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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

On the Subject of Girlfriends and Dating

At this stage in my life, about a month away from entering senior year of college, I am one of few people I know of in my group of friends who has never had a girlfriend. I have realized this very much recently because many times over the summer people I haven't seen in a while have asked me if I have a girlfriend at the moment. I guess everyone is just very interested in this topic, so here's my story! Most of my friends have been involved in a relationship, some have had many, others just one, but either way these relationships usually break down. A lot of the time I think these relationships don't last because the timing is bad. I never dated as a teen, but I think that age is almost too young. I don't think anyone at that age really knows what they want, that's why I have waited thus far. I never wanted to get involved in a relationship that didn't have a chance of going anywhere, what fun would that be?

Who wants this to happen!? Except for Simon of course...
I have had my fair chance to start relationships or go on dates, some of which are very comical, at least I think so. Last summer I was given phone numbers by three girls while at work. I haven't been able to keep pace so far this year, having not reeled in one yet, but there's still some summer left! Anyways, while getting these girls numbers was intriguing and certainly entertaining, I'm rather certain these young ladies were a bit too young. I wouldn't be surprised if they thought I was only a little older than them considering on of my coworkers this year thought I was nineteen and was rather surprised when I told her I was 21. I guess I look young for my age, but I'm not complaining. The reason I say the girls were too young is very simple. I received two of the numbers at the same time from a group of friends, who politely left me their digits on straws. One of the straws even had a message on it that read "So and So is Hot!" I won't write the name for privacy reasons, I'm not that much of an asshole. I still have the straw if you don't believe me. I noticed this group of friends after they got out of their movie. I watched them leave the theater and enter a car clearly driven by a parent. That was when I thought I probably shouldn't go there.

When's he going to call?
The other girl whose phone number I received I'm not as sure about, regarding age that is. I was speaking to two friends from high school who were one year behind me when all of a sudden this other girl started speaking to me. I had never seen this girl before, at least not that I could remember, but she sure knew who I was. She told me she recognized me as the guy that ran the hurdles in high school. I guess my fame must have stretched a bit further than I realized because I really had no idea who the girl was. The conversation lasted for a little while, but she wasn't in my concession line so it got cut off when she got to the front of the line. However, she came back to me later to get a drink, but looking back on it, I'm sure that wasn't why she really came back. I didn't think anything of it at the time, until later that week when I was leaving work and this other girl who I'd never seen stopped me and talked to me about the girl from the other night. This girl told me that the one I was speaking with the previous night was her cousin and then proceeded to give me her cousin's number. Let's just say that nothing came of this.

Are you old enough?
Well, that was all good and fun, but I have had some much more serious opportunities. As I said before, I just don't think high school dating leads to much but trouble and hurt feelings. Exceptions always exist, it is possible to have a successful high school relationship, but I think the vast majority end with the two people not liking one another very much. As a result of this thinking I never tried to date anyone in high school, nor did I have any inclination to attend prom, so I never went to that either. I could have done both, but I just didn't want any of the complications that come with dating and prom, not at that age anyways. I think that waiting until you are more mature to date is the way to go, especially following high school because it is at that time that you gain full independence and discover who you and other people truly are. Of course there is always an exception, though. There is one girl who I met in high school that I liked a great deal. I kept in touch with her for about a year after I graduated, but since then I haven't had much communication unfortunately.

Currently I am in an intriguing situation with one of my friends from college. She has hinted many times at having a relationship with me. Yes, I have noticed and when I come to think about it, I think it's been happening since the end of the previous school year, but I hadn't put it together at that point. At the beginning the hints were very subtle, I remember going to the bookstore to pick up a book with her and she referred to the rendezvous as "going on a date." Probably sounds silly to you, but given the circumstances and previous interaction, things I could never portray in words, it makes sense. Did I mention that she had a boyfriend at the time? Anyways, she came to our home track meet this past outdoor season and somehow we began talking about my parents, who were present at the meet, which is probably how they came up in the first place. What happened next always makes me laugh when I think about it. She asked me if she could meet my parents and I said of course. She proceeded to tell me that I should introduce her as my girlfriend! Then she grabbed my arm and said we could practice first. It was certainly a good time to say the least.

Some of my friends have told me that they are very interested to see who my girlfriend is in the future. Well, I still don't know when that time will come, but there is certainly potential. I have to do it at some point, I don't want to be lonely, but at the same time I don't like rushing into things, especially of great magnitude. I want to find the right person. So now you can wait in suspense for updates!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Summer Job Chronicles: Look at My Friends

I got called into work today because one of my coworkers called out, but had no plans so I didn't really mind. Besides there's nothing wrong with making a little extra money. The day went by smoothly and rather boringly, except for a brief moment of entertainment around the middle of the shift. I was just minding my business helping a customer when I noticed a woman enter the theater with two large items. My attention was drawn to the two items she had under each arm and I realized she was carrying two blow up dolls. Yes, the woman brought in two sex toys with her.

