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Monday, July 18, 2011

Summer Job Chronicles: Voldemort is a Dick

July 16, 2011, this date marks the first double I have ever worked. I spent just under twelve glorious hours at the movie theater today, but I can't say that it was a terrible day, I must have earned at least fifty dollars. I was pleasantly surprised at the business level today. I thought that it might be very busy given the release of Harry Potter this weekend, but I think all the diehards went to the midnight showing. Now we're just getting in all the other people that didn't stay up for that. The first section of the day I was on concession and everything was going normal, until the incident occurred.

I was giving some customers some change when I heard yelling and loud noises coming from the lobby where most of the theaters are located. I asked the customers if they saw what happened, but they only heard it, too. After the transaction was finished, I walked over to look out into the lobby to see a very angry white male with a black man attempting to restrain him. The very angry honky was kicking down garbage cans and screaming something about the worst fuck**g movie ever. At first we decided the guy was upset and waited for the black man to settle him down, but this moment never came. It became very apparent that the angry white guy had some mental issues considering how he kept swearing, screaming racial slurs, and attempting to kick and attack the black man and my coworkers that were attempting to restrain him. While violently struggling against everyone restraining him, the angry white guy started to say that Lord Voldemort told him to do it and continued to attempt biting a coworker and stabbing the black man with a pen.

Voldemort, the man behind everything
The crazed white male only stopped fighting the restraint when my coworker told him that he would break his arm if he moved again. During this struggle, my manager called the police, who upon arriving promptly, stood and watched everyone struggle to hold down the white male for a couple minutes before really doing anything. Eventually the man was removed from the movie theater and we found out that he was part of some program and the black man was watching him while he was in public. I don't think he's going to get many privileges after this meltdown. I guess the new Harry Potter movie really upset him.

While the actual movies may upset some customers at the theater, I have noticed many little things that frustrate customers day after day. I find enjoyment in this, probably because I'm a huge asshole, but I don't really care. It's very amusing to watch as customers can't find the door to enter the theater. There's only one door with a handle and the rest say do not enter. I wonder which one I should use? Then there are those people who can never find the restrooms. Trust me, if you look hard enough, you will find one. Even more amusing are the customers who can't find the right theater. It's just too hard to look at the ticket and find the door with the corresponding number on it.

We should probably get these signs on the doors
Well, I guess I should go to bed now, I need to get some rest for the big day tomorrow. I can't wait to take the individual taxation final! Tomorrow night at 6:30, the ass raping begins. At least once it's over I can enjoy summer the way all students should, class-free. Summer classes should be illegal because they suck ass and the regular school year is enough torture. I hate myself for signing up for a summer class, but it's my own fault so I'll take it up the ass. Can't wait for graduation so I can become an unemployed bum!

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