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Monday, August 29, 2011

Summer Job Chronicles: Good Bye (for now at least)

This past Friday, August, 26 marked my last day of work for the summer. I will probably bid my farewell later this upcoming week when I go in to pick up a check, hooray for money! This is the third time that I have left the movie theater for school, but this time has a very different feel. I'm not sure if I will return to work there ever again because I really hope I find something else upon graduating from college. However, I guess I could work over winter break if I so desired, but who knows what will actually happen.

With all the bizarre stories I have told from my place of employment this summer, I was not disappointed on my penultimate day of work. No big, extraordinary event took place, but my fellow usher and I were patiently waiting for the new Spy Kids movie to finish we noticed something very peculiar when the first person exited the theater. The first guy to come out looked like he was middle-aged and was definitely in the movie all by himself because he exited alone followed by another family who comprised of the entire audience viewing the film. What was strange about the man that exited was not the way he looked nor the way he dressed, but what he was doing when he walked out. When this guy exited the theater, he was in the process of fastening his pants and his belt. All my coworker and I could do was look at each other incredulously. Was this guy killing kittens in the theater? I know Jessica Alba is in the movie, but damn! Really, dude?

We don't really know what this guy was doing, after all, he could have just been adjusting his pants, but I think we know what he was up to. He had to do a quick job before Jessica Alba disappeared from the screen and the other family got up to leave. The guy did get out of the theater awfully quick. I can only imagine what he was thinking when he saw my coworker and while he was buckling up. I could elaborate on this point, but I think it might get too vulgar, and I expect you get the point anyway. We didn't check the theater for any foreign substances either, so any evidence is still out there! I don't think the theaters are cleaned well enough to get rid of that stuff. So that's the story! Very simple, but unique and something I never actually thought I would witness. Although, I have to say, the theater I work at attracts the strangest people. I rarely ever see anyone I actually know going to the movies, at least not where I work. I find that strange, but I can't pick out one particular reason why I rarely see anyone that I would want to speak to. Maybe the movies suck or maybe they know I work there and they don't want to see me. Whatever the reason, I probably don't want to see them anyway.

Can we really blame the guy?
As I was mentioning before, it is strange leaving the theater this year because I'm not sure if I will work there again. I get along very well with all the people that work there, it's just that I believe I'm at the time of my life where I move on. I need to work to find a professional job, but it's strange because I might not see the people I have worked with the past three summers at all. The reason it is strange is because over the past three summers my coworkers are the people I have seen the most, not my friends. But who really cares, after all it's all about how many virtual friends you have! Que social networking rant, not really though, this is not the place where I express my thoughts in that area. I will be releasing more insulting rants on that subject soon though! Sometimes I love social networking because it's so fun to shit on! Honestly, I feel bad about the lack of actual face time I get with my friends. I actually do miss a lot of them, but the lack of effort to ever do anything with me leaves me lackadaisical and apathetic.

I would also like to find another job to oppose the trend at the theater I work at. The place has a way of owning your soul once employed under its roof. People always come back and work there for year after year making lowly minimum wage. Simply, I do not want that. I'm excited to see what this so called "real world" is like. I know people always speak about how they wish they could go back to their days in school. I realize there are things about work that suck, but honestly, who wants to sit in classrooms all their life and be told what to do and what to read? I know what I'm interested in and what I want to do, I don't need people telling me anymore. I'm ready for change and I'm excited for what lies beyond the closed quarters of school.

A good way to look at how the world works

Thursday, August 25, 2011

A Misleading Monumental Event

August 10, 2011 marks the 1,000th view of Sycophantic Laughter. That figure would probably make people think that someone, or many people, actually reads this blog. I am happy to clarify the situation and assure you that in fact, almost no one reads this blog. I easily reached this conclusion by consulting the statistics page for Sycophantic Laughter, particularly studying the traffic sources. The traffic sources suggest that the vast majority of views come from referring URLs that are almost exclusively images. I use many images in posts for entertainment value and to create an image for my stupid stories and point of view. Basically, Sycophantic Laughter is stumbled upon, thus racking up page views from people who could give a shit what I wrote, because they looked at an image I used in a post. That's fine with me though, one day someone might get accidental entertainment when they stumble upon this blog.