We go everywhere together
The mother that I was serving looked very alarmed, with just cause. I just told her that I didn't understand either. I still really don't know what exactly was going on, but I caught small bits and pieces of the conversation she was having at the manager's kiosk. However what I was hearing didn't make much sense to me, but then again, many people are just flat out weird. I thought I heard the lady with the two blow up dolls say something about putting the dolls in the seats next to her so she would look fat. I don't know if that is what she wanted, but that's what I heard. What a strange lady. I don't think she ended up going to a movie though, I saw her walk outside with dolls and I never saw her come back in. I don't think I could have missed those dolls though, so I'm rather certain she didn't bring them into a theater with her. But still, what the hell?

This weekend is also the release of Captain America, which is another piece to the whole Avengers craze in film recently. Just like all the other movies that are related to the Avengers there is a small sneak peak at the end of Captain America, and I have to say its placement is extremely annoying. The Avengers sneak peak is all the way at the end of the credits. When we go clean up the theater that Captain America is playing in, we have to wait forever for all the people to leave because they have to sit there and wait for the minute-long preview that probably isn't even worth staying for because it doesn't tell you anything you don't already know. What? There's going to be an Avengers movie? And Captain America is going to be in it? Thanks for putting the sneak peak all the way at the end of the credits you assholes.

Holy shit! Are these things still going?
Maybe that woman had the right idea, bring blow up dolls so you have something to do while you're waiting for the credits to finish. At least that might get you close to the end of the never-ending scrolling words. When are filmmakers going to put everyone who watches the movies into the credits to recognize them for watching? You must give credit where it is due. Well, I have a nine hour shift tomorrow, who knows what zany activity I'll see!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Fighting the Epidemic

With all the search for cures for the horrible diseases backed by millions of dollars of research, I find it surprising that there is no effort to fund the great exploration to defeat the fat monster. Almost everyday I hear about how Americans are fat. Yes, this is true, but does it really matter? If you are unhappy about your weight, then yes, you should do something about it. However, if you're overweight, but happy and content, why change? I think it is a lifestyle choice, some people enjoy physical activity and others would rather sit around all day. If I remember right, fat used to be the way to go because that meant that you didn't have to do shit due to your power. Again, this is a way of life. Actually, upon further consideration, completely disregard what I just said.

What's going on?! Why is all our money for research going to find the cure for cancer and AIDS?! I thought we all knew that the most important problem in the United States is obesity! We're the punchline for fat jokes worldwide and Dr. Phil can't stop the pain all by himself.

With so many fat people in one location on the earth, it is only a matter of time until the United States begins to sink into the ocean. At least we can take solace in the fast food restaurants' push to serve healthier food. There's nothing better than almost instantly prepared food that is good for you. Through extensive research of a Subway napkin, I found that Subway is much healthier than McDonald's and Burger King. Given this information, it is clear that McDonald's and Burger King are to blame for fat America. Who thought it was acceptable to sell sandwiches with over 500 calories? I don't know who you should believe, fast food places or Subway's napkins because they seem to contradict one another. I hope we get to the bottom of this quickly, but how are people supposed to stay fit after eating and returning to their sedentary jobs? Americans are gaining weight because their calorie intake is greater than their calorie expenditure. I know that's a hard concept to conceive, not everyone is a nutrition guru.

McDonald's, Burger King, and other guilty fast food restaurants must be unaware that obesity can lead to heart disease, stroke, and breast cancer. Fast food restaurants wouldn't sell cheap, unhealthy food just to turn a large profit. A two-pronged attack on obesity is a must. Fast food industries must be educated and individuals, led by Dr. Phil, must lose the weight. Action has already begun and the United States is already looking to the future and investing in the country's youth. There is a movement to take obese children away from parents. This operation sounds like a great idea, it will help get America's youth back to a healthy weight and teach parents a lesson. Parents love fast food for the same reason they love Walmart, it's cheap and convenient.

Speaking of obese children, I remember going to the movies about a year and a half ago. I went with some of my roommates from school and while we were waiting in line to get some POPcorn we spotted a particularly disturbing looking child. This kid was so fat that he looked like one of the humans in the movie WALL-E (if you haven't seen it, see it now because it's amazing!). I have no idea how this child could walk, actually, I don't know if he could walk. He was sitting down stuffing his face the whole time we were in line. Dr. Phil along with his Subway napkin could sure teach that child's parents a great deal.

