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Monday, August 29, 2011

Summer Job Chronicles: Good Bye (for now at least)

This past Friday, August, 26 marked my last day of work for the summer. I will probably bid my farewell later this upcoming week when I go in to pick up a check, hooray for money! This is the third time that I have left the movie theater for school, but this time has a very different feel. I'm not sure if I will return to work there ever again because I really hope I find something else upon graduating from college. However, I guess I could work over winter break if I so desired, but who knows what will actually happen.

With all the bizarre stories I have told from my place of employment this summer, I was not disappointed on my penultimate day of work. No big, extraordinary event took place, but my fellow usher and I were patiently waiting for the new Spy Kids movie to finish we noticed something very peculiar when the first person exited the theater. The first guy to come out looked like he was middle-aged and was definitely in the movie all by himself because he exited alone followed by another family who comprised of the entire audience viewing the film. What was strange about the man that exited was not the way he looked nor the way he dressed, but what he was doing when he walked out. When this guy exited the theater, he was in the process of fastening his pants and his belt. All my coworker and I could do was look at each other incredulously. Was this guy killing kittens in the theater? I know Jessica Alba is in the movie, but damn! Really, dude?

We don't really know what this guy was doing, after all, he could have just been adjusting his pants, but I think we know what he was up to. He had to do a quick job before Jessica Alba disappeared from the screen and the other family got up to leave. The guy did get out of the theater awfully quick. I can only imagine what he was thinking when he saw my coworker and while he was buckling up. I could elaborate on this point, but I think it might get too vulgar, and I expect you get the point anyway. We didn't check the theater for any foreign substances either, so any evidence is still out there! I don't think the theaters are cleaned well enough to get rid of that stuff. So that's the story! Very simple, but unique and something I never actually thought I would witness. Although, I have to say, the theater I work at attracts the strangest people. I rarely ever see anyone I actually know going to the movies, at least not where I work. I find that strange, but I can't pick out one particular reason why I rarely see anyone that I would want to speak to. Maybe the movies suck or maybe they know I work there and they don't want to see me. Whatever the reason, I probably don't want to see them anyway.

Can we really blame the guy?
As I was mentioning before, it is strange leaving the theater this year because I'm not sure if I will work there again. I get along very well with all the people that work there, it's just that I believe I'm at the time of my life where I move on. I need to work to find a professional job, but it's strange because I might not see the people I have worked with the past three summers at all. The reason it is strange is because over the past three summers my coworkers are the people I have seen the most, not my friends. But who really cares, after all it's all about how many virtual friends you have! Que social networking rant, not really though, this is not the place where I express my thoughts in that area. I will be releasing more insulting rants on that subject soon though! Sometimes I love social networking because it's so fun to shit on! Honestly, I feel bad about the lack of actual face time I get with my friends. I actually do miss a lot of them, but the lack of effort to ever do anything with me leaves me lackadaisical and apathetic.

I would also like to find another job to oppose the trend at the theater I work at. The place has a way of owning your soul once employed under its roof. People always come back and work there for year after year making lowly minimum wage. Simply, I do not want that. I'm excited to see what this so called "real world" is like. I know people always speak about how they wish they could go back to their days in school. I realize there are things about work that suck, but honestly, who wants to sit in classrooms all their life and be told what to do and what to read? I know what I'm interested in and what I want to do, I don't need people telling me anymore. I'm ready for change and I'm excited for what lies beyond the closed quarters of school.

A good way to look at how the world works

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