And now for something completely different (how I miss you, Monty Python's Flying Circus). My Grandmother and cousin have been coming over the past few Wednesdays to do crafty things with my mom, who knows what they're really up to. Every time I go to collect the mail, I always, without fail, find myself amazed at how far away from the curb my Grandmother parks. Good thing we live on a rarely traveled street or else your car is getting swiped, Grandma! It's just one of those little things that I enjoy in life, little things that are comical no matter how many times you see it, like when a homeless person asks for change (I already know that I'm a horrible person). Elderly people are great because they are constantly, unintentionally funny.

Notice the car in the background
I have recently been contemplating starting another blog as an "on the go" counterpart to Sycophantic Laughter. This would be a mobile blog which I would update with thoughts and pictures of things I see during the day when I'm not around a computer. I'm not sure if I'm actually going to do this, but I'll probably do some experimentation in the near future to see if it's even worth doing. The thought of typing up blog posts on a phone doesn't sound very appealing to me honestly, but who said the posts have to be long? So there's a chance of this happening. Do I sound like a weatherman?

Blogger on Blogger!
Wow, I started this post about two weeks ago and now here I am finishing it! A whole lot of nothing has been happening recently. The camping trip I was going to go on with a bunch of friends was cancelled on account of shitty weather and I've just been working all week since. Nothing out of the ordinary has been happening at work either, just The Help getting out half an hour after every other movie causing me to be at work until almost one in the morning. The Help has probably been the most popular movie we have had lately. I wonder why, though. I guess if you make a movie or write a book about how hard black people had it or the holocaust or something of that nature, it's instant gold. If you don't like it, you must be a shitfuck. I think someone should make a movie or write a book about how the education system in this country screws everyone out of tons of money.

Speaking of education, it's almost time for me to go back to school. I move in a week from this upcoming Sunday. I don't know what to expect from this school year, last year was a collection of the most miserable classes I've had to take, so I hope that doesn't repeat. I always have mixed feelings at this time of the summer, it's the time when everyone starts to leave for school again. Most of my friends move in a few days before me and I know I won't see them for an extended period of time. At this point though, entering senior year of college, I don't really care anymore because I don't see many different people during the summer anyways. As I get older I find it increasingly harder each year to get people to do things. Oh well.

On a side note, I'm probably not going to do the whole mobile blog thing. I have thought about it since I began penning this post, and by thinking about it I mean not having thought about it at all, and that is why I will most likely not do mobile blogging. I don't see a reason to do it and it would probably just be a pain in the assholes. So basically I have nothing else to report. The end of the summer has been exactly what I expected it to be: a time of reflection upon all the nothingness I have accomplished over the past few months. I would also like to go back to the beginning of the summer and point out that I was right.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Drama on ebay!

I don't need to go out and pay for entertainment when I can comfortably experience it in the comfort of my own home. I could not have possibly scripted a better sequence of events than what actually happened during my first attempt to sell an item online. After the close of the spring 2011 semester, I still have a few books from classes I took during the year. I usually use Chegg to rent textbooks because it is so much cheaper than buying them. If you don't use Chegg or have never heard of it, I strongly recommend checking it out because it can save you a good amount of money. Chegg also plants trees for you if you rent from them! Enough of my plug for Chegg, let's get back to the story. I could not find a couple of books I needed on Chegg, unfortunately. So I took it up the ass and bought them from wherever I could find them the cheapest, which is still more than I would ever want to pay.