I haven't seen my junk in years
The current wave of fatness should not be taken lightly, in fact, why don't we just make it illegal. If it's such a huge epidemic and we seriously fear for the people of our future we should just make it against the law. Just like murder fat is taking the lives of people. If these people can't clean up their act, throw them in jail where they can spend all their time lifting weights, getting in shape, and avoid being ass-raped. If we don't act on this soon, it won't be long before we're overtaken by fat.

And when we say somewhere else, we mean jail

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

An Unprecedented Event: First Vlog!

I'm finally done with Individual Taxation, the bane of my existence for the past two months!! In celebration of this historic moment, I bring to you the first vlog (video log for those who don't get it) in the history of Sycophantic Laughter. While I'm not sure how often I'll actually vlog in the future, let it be known that vlogs are now in the mix. Given my lack of editing software, no external hard drive, and only a digital camera, my vlogging is at a very primitive stage. However, something very awesome arrived in the mail today that totally offset the fact that I had to endure one last test. Find out what it was by watching the video!

If you noticed the slight pause after I begin to cut open the box, that was because I realized when I cut the tape on the box I accidentally cut the wristband part of my camera. Now I can't have it safely wrapped around my wrist, sad face. It probably wasn't worth the effort to make this video, but I don't care. I had a relatively good time doing it. Besides, this video could amass 5 whole views!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Summer Job Chronicles: Voldemort is a Dick

July 16, 2011, this date marks the first double I have ever worked. I spent just under twelve glorious hours at the movie theater today, but I can't say that it was a terrible day, I must have earned at least fifty dollars. I was pleasantly surprised at the business level today. I thought that it might be very busy given the release of Harry Potter this weekend, but I think all the diehards went to the midnight showing. Now we're just getting in all the other people that didn't stay up for that. The first section of the day I was on concession and everything was going normal, until the incident occurred.

I was giving some customers some change when I heard yelling and loud noises coming from the lobby where most of the theaters are located. I asked the customers if they saw what happened, but they only heard it, too. After the transaction was finished, I walked over to look out into the lobby to see a very angry white male with a black man attempting to restrain him. The very angry honky was kicking down garbage cans and screaming something about the worst fuck**g movie ever. At first we decided the guy was upset and waited for the black man to settle him down, but this moment never came. It became very apparent that the angry white guy had some mental issues considering how he kept swearing, screaming racial slurs, and attempting to kick and attack the black man and my coworkers that were attempting to restrain him. While violently struggling against everyone restraining him, the angry white guy started to say that Lord Voldemort told him to do it and continued to attempt biting a coworker and stabbing the black man with a pen.

Voldemort, the man behind everything
The crazed white male only stopped fighting the restraint when my coworker told him that he would break his arm if he moved again. During this struggle, my manager called the police, who upon arriving promptly, stood and watched everyone struggle to hold down the white male for a couple minutes before really doing anything. Eventually the man was removed from the movie theater and we found out that he was part of some program and the black man was watching him while he was in public. I don't think he's going to get many privileges after this meltdown. I guess the new Harry Potter movie really upset him.

While the actual movies may upset some customers at the theater, I have noticed many little things that frustrate customers day after day. I find enjoyment in this, probably because I'm a huge asshole, but I don't really care. It's very amusing to watch as customers can't find the door to enter the theater. There's only one door with a handle and the rest say do not enter. I wonder which one I should use? Then there are those people who can never find the restrooms. Trust me, if you look hard enough, you will find one. Even more amusing are the customers who can't find the right theater. It's just too hard to look at the ticket and find the door with the corresponding number on it.

We should probably get these signs on the doors
Well, I guess I should go to bed now, I need to get some rest for the big day tomorrow. I can't wait to take the individual taxation final! Tomorrow night at 6:30, the ass raping begins. At least once it's over I can enjoy summer the way all students should, class-free. Summer classes should be illegal because they suck ass and the regular school year is enough torture. I hate myself for signing up for a summer class, but it's my own fault so I'll take it up the ass. Can't wait for graduation so I can become an unemployed bum!

Friday, July 15, 2011

We're the Best, No Exceptions

I feel that a dark fog has recently engulfed the sport that I enjoy most. Simply stated, I do not like the current installment of Barcelona. I dislike them not for their success as they are truly a wonderful soccer team, definitely one of the greatest of all time. What bothers me about them is the aura that surrounds the team. If something good is said about any other team, it must immediately be acknowledged that Barcelona is better. No exceptions are allowed, Barcelona has to be known as the best or else the players and fans will cry together as one tragic symphony.

Personally, I think that the Barcelona team of the mid 2000s was much more entertaining to watch. That was during the time when Ronaldinho was at his peak and he had the explosive Samuel Eto'o and a young, aspiring superstar in Lionel Messi. Today's Barcelona squad consists primarily of the Spanish national team with Messi, creating Spain on steroids. When you see the names on this Barcelona team you would think it is exciting to watch. However, I find their style of play quite boring. To me, it looks like they are just playing keep away from the other team, waiting for them to fall asleep so Messi can dribble by all of them and tuck the ball by a helpless goalkeeper. Now that's what I call entertainment! I know the statistics are staggering, Xavi and Iniesta pass the ball with a 99.99999% success rate, but is it really that hard when most of their passes are practically risk-free?

