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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First Impressions... again!

Today was the first day of classes for my senior year and I must say, wow, I had a fabulous time. If today was an omen of how this year is going to play out, then I'm all in and can't wait for the ride! Initially I was disappointed because when I got up this morning the sky was gray, it was raining, and it was 57 degrees. I thought it was still supposed to be nice in September. Anyways, I went to class and was entertained. I was most surprised by the auditing class, how the hell can that be fun? Well, it was! The professor was awesome, he has found a way to interact with the class throughout the entire duration without making it feel like a nightmare. He asked us questions that we could reasonably answer, not the typical dick way when professors try to find out who isn't paying attention or who didn't read some piece of shit by a credible source most of us have never heard of. Respect goes a long way with me, and in my estimation, this professor gives it, hopefully this keeps up for the rest of the semester.

Probably better than some classes
I'm also taking a drama course this semester just so I can have Dr. K again. Dr. K is one of my all time favorite people, I say that without hesitation and he did