One of the books I had left over was a corporate tax book dated the 2011 edition. I figured this one would still be worth some money as long as I sold it quickly. We all know that those bastards in the textbook industry like to release new editions yearly, or as frequently as possible to keep students buying them because they have no other choice. What's the difference in each edition? Who knows, they must change a sentence or two and make the numbers in each problem slightly different, but other than that, I don't think the actual material is changing often enough to warrant the frequent release of newer editions.

So I decided to try to sell the corporate tax book on ebay for way less than I bought it for just earlier this year. The edition of this book that I had was loose-leaf, meaning that it is not bound. Loose-leaf implies that there is no cover. Loose-leaf means that you get all the pages of the book. Now let us take a moment to review what the difference between a loose-leaf book and a book is. A book is a bunch of pieces of paper bound together with a cover, whereas a loose-leaf book is only the pieces of paper that the book is comprised of, without having a cover of any kind. Now we have clarification that there is no difference in the material of a book and a loose-leaf book, just the absence of a cover and binding. In fact, you can put only the chapters that you are currently using into a binder when using the loose-leaf format so you don't have to lug around the entire book! I think this clarification is important to the story, so we can continue now.

Facts are so much fun!
Brand new, this book sold for I believe somewhere between $200 and $300, but probably closer to the $300 figure. I don't remember exactly how much I paid for it, but I was only trying to sell it for $50. I chose $50 because the book had already had at least two owners, I don't have the software that it comes with (but  I don't think most courses even use that piece of crap anyways), and the 2012 edition is probably coming out very soon. I thought, and still think that this price is extremely cheap and reasonable. Also, I would like to add that in the description of the item I noted that the book was loose-leaf, and we all know what that means right? Once I had the description taken care of I put the book up for sale and didn't really think much of it.

After a few days I actually forgot that I had even put the book up for sale. Good thing when you have an account on any website it is linked to your e-mail or else I probably wouldn't have even noticed that someone purchased the book. The person who bought it had also sent me a message about how he (I'm certain this customer is a male due to the way he wrote his messages, you'll see what I mean quite soon) was a little concerned about the purchase because he noticed that I was a first time seller. I understand this completely and assured him that I would in fact be sending him the corporate tax book. I actually sent the book out the day right after he bought it, but during the week he continually sent me e-mails asking about when the book was going to arrive and other questions. Honestly it was getting kind of annoying, but it was quite worth it when I got a message from him when the book arrived.

I had just got home from a delightful game of friz with some local friends, had eaten dinner, showered, and was ready to relax for the rest of the night. Casually I went on my computer and checked my e-mail and I pleasantly found out that the item had made it to the buyer:

Dear me,

Are you shitting me? What did you send me? Papers wrapped in saran wrap.... Hell NO... I bought a book, not some pieces of paper... 100% FULL REFUND....NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!You have got to be kidding... Not doing too well for your first sale. How embarassing, I would never even think about selling something like this? Didn't you think you were ripping me off charging $51? You have 3 hours to get back to me.

-angry ebay customer
Click "respond" to reply through Messages, or go to your email to reply

Simply, my night was complete. I gained a lot of knowledge from this message. I was unaware that a book was not made out of pieces of paper. I guess all he really wanted was the cover, shame on me. I still can't figure out why he gave me a three hour time limit. What the hell was he going to do if I responded in four hours? I'm not sure what he means when he says "I would never even think about selling something like this?" There's not supposed to be a question mark there either, but let us attempt to figure out what he means by "something like this." Did he expect loose-leaf to not be a bunch of papers? Also, $51 for a textbook is a bargain, I wish I got all my books for that price. I decided not to be a dick, though, and responded kindly to the disgruntled buyer. The piece of shit can have a refund if he wants, but he could have been nicer about it. He did tell me soon afterwards that he admits to "blowing his lid" and that he is actually considering taking the item as it is. So, at this point in time I don't really know what is going to happen, I might get the book back, or he might keep it.