Now here's an exciting team

Barcelona's play style makes it incredibly difficult for the opposition to gain much possession. This is Barcelona playing to the strength of the players it has, which I have no problem with, but it does mean that they are going to have about 65-70% of possession in almost all of the games they have. I am always greatly disturbed every time Barcelona plays Real Madrid because of the ongoing argument about who is the best player in the world, Lionel Messi or Cristiano Ronaldo. The majority of soccer fans seem to believe that Messi is currently the world's best, and with plenty of reason. However, I grow increasingly tired of using Barcelona versus Real Madrid games as a point of argument. Everyone always speaks about how Cristiano Ronaldo doesn't show up in big games, like those against Barcelona. What do you expect CR7 to do when Barcelona has the ball all the time? I guess Cristiano Ronaldo is expected to make an impact on the game when he doesn't have the ball.

Did Messi score without the ball?
Don't get me wrong, Barcelona deserved all the success they had during the 2010-2011 season. They dominated La Liga and played very well in the Champions League, capping it off with a 3-1 win over Manchester United, which was a more entertaining game than I expected. Although I'm still bothered by the way everyone is on Messi's nuts (the little genius), but I'll rant about that later. With Barcelona winning it all in the domestic league and Europe's most prized soccer tournament, Barcelona's current squad is arguably the greatest of all time. But look back only as far as last year. Inter Milan's 2009-2010 campaign resulted in more trophies as the team won the treble, bringing home the domestic league title, the domestic cup title, and the Champions League trophy. I do realize that Barcelona accomplished this feat very recently, too, but the style with which Inter won the Champions League is incredible. Inter Milan knocked out Chelsea (champions of England), Barcelona (champions of Spain), and beat Bayern Munich (champions of Germany) in the final. Inter knocked out the champions of three of the best leagues in the world and won the Italian league which is high up on the rankings as well. That is one heck of a year and maybe it should go down as one of the most historic seasons in soccer history. I do realize that in the previous season Barcelona won many trophies and capped it all off with a great Champions League triumph, but Inter's run was simply magnificent, headed by my favorite coach of all time, Jose Mourinho.

I'm the greatest of all time, and I know it
Mourinho is now part of the Barcelona and Real Madrid clash, given that he is Real Madrid's current coach. I was a little sad when Barcelona still managed to win La Liga this season ahead of Real Madrid, but I still think Mourinho's first campaign at the head in Madrid was successful. I have no doubt that the Special One can give Barcelona a good run and hopefully manage to pull ahead of the defending champions this coming season, and if we're lucky, maybe Victor Valdes will try to restrain Mourinho from celebrating again.

I'm a very strange sports fan, in that I don't necessarily have a great deal of favorite teams. I am more a fan of certain players and how they play the game and carry themselves. This is why I dislike the current Barcelona team. I used to be a Barcelona supporter back when they had Rivaldo and Patrick Kluivert. I just do not enjoy watching the current installment of Barcelona play. All the passing back and forth, sometimes with very little effort to go forward, gets dull. Even when Barcelona wins games 5-0 the play is very choppy. I don't understand how Jose Mourinho's Inter team can be criticized for playing solid defense, yet Pep Guardiola's Barcelona is praised for playing keep away.

Another thing that bothers me about Barcelona is Lionel Messi. I think he is an absolutely fantastic player and is exciting to watch. I like it when he gets the ball because he usually tries to go forward and relentlessly attack the goal. What bothers me is the media around him. The media is always hyping up how the "little genius" is the greatest. I don't doubt that he is currently the greatest player in the game, but it annoys me how he's always compared to Diego Maradona. These comparisons are only made because both are Argentinian.

I'm on drugs and I use my hands!
I think the argument is taken back too many years. We only need to look back to the late nineties and we can see that Messi isn't even the best South American to play for Barcelona. Ronaldo, Il Fenomeno, was better than Messi. Ronaldo was faster, dominated keepers, and beat entire defenses on his own in his one year at Barcelona in the 96-97 season. Ronaldo also scored a great deal of goals in the ultra defensive Italian league despite many injuries. I don't understand why the debate about the greatest soccer player of all time always starts with Pele and Maradona. Ronaldo was simply better.

