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Saturday, July 2, 2011

Is there an Echo on this Wall?

I just got home from work about an hour ago. It's July 1, at least when I started penning this, and I have come to realize I have not seen any of my friends in about two weeks. Recently my life has been consumed with class and work. Apparently this is what happens when you grow up. I've thought about Never, Never Land, but decided that would be an awful idea because Justin Bieber taught me to never say never. He might be Canadian, but I don't think he would lie to me. Did I mention I saw a guy lick a dollar bill today... multiple times.

I find it rather amusing that in the current culture I am surrounded by, one driven and dependent on technology that keeps people connected, I manage to see very little of the people I would like to. We have the ability to call, text, instant message, and Facebook people. Calls and texts are easily avoidable because the receiver does not have to answer or reply if they don't desire to. I can understand when people don't respond to me because I'm a huge jackass. However, I do know that everyone that I am linked to via cellular phone looks at their phone on a regular basis throughout a day, so I know you get my messages!! I also don't understand what goes on in public bathrooms. Why is there always toilet paper and paper towels everywhere?? Is the floor so repulsive that it must be covered? Just because the floor is white doesn't mean that it's racist... and the paper towels are white, too!!! Instant messaging is a bit outdated now. AIM was so middle school, so I won't rant about acting like an asshole through that medium. Facebook is different though, as much as I hate it, it brings me endless amusement. Facebook is a paradox in my life, I hate it and would love to end my profile's life, but it is an infinite source of hilarity!

In the context of this article, Facebook makes me laugh when you try to use it as a tool to "connect" with people. People are on Facebook twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week. Many people are addicted to it, but the world continues to raise money in an attempt to cure diseases and keep people drug free. What about a cure for Facebook! Anyways, I digest for now. What I wanted to say in the first place, I find it absolutely comical when you write on someone's wall and there is a long delay in response. Typically this response comes after the relevant period of the message you sent. For example:

Me posting on friend's wall: "Hey man! How's it going? Want to hang out this weekend?"
Friend's response on Monday (after the weekend, for those of you who don't get it): "sorry bro, ive been real busy and didnt see this until now but well def need to hang out soon! pce"

Any response like this in a similar situation is bullshit. I know that practically everyone checks their Facebook religiously and many have Facebook connected to their phones. There is no way in hell that someone doesn't see the message until right after it's offer/relevance has expired. I love it though! I cannot explain why, but it's awesome! It's probably because no one is ever too busy for Facebook. When someone tells me they didn't check Facebook for more than one day, I automatically know they are lying. There are some people who don't give a shit, but that's a different story, I know who you are. If you are one of those people who writes statuses that include song lyrics, bitching about life, showing everyone how much of a sports expert you are, or updating everyone about what you do everyday, then you are on Facebook everyday. These are the people that are lying when it comes to the "I was too busy to check Facebook" response. I call bullshit, and you pick up the cards. Is it really that hard to find the theater your movie is playing in? I especially think this is hilarious if it occurs during the school year. My friends are almost exclusively in college now and we all know that college students live on Facebook whether in class or dorm.

This all goes back to my musings on the summer time. The over-hype part of the summer is officially over. Thinking about all the awesome, uber-cool things we can do this summer ended a while ago. We are currently in the phase where nothing happens. Recently my summer has consisted of the following: hanging out by myself, cleaning up other people's shit, getting extremely pissed at video games, hanging out by myself, trying to understand tax, hanging out by myself...

Currently a typical hangout
The summer hasn't been terrible though. Work isn't bad because all the people I work with are real chill and movie-goers are sure entertaining to watch and interact with! Why are so many people against Twitter?  I've kept myself entertained by avidly watching developments in the soccer world. I enjoy seeing who transfers to what team and how that will affect the rest of the leagues. Speaking of soccer, Bolivia managed to tie Argentina 1-1 today in an early Copa America game. Argentina and Barcelona superstar, Lionel Messi, said Argentina was surprised by Bolivia's shitty goal. What an asshole, I can't help but hope that he and Argentina fail to win the competition. While I am a huge supporter of Brazil in soccer, all biases aside, Lionel Messi is not the messiah everyone thinks he is. Bolivia's goal was probably just about as shitty as the majority of his goals. We all know that if Lionel Messi scored the exact same goal, it would be amazing; a true stroke of genius. You can decide for yourself:

I think that my fiends and other people must have the same issues I have with getting people to do things. The first problem is always getting people to respond, and it is definitely bullshit if no response is ever received for a question. "Well, there's a question mark at the end of the sentence............. I'm not going to respond." Or maybe it's just me. Maybe I'm such a jackass that people see I've contacted them and they think, "oh shit!! what the hell does this asshole want?? No matter what, I'm not responding for a while, I'll just tell him I'm busy. It's flawless!!"

Never forget: never say never!! Canada was good for something! Go get that Bieber FEVER!!

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