I imagine this is what he looked like while typing the message, very satisfying
Given the situation, I wonder what this guy is like in real life. Obviously I don't know this guy, it's not like he's one of my "friends" on Facebook or anything so I have no idea what kind of personality he has. That message he sent me was full of rage and anger, but I'm not sure he would have said anything like that to my face. Well, I can only speculate, but I find it funny to picture some fat piece of shit that has no friends venting his frustration into items he bought on ebay. I also find it amusing to picture this guy yelling the words of that angry message in my face.

I don't know if I'll ever attempt to sell an item online again, but this particular experience was priceless and memorable to the point that I will probably never forget it. Thank you for the memory, ebay.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

You're Addictied to Facebook if You Have "Liking" Syndrome

Before work today, well I guess it was technically yesterday now. Oh Ford! I need to stop blogging so late all the time, but I'm stupid so I'm going to do it anyways. I think I write best at late hours, after I've endured the day and I'm alone with all my thoughts that have been running through my head all day long. Back to the point of this post, though. Before I went into work today I made the absolutely, inexcusable, boneheaded decision to check Facebook. That statement alone lets you know I was instapissed (I'm claiming ownership of this word because it happens to me all the time, and for those too stupid to understand, it stands for instantly pissed). I fuck**g hate Facebook like nothing else, there is no metaphor or simile that compares for my hatred of Facebook. The one good thing about Facebook is that it gives me a topic to complain and rant about practically endlessly. I am also currently in the process of a Facebook series for Sycophantic Laughter about Facebook addicts. Even though I have already started this series, I have not published any of the posts yet, and this has big potential to be the first of many. I know you're all going to LIKE this series, so throw your emotions away or I'm rather sure you could be offended. If you know me, then I'm sorry because you might recognize something stupid you did on Facebook mentioned because you guys are the reason I hate it, you assholes.

This particular installment is about "liking" on Facebook. If you didn't know that, Ford save you, it's right in the title, but I guess that's not a status, so you probably don't give a shit. So for the third time, before work today (technically yesterday now) I decided to torture myself. I logged onto Facebook and the result: instapissed. I cannot stand when people "like" things on Facebook. I kind of understand if you "like" a business (such as Apple) or an athlete or restaurant, something of that nature because that's at least somewhat related to who you are. Your friends probably know what celebrities you are a fan of and what restaurants you like to eat at, therefore I find this type of "liking" somewhat acceptable, but I still don't give a shit. If you were really my friend, there's a good chance I would already know that, or if I wanted to know, I would ask. What really pisses me off is when people "like" statuses or photos, things like that. Mostly it irks me when people "like" statuses, but I'll get into that shortly. First, why do I dislike "liking" so much? Maybe because it doesn't mean shit. Think about it, what does it mean? All I can really think of is that "liking" something is equivalent to saying "I saw that." "Liking" things is completely useless and it pisses me off. It's like people have this voice in their head saying "I HAVE TO "LIKE" THIS STATUS NOW!!" I understand that you can't help it, but that doesn't make me any less pissed off.

So when I logged on for some torture, I found myself clicking on my "friends" profiles in an attempt to see what they have been up to recently. I do this because I rarely ever see anyone in real life anymore, fuck you Facebook! I hate it when people tell you they're busy and then you see them active on Facebook during that time. I see how it is, you're busy with Facebook, you piece of shit! I understand that Social Interview and "liking" people's dumb ass statuses is fun, but come on, remember when you used to speak with me face to face? Anyways, in my vain effort to see how my "friends" are fairing these days, I came across the page belonging to someone who I used to see quite regularly in high school, but not much anymore. He had some status about a friend of his and of course it had some "likes." This doesn't sound like anything major, and it isn't, but it pisses me off. I don't want to know things because Facebook told me, that's stupid. And the "likes," what the hell do they mean, "hey, I saw this." "Likes" are so pointless and annoying, I don't give a shit if you "like" someone's status, good for you. Why don't you try reading something of substance, like a book? Would you read a book if it was hundreds of pages of statuses? Don't lie, you know you would.