Greatest of all time
Barcelona is an exceptional team and I respect what the club has done. Winning countless trophies and consideration as one of the greatest teams of all time is nothing to take lightly. I just wish the media would stop representing them as a club that can do no wrong headed by its little genius. All other clubs take a seat behind Barcelona, and if Barcelona is knocked out of a tournament, they must have been wronged. When the day comes that Barcelona does not look like the Spanish national team and they open up play more, I might once again support Barcelona.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Summer Job Chronicles: Stunning Compliment

Just got back from another wonderful night at the cinema. July 13, 2011, not much activity going down, it's the quiet before the mad rush this coming weekend with the opening of the final installment of the Harry Potter series. On nights like these, there's plenty of talk with coworkers because there's practically nothing to do. We had 35 people come in for the last show time, sums up our boredom. One of my coworkers is openly gay, and I have no problem with this. I am by no means homophobic. For some reason everyone on staff got to talking about gay terminology. Thus, everyone was being labeled by the gay guy. When he got to me, he said that I was absolutely gorgeous!

He loves me
My coworkers asked me if I was creeped out about that. To be honest, I don't really care. I think it's funny and a great compliment! I get along just fine with my gay coworker and I think it is good that he is honest about his interests. Besides, it would make for a long, awkward summer if I decided to be intolerant. Also, I can check that off the list now.

I'm actually not surprised that he said this about me. I have gotten the vibe from him before, but not in an oddly weird, strange, deranged way. For example, my first day back on the job I was working with him. I was texting with a girl from school and he came over and asked me if I was texting my girlfriend or my boyfriend. I told him that I most definitely did not have a boyfriend, much to his chagrin.

I also found out that I am working a ton this weekend. I don't know if it's because Harry Potter is coming out or because a lot of people conveniently took work off this weekend. Regardless, I have a great deal of hours. This is good and bad. The good side is that I am going to make money, probably the most in one week so far this summer. The bad side is that I am not going to have much time to study for my final in individual taxation. Looks like I'm going to have to give praying a chance.

I'm going to look on the bright side, though. Given that I'm going to make what I consider bank at this stage in my working life, I've just ordered Batman the Animated Series!! Cannot wait to watch all those great shows again! In the mean time, I'm looking forward to a day full of tax tomorrow. Let's get it!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Summer Job Chronicles: Is this what I ordered?

In my time working at the movie theater, I have noticed a strange pronunciation of a commonly used word at a theater. The word I am speaking of is popcorn. For some reason, the people around here say pupcorn. I have no idea where this pronunciation of the word came from but it is funny. "Uhhh, yeah, can I have a medium pupcorn?" I always respond to this question by asking if they would like any butter on their POPcorn, strongly emphasizing the POP part of the word. So far though, I don't think anyone has really noticed, at least I have not seen any indication, but they probably just don't care. We sell popcorn, a food made from POPping seeds, not PUPping seeds.

Maybe this is what they really want
I guess we really do learn something everyday. I just did a simple search for pupcorn and I found the picture that I displayed above. Apparently there is a product called pup corn, and who would have guessed, it's for dogs! I'm surprised that we don't get complaints from customers who clearly want this product and we serve them popcorn. That's almost like asking for Coke and getting Pepsi without being warned. Now I feel like a jackass. I guess I could suggest adding this product to our inventory, besides, it is what the people want.

I'm guessing this pronunciation resulted just from the fact that I live in New England and people around here just have weird accents. Especially those directly in my area, they don't like to use the letter "r" in words that it belongs in and then add an "r" on words it has no business in. Can you guess where I''m from?!?!

On a side note, it's time for another plug for the new blog project Retentive Gibberish. I know I just mentioned it in the previous post, but I don't want it to become a complete failure as some previous projects. One that comes to mind was the super friends group, I can't recall the actual name of it, but it was started by fellow blogger Chase Robertson back when we were entering freshman year of college as private Facebook group to keep us all in touch. Let's just say it didn't get much attention and fizzled out rather quickly. I'm not surprised at this result looking back now because I don't think Facebook was made to keep things private. Anyways check it out! There should be solid posts up there soon!

Sweet Myspace reference. Apparently you can't have more than 8 friends.
Speaking of failed projects, that kind of sums up summer and my failure to do much of anything worth noting. Or maybe I'm successful in having done nothing out of the ordinary. But who really cares when there's so much to learn about pupcorn! Also, if you can't tell already, nothing fun has happened at work lately, at least not comparable to the mysterious disappearance of a doll's glasses and the major inconvenience of not accepting credit cards for a few days. So I hope you're pleased with this piece of crap about strange ways of pronouncing common items.

Thought Provoking Ideology

I thoroughly enjoy listening to the vast array of thoughts and ideas provided by one of my suite-mates at school. I'm not surprised he has deep thoughts considering how much he enjoys philosophy. He practically creates his own philosophy which I happen to find quite interesting. I can also say that his philosophy is consistent because I've heard him use the same ideas more than once in arguments, so he does have some sort of method. Whenever he starts off on one of his tangents I always shut up because I'm intrigued to hear what he has to say.  He covers the abstract idea of love, why men and women carry the roles that they do, and why a man should never hit a woman. Although, I think he'd have a very tough time explaining that last one to Nicolas Cage. Also, always remember the Titanic (the movie that is).

