in madlibs?

  2. I was reminded of pupcorn during that session, but the realization has been there for some time. Also, I plan on writing for the new blog soon! Once I get an idea that is. Hopefully I'll have an epiphany!!