I can't say the same for my "friends"
I'm not only blaming the "liker" of the status, they couldn't do their part without the asshole who posted the status update. Statuses could possibly be the thing I hate most on Facebook, and that's saying something considering my hatred for all that is Facebook. Anyone who posts a status update is a whore for attention. I don't see anyone anymore because they're all too busy "liking" each others stupid, pointless statuses. That brings me to another point. Sometimes, and when I say sometimes, I mean all the fucking time, people like to post unhappy statuses. Of course, just like any other status, people "like" it. Then that stupid piece of shit comments on their own status something like "why would you "like" that." Who gives a shit why they would "like" it, they're probably just being an asshole, but who's really the asshole. You, the status updater, are the asshole! YOU decided to post the unhappy status, you deserve it. Maybe next time you'll keep that shit to yourself. Oh yeah, a side note to women: when you get tons of "likes" on statuses, it is absolutely not because guys think you're funny or clever, or agree with what you say, they think you're hot and want to get with you. How many "likes" do you see ugly girls getting from guys? Yeah, that's what I thought.

Holy shit, I really hate Facebook. I hope Google+ rakes Facebook over coals. One feature I already LIKE about Google+ is something called "circles." You can divide your "friends" into different circles and share things with only people in certain circles. That is such a great idea, and you can bet I'm going to have a HUMONGOUS circle called "Assholes." Maybe you'll be able to "like" my circle, I bet you'd LIKE that. I'm trying my hardest, but I still cannot think of a good reason to "like" things, especially statuses. "Liking" statuses irks me to no end. I hope Mark Zuckerberg knows how many people he has successfully tortured and makes miserable everyday, you asshole! You know what else pisses me off about "liking?" Ever since "liking" became part of Facebook people have petitioned for a "dislike" button. What a bunch of morons, let's make the "liking" shit even deeper! I can't help but laugh every time I see someone comment on something with "dislike." HAHAHAHAH that's so clever! Commenting "dislike" definitely isn't an extremely overused, not to mention absolutely not funny, response. Someone get these people to start performing stand-up, I think I'm going to shit myself if they keep going.

This guy kiddin'?
I should expose my thoughts to my "friends" by posting this on Facebook, maybe I could get a few "likes!" I would like to thank my anonymous "friends" that brought back my fury after a long spell of peace. You know who you are, or do you? I also realize that this might be offensive to some, but I don't give a shit because I'm never going to see you anyways, that's right, go back to "liking" statuses, you attention whore. You'll get no attention from me, I can thankfully say that I have never once "liked" any of my "friend's" statuses or photos or any of their shit. I'm done for now, but I'll be insulting my "friends" again sometime soon with the next installment of Facebook addicts!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Summer Job Chronicles: Mental Crisis

So I was at work today. Who would have guessed considering the title! For some reason lots of people decided to go to the movies today, I think we had about 900 people in the first three showtimes, which is a lot for the particular theater I work at. Despite how busy it was, for the most part the day went as I would normally would expect. There were no blow-up dolls, Lord Voldemort didn't force anyone to act against their will, I didn't receive any phone numbers, nor was the internet down. Nothing out of the ordinary happened, I, along with my fellow ushers, waited to pounce when some asshole decided to throw his shit all over the floor.

This sums up my job
The other two ushers and I did manage to find something to entertain us just before the fourth showtime, around 7:00. We were just roaming the back lobby and decided to sit down at one of the tables because there really wasn't anything for us to do at that very moment. Our entertainment revolved around two younger children, I'm not exactly sure how old they were, but I would guess somewhere around the range of 9-12. I am probably completely wrong though, I have never been good at guessing ages. Anyways, this awkward child came over to the table where the three of us were sitting. Apparently he had been playing this claw machine game that contains candy that is probably the only machine that you always get a reward for using because you always get candy! This child shows us a few empty candy wrappers and tells us that's what he got out of the machine. Nice try, buddy, you definitely didn't eat the candy and then show us the empty wrappers. We're on to your cheating ass! Besides, we can't even do anything about the machine because they don't belong to the movie theater and we don't stock them. However, we now had an awkward kid to make fun of!