One day last school year in the fall semester, my philosophical suite-mate was "droppin' knowledge" on us and I think we should all share this knowledge and reflect upon it.

Girls are like locks, guys are like keys.
A lock that can be opened by any key is garbage, but a key that can open any lock;
Now that's one hell of a key.

You're not Jewish, are you?
I interpret this in one of two ways, the nice way, and the not-so-nice way. The nice interpretation is that a girl who sleeps with any guy is a waste of time, but a guy that can sleep with any girl is the man. Or the not-so-nice interpretation: it is not acceptable for a girl to be a whore, but guys can do whatever the hell they want and it is just fine. What do YOU think?

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Arrival of a New Era!

Fiction has become fact! The highly anticipated masterpiece that is world peace has been engineered! Well, actually it hasn't, but I think we can all help achieve this goal by abiding by the wise words of Gandhi: Be the change you want to see in the world. After all, we have all been schooled on how well that worked for Hitler!

No reason to be sad though, while world peace is still at large, my friends and I have brought you the next best thing: a conjoined blog! Check out Retentive Gibberish for the best stuff on the web! This is the beginning of a wonderfully compiled symphony, so take a break from porn, give the hand a rest, and allow us to entertain you.

Friday, July 8, 2011

The Time Has Come

I came across my high school yearbook the other day and merely tossed it aside, but then I decided to take a glance at what was once my life. My initial thoughts on high school mainly consisted of how I was glad I won't have to go through that experience again. I don't think I could handle the six hour days of monotony. Sitting in various classrooms five days each week forced to do busy work or risk the label of a slacker who will not succeed in life. But then I remembered all the good times that occurred within the walls of that failing building that gracious enough to provide me with secondary education.

Personally, each year of high school was better than the last, ending with a senior year that was by far my favorite of the four years. I always need a little time to get adjusted to new settings, but I'm probably mostly going to relate to senior year here because it was great! Maybe at some point I will come back to the whole high school thing and create a timeline of some sort to document what I can remember from that time in my life, but no promises. Anyways, one of the first thoughts that comes to mind when reminiscing about high school is all the people I met. Some were great and I still keep in touch with them, while others I could care less that I haven't spoken to them since graduation.
The first thing I noticed when beginning the journey through the year book was obviously the cover. The title of the book reads: The Time Has Come. I think that means that the time has come to graduate, but we all know that it really means the time has come to get the hell out of this shitty place and go on to better, much more meaningful things. Well, at least that's what it's supposed to mean, but I'm quite certain that where I went to high school, those years were the highlight of many of my classmates lives. I know it sounds very sad, but it's true. My high school is a classic example of the big fish in a small pond saying. But enough with the negatives, at least for now. I just think the title of our yearbook is comical. The next thing I noticed was the messages from classmates who signed my yearbook. Thankfully I can say that people only had good things to say to me, unless they were lying of course, but I'll never know, so I don't give a shit. It's funny to read the messages and comments now because it puts me back to that time of my life.
There are lots of comments that revolve around the fact that my family was moving out to California for a while. In the end, I only ended up actually going there for two winter breaks, but I guess that means I barely ever came back to my hometown for about eight or nine months for those first two years away at college. Now I'm back home writing this stupid shit. Some other comments mention seeing me in the Olympics someday. Those are classic because I'm not really that good at track, I just ran against a bunch of people who were much worse than me. Don't get me wrong, I had a phenomenal time doing it, but there are just lots of other athletes who are much better than me. Other comments remind me of all the good times we had in high school, such as the nonstop fun my friends and I had in "economics" senior year. There are also some about physics class, I remember spending countless hours trying to do that stuff. My advice for anyone taking advanced physics courses: don't forget to divide by the mass of the earth! (inside joke)

I had one person give me their phone was from a guy, and no he is not gay, at least as far as I know..... I just think that is funny on many different levels and deserves to be shared with the plethora of readers I have. I proceeded onto the pages at the beginning of the yearbook dedicated to the seniors. My favorite part of the biographies to look at is the future ambitions section. Most of my classmates wrote serious things about being happy and successful. My future ambition was a complete joke. Obviously everyone wants happiness, success, and all those wonderful things, but what else do you want? One person did say that they had no goals in life, I give that ambition props because it's funny! Oh yeah, I almost forgot, one of the best things about looking through yearbooks is laughing at all the hideous photos that are in it! Some people take horrible pictures and I love it! I also didn't realize how many people in my graduating class I don't know. I guess I just won't feel as bad if I laugh at them.

