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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Thought Provoking Ideology

I thoroughly enjoy listening to the vast array of thoughts and ideas provided by one of my suite-mates at school. I'm not surprised he has deep thoughts considering how much he enjoys philosophy. He practically creates his own philosophy which I happen to find quite interesting. I can also say that his philosophy is consistent because I've heard him use the same ideas more than once in arguments, so he does have some sort of method. Whenever he starts off on one of his tangents I always shut up because I'm intrigued to hear what he has to say.  He covers the abstract idea of love, why men and women carry the roles that they do, and why a man should never hit a woman. Although, I think he'd have a very tough time explaining that last one to Nicolas Cage. Also, always remember the Titanic (the movie that is).

One day last school year in the fall semester, my philosophical suite-mate was "droppin' knowledge" on us and I think we should all share this knowledge and reflect upon it.

Girls are like locks, guys are like keys.
A lock that can be opened by any key is garbage, but a key that can open any lock;
Now that's one hell of a key.

You're not Jewish, are you?
I interpret this in one of two ways, the nice way, and the not-so-nice way. The nice interpretation is that a girl who sleeps with any guy is a waste of time, but a guy that can sleep with any girl is the man. Or the not-so-nice interpretation: it is not acceptable for a girl to be a whore, but guys can do whatever the hell they want and it is just fine. What do YOU think?

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