Are empty wrappers supposed to be in the machine?
I wonder what that kid's motive was anyways. I'm quite certain he ate the candy, so was he trying to get free candy? I don't know, but he could have just played again, the machine isn't very expensive. I think he was acting like a little shit and trying to get some free candy, little asshole. I'm sorry you're an awkward child, but that doesn't mean you get special privileges, now get the hell away from me! So eventually this awkward kid goes away, back to the candy claw machine thing, he must have been lying, probably a future business man. Soon after he left, our attention was drawn to this little chubby kid and either his friends or siblings, but that's not important. This little chubby kid parked his ass at the Time Crisis 2 game, situated right in front of us. At first I didn't give much thought to the situation. I just mindlessly sat there and watched the little porker insert money into the machine and start blasting away.

Our attentions were caught by this little chubby kid because of his behavior. The chubby boy thought he was good at the game, however, he clearly was not. Anyone who has played Time Crisis or a game like it can easily spot someone who sucks at it, and we were witnessing a shitty player right before our eyes. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Time Crisis or similar games of the genre, it is a shooting game in which the players use plastic guns to fire at enemies displayed on the screen. Time Crisis gives the player four weapons. The most basic is the pistol which fires single shots and has unlimited ammunition. The pistol takes a little bit of skill because you need to aim. The other three weapons at your disposal have limited ammo because they take very little skill, maybe even none, to put your enemies on their asses. These weapons are the machine gun, shotgun, and grenade launcher. I think it is self-explanatory why each of these three weapons requires very little skill. Now we look at the specimen in front of us. The little chubby kid uses the three no-skill weapons to kill all the basic enemies in the game and dies very shortly after he runs out of ammo on these guns, when he has to rely on the pistol, which he should probably be using to take out the shitty, pathetic, storm-trooper like enemies.

We sat and watched as the chubby kid continually died and rushed into his pocket to get four more quarters to continue. Upon each continue he was granted pity ammo for the no-skill guns, which he would use needlessly until he died when he was reduced to nothing but his pistol. We watched this pattern for a while with great amusement. While watching this pathetic performance, the little shit-bag that tried to get free candy out of us came over to Chubby and stood over the other gun for the Time Crisis game. Time Crisis allows for cooperative play, and upon Chubby dying yet again, Liar decided to ask chubby wanted to start over and play with him because it would be easier if the two of them were playing. Chubby's response was an instant classic as far as I'm concerned. He said "no, I'm going all the way." That's right, Chubby and his ten dollars in quarters were going all the way in Time Crisis 2. It would actually probably be harder to not go all the way if you were willing to pour that kind of money into the game. So we kicked back and watched the event of a lifetime, Chubby going all the way. I found it so amusing every time he rushed to get the quarters from his pocket after each death.

Upon further consideration of this event, I came to realize that Chubby is the exact type of person games like Time Crisis target. The best customers are those who suck at the game, but want to keep on playing despite their suckiness and unload money into the machine. At least everyone wins in this situation, the owners of the machine make money, but more importantly, Chubby gets to go all the way! Unfortunately we didn't get to see Chubby come to the end because we needed to do our job, but I'm not quite sure he was even able to make it to the end, I hope that doesn't bother him for the rest of his life.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

I'm Back!

Holy shit, I haven't posted in over a week! I don't know what's going on, but I haven't had anything to write about. Usually I have some bothersome story about work or things that piss me off in general, but lately nothing comes to mind. I have been at peace with my surroundings, which is why I haven't made any progress on my latest piece about why people on Facebook suck. I'm not worried about that, though, it's just delayed, once something pisses me off I'll be all over it.