Then came the class celebrities, those are always fun to look at. I still remember when my dad was looking at this part and he came across the best dressed section. He looked at it and said to me, "best dressed, do they vote for whoever dresses most like a gang member?" Besides that, I don't have much to say about this section, it's mostly a popularity contest, but then again, what isn't in high school? I actually don't have much else to say about the yearbook in general. Although it is funny to experience the affinity for the shitty high school football program that we have. I still have no idea why everyone cares so much if our team beats our rival each Thanksgiving, it's not like it actually means anything. I should be ashamed to say that, after all, it is the highlight of some people's lives. Shame on me.

The rest of the book is filled with pictures captioned with very generic, unimaginative phrases. The sports section highlights what is the pinnacle of most student's athletic careers, culminating in the glory of participating on the varsity squad. I guess the rest of the yearbook just flat out bores me until I get to the end to read the last few messages written by friends. Looking back on my high school years, it was the people that surrounded me that defined my experience. I did have a lot of great friends and was fortunate enough to meet many great people. While I did come in contact with many sleazeballs and sketchy people, I have to say that at least 25% of the people I went to school with were great! I'm also probably never going to a class reunion, simply because I don't really care. I'm in contact with the important people and I'm not interested in which of my classmates are getting married to each other. I don't even understand why reunions are even necessary anymore with today's social media and the fact that practically everyone goes to the same state college. But then again, I don't understand a lot of things. What goes around comes around. Holy shit this blog post is dragging on, I do understand why no one reads my crap!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Exciting Developments!

I'm uber-excited about the prospect of starting a joined blog with my good friend Chase Robertson!!! We also plan on attempting to get some other friends involved in this project and have merry blog adventures!With multiple people contributing to one mother blog the possibilities are endless! I'm getting excited thinking about the diversity we can encompass together!! I grow tired about not really knowing what's going on in my good friend's lives, but this blog can be the final solution! #GetAtMe
I don't understand why blogging isn't more popular. Or maybe it is and I'm just too stupid to know, but I'm certainly new to the whole blogging thing. Even though I know that barely anyone reads all the crap I write, I still think it is absolutely (as Barry Feinstein would say) worth it. I find it very satisfying to state my opinions, share my ideas, and bitch about things no one else cares about! Hopefully if this joined blog becomes reality, my friends and I can garner some hits. Hell, maybe we'll get famous!!!

Another thing I'm excited about is Batman! As a young child growing up, trying to find my place in the world, I was an avid Batman fan. By far Batman was and still is my favorite superhero. Batman is so awesome because he beats the shit out of people using his bare hands! Also, the Batman animated series that was on in the nineties was amazing! I loved that show and really hope that I get a chance to watch some, if not all of it, again sometime soon. More specifically, I am ecstatic about the sequel to the video game Batman Arkham Asylum coming out this October! The new installment is called Batman Arkham City and the early trailers I have seen look magnificent!! Beating thugs to a pulp as the caped crusader never gets stale!

But wait, there's even more Batman excitement! The next Christopher Nolan Batman film is scheduled for release on July 20, 2012. That's only a little over one year from now! I enjoyed Nolan's first two Batman films, and I see no reason to suspect that this one will be any different. Nolan's depictions of Gotham City and Batman have been a breath of fresh air compared to the not so great films released in the nineties. I still enjoyed those films as a young boy, but I do realize now that they were not actually very good movies. However, I didn't give a shit at the time and that's great because I loved Batman all the same!

This show was soooo good!!
Another exciting event that should be taking place within the next year is graduation. Pending any issues that I really hope do not arise, I should finish earning a bachelor's degree at the end of next school year. This is a perplexing situation because it's great to graduate, but then what do I do next? Going through life has been straight forward, after each school year there is always another one a few months away. This could be the case if I decide to stay on for some graduate schooling, but who knows what's going to happen at this point in time. I am very intrigued about going into the "real world." I guess schooling is just some huge fantasy land or something. I'm rather certain I have never attended Hogwarts though. Maybe I'm just delusional, but at least I'm happy!

2012 is also the year for the next Summer Olympics! As a track runner, I'm extremely excited about the summer games! I love watching the fastest people in the world go at it! Usain Bolt will be back to defend his titles and look to break his own world records. I hope to see the United States continue its dominance in the 400 hurdles. It should be quite a show to watch! I am also glad that it is in London because at least the time difference isn't too great. I know there won't be any events going off at ludicrous times.

There is actually quite a bit to look forward to and I didn't even mention Mad Libs! Hopefully one of the sections in the joint blog can be a best of Mad Libs! Anyways, the near future holds many things to get excited about, I hope you share my enthusiasm!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Is there an Echo on this Wall?

