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Thursday, August 25, 2011

A Misleading Monumental Event

August 10, 2011 marks the 1,000th view of Sycophantic Laughter. That figure would probably make people think that someone, or many people, actually reads this blog. I am happy to clarify the situation and assure you that in fact, almost no one reads this blog. I easily reached this conclusion by consulting the statistics page for Sycophantic Laughter, particularly studying the traffic sources. The traffic sources suggest that the vast majority of views come from referring URLs that are almost exclusively images. I use many images in posts for entertainment value and to create an image for my stupid stories and point of view. Basically, Sycophantic Laughter is stumbled upon, thus racking up page views from people who could give a shit what I wrote, because they looked at an image I used in a post. That's fine with me though, one day someone might get accidental entertainment when they stumble upon this blog.

And now for something completely different (how I miss you, Monty Python's Flying Circus). My Grandmother and cousin have been coming over the past few Wednesdays to do crafty things with my mom, who knows what they're really up to. Every time I go to collect the mail, I always, without fail, find myself amazed at how far away from the curb my Grandmother parks. Good thing we live on a rarely traveled street or else your car is getting swiped, Grandma! It's just one of those little things that I enjoy in life, little things that are comical no matter how many times you see it, like when a homeless person asks for change (I already know that I'm a horrible person). Elderly people are great because they are constantly, unintentionally funny.

Notice the car in the background
I have recently been contemplating starting another blog as an "on the go" counterpart to Sycophantic Laughter. This would be a mobile blog which I would update with thoughts and pictures of things I see during the day when I'm not around a computer. I'm not sure if I'm actually going to do this, but I'll probably do some experimentation in the near future to see if it's even worth doing. The thought of typing up blog posts on a phone doesn't sound very appealing to me honestly, but who said the posts have to be long? So there's a chance of this happening. Do I sound like a weatherman?

Blogger on Blogger!
Wow, I started this post about two weeks ago and now here I am finishing it! A whole lot of nothing has been happening recently. The camping trip I was going to go on with a bunch of friends was cancelled on account of shitty weather and I've just been working all week since. Nothing out of the ordinary has been happening at work either, just The Help getting out half an hour after every other movie causing me to be at work until almost one in the morning. The Help has probably been the most popular movie we have had lately. I wonder why, though. I guess if you make a movie or write a book about how hard black people had it or the holocaust or something of that nature, it's instant gold. If you don't like it, you must be a shitfuck. I think someone should make a movie or write a book about how the education system in this country screws everyone out of tons of money.

Speaking of education, it's almost time for me to go back to school. I move in a week from this upcoming Sunday. I don't know what to expect from this school year, last year was a collection of the most miserable classes I've had to take, so I hope that doesn't repeat. I always have mixed feelings at this time of the summer, it's the time when everyone starts to leave for school again. Most of my friends move in a few days before me and I know I won't see them for an extended period of time. At this point though, entering senior year of college, I don't really care anymore because I don't see many different people during the summer anyways. As I get older I find it increasingly harder each year to get people to do things. Oh well.

On a side note, I'm probably not going to do the whole mobile blog thing. I have thought about it since I began penning this post, and by thinking about it I mean not having thought about it at all, and that is why I will most likely not do mobile blogging. I don't see a reason to do it and it would probably just be a pain in the assholes. So basically I have nothing else to report. The end of the summer has been exactly what I expected it to be: a time of reflection upon all the nothingness I have accomplished over the past few months. I would also like to go back to the beginning of the summer and point out that I was right.

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