So what have I been doing? Well, I went to the beach with a few friends this past Tuesday. There were only four of us in total that made the trip, but it was an enjoyable time. This marks my first excursion to the beach this summer, on August 2. I really am below average social status given my late adoption of everything, including going to the beach, but I'll get into that in another post. Would you look at that, I might have some things to write about after all. But back to the beach trip before I get super distracted. We actually ended up spending most of the time at the beach playing beach volleyball with some random older people. These people had to be at least in their forties, but it was fun nonetheless. I think they beat us every time, except maybe the last game when they were sort of dicking around. Although, I have to say they kind of screwed us by giving us this fat ginger kid to play on our team who was by no means an asset of any kind.

The beach volleyball was fun for the most part. Giving us that fat, ginger kid wasn't cool and the last game was kind of stupid, the one where they were dicking around. One of the old asses decided that their team should try to only use their left hands in the game. What the hell is that supposed to mean? It's not like they were THAT much better than us. That move by those old, overweight, nonathletic fucks kind of rubbed me the wrong way. Other than that it was a chill time, but after that game was a great time to end the engagement. There's no sense getting riled up over some old shits.

Actually, when I come to think about it, there isn't really anything else to report from the beach trip. Simply, it was a good hangout, but nothing outrageous happened. I saw a lot of strange looking people that should definitely put there shirts back on and lots of sand. I'm not going to get into the conversations we had because of the randomness, and I probably can't accurately recall them anyways.

One awesome thing that I have been doing recently is reading Aldous Huxley's Brave New World and it is amazing! I haven't finished it yet, but what I have read so far is great and I would recommend it, at this point, to anyone who enjoys literature and a different way of looking at the world and what it could become. Some of the elements in the book I believe to be true in today's society, just put on a global scale in the book. What I find interesting about Brave New World so far, is that everyone is on drugs, there's no such thing as family ("mother" is a dirty word!), women are supposed to get with all the men that they can, everyone belongs to everyone, and people love their servitude. I think Huxley was on to something, but I guess we'll have to wait to find out!

Do you believe me now?
Besides the beach trip and reading awesome literature, this past week has been relatively uneventful. That's not a bad thing because I've gotten some time to play Dead Space 2 again which is an extremely wonderful game that I haven't beat yet. As creepy as the Dead Space series might be, there's something awfully fun about dismembering necromorphs and killing them with their own body parts! I have to give Visceral Games credit for doing such a great job on the Dead Space games because they are funny and scary at the same time. They should also be applauded for the gruesome deaths in the game, at least when I die it's entertaining to watch! It's just so much fun running around a dilapidated ship or a planet threatened by an outbreak with angry aliens everywhere trying to kill you. Maybe once I've finished the second game I'll do a comparison/why both games are great. I could do something similar with Huxley's Brave New World and Orwell's 1984! Although, I think I should read 1984 again so it's fresh in my mind, so it might take a while for me to get to that.

One other thing about Dead Space, I love the main character Isaac Clarke. He, along with Gordon Freeman from Half-Life, are my favorite video game characters. Both have achieved legendary status with me for various reasons, but mostly because of crowbars and curb-stomping. Speaking of curb-stomping, I believe that one month from today I move back into school. This year should be interesting and full of new experiences. I'm living in a townhouse this year, which means my roommates and I have the responsibility of making our own food. I also have a single which will be a different experience itself. I hope classes this coming year are better than last year. Last year's classes were horrible and I didn't really enjoy much of any of them unfortunately. There were about two classes that were bearable. Track will also be different this year because we have a new sprints coach, so I hope that goes well, too.

Gordon Freeman!
Well, I think I've successfully generated some ideas/topic to blog about in the near future. Hopefully I won't go another dreadful week without a single post, after all, I owe it to my ever growing amount of subscribers. I'm also in the process of trying to discover/figure out new segments and types of blog posts not only for Sycophantic Laughter, but for Retentive Gibberish as well. Stay tuned and maybe you'll get a surprise! Don't bitch at me if it takes forever though!