I just got home from work about an hour ago. It's July 1, at least when I started penning this, and I have come to realize I have not seen any of my friends in about two weeks. Recently my life has been consumed with class and work. Apparently this is what happens when you grow up. I've thought about Never, Never Land, but decided that would be an awful idea because Justin Bieber taught me to never say never. He might be Canadian, but I don't think he would lie to me. Did I mention I saw a guy lick a dollar bill today... multiple times.

I find it rather amusing that in the current culture I am surrounded by, one driven and dependent on technology that keeps people connected, I manage to see very little of the people I would like to. We have the ability to call, text, instant message, and Facebook people. Calls and texts are easily avoidable because the receiver does not have to answer or reply if they don't desire to. I can understand when people don't respond to me because I'm a huge jackass. However, I do know that everyone that I am linked to via cellular phone looks at their phone on a regular basis throughout a day, so I know you get my messages!! I also don't understand what goes on in public bathrooms. Why is there always toilet paper and paper towels everywhere?? Is the floor so repulsive that it must be covered? Just because the floor is white doesn't mean that it's racist... and the paper towels are white, too!!! Instant messaging is a bit outdated now. AIM was so middle school, so I won't rant about acting like an asshole through that medium. Facebook is different though, as much as I hate it, it brings me endless amusement. Facebook is a paradox in my life, I hate it and would love to end my profile's life, but it is an infinite source of hilarity!

In the context of this article, Facebook makes me laugh when you try to use it as a tool to "connect" with people. People are on Facebook twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week. Many people are addicted to it, but the world continues to raise money in an attempt to cure diseases and keep people drug free. What about a cure for Facebook! Anyways, I digest for now. What I wanted to say in the first place, I find it absolutely comical when you write on someone's wall and there is a long delay in response. Typically this response comes after the relevant period of the message you sent. For example:

Me posting on friend's wall: "Hey man! How's it going? Want to hang out this weekend?"
Friend's response on Monday (after the weekend, for those of you who don't get it): "sorry bro, ive been real busy and didnt see this until now but well def need to hang out soon! pce"

Any response like this in a similar situation is bullshit. I know that practically everyone checks their Facebook religiously and many have Facebook connected to their phones. There is no way in hell that someone doesn't see the message until right after it's offer/relevance has expired. I love it though! I cannot explain why, but it's awesome! It's probably because no one is ever too busy for Facebook. When someone tells me they didn't check Facebook for more than one day, I automatically know they are lying. There are some people who don't give a shit, but that's a different story, I know who you are. If you are one of those people who writes statuses that include song lyrics, bitching about life, showing everyone how much of a sports expert you are, or updating everyone about what you do everyday, then you are on Facebook everyday. These are the people that are lying when it comes to the "I was too busy to check Facebook" response. I call bullshit, and you pick up the cards. Is it really that hard to find the theater your movie is playing in? I especially think this is hilarious if it occurs during the school year. My friends are almost exclusively in college now and we all know that college students live on Facebook whether in class or dorm.

This all goes back to my musings on the summer time. The over-hype part of the summer is officially over. Thinking about all the awesome, uber-cool things we can do this summer ended a while ago. We are currently in the phase where nothing happens. Recently my summer has consisted of the following: hanging out by myself, cleaning up other people's shit, getting extremely pissed at video games, hanging out by myself, trying to understand tax, hanging out by myself...

Currently a typical hangout
The summer hasn't been terrible though. Work isn't bad because all the people I work with are real chill and movie-goers are sure entertaining to watch and interact with! Why are so many people against Twitter?  I've kept myself entertained by avidly watching developments in the soccer world. I enjoy seeing who transfers to what team and how that will affect the rest of the leagues. Speaking of soccer, Bolivia managed to tie Argentina 1-1 today in an early Copa America game. Argentina and Barcelona superstar, Lionel Messi, said Argentina was surprised by Bolivia's shitty goal. What an asshole, I can't help but hope that he and Argentina fail to win the competition. While I am a huge supporter of Brazil in soccer, all biases aside, Lionel Messi is not the messiah everyone thinks he is. Bolivia's goal was probably just about as shitty as the majority of his goals. We all know that if Lionel Messi scored the exact same goal, it would be amazing; a true stroke of genius. You can decide for yourself:

I think that my fiends and other people must have the same issues I have with getting people to do things. The first problem is always getting people to respond, and it is definitely bullshit if no response is ever received for a question. "Well, there's a question mark at the end of the sentence............. I'm not going to respond." Or maybe it's just me. Maybe I'm such a jackass that people see I've contacted them and they think, "oh shit!! what the hell does this asshole want?? No matter what, I'm not responding for a while, I'll just tell him I'm busy. It's flawless!!"

Never forget: never say never!! Canada was good for something! Go get that Bieber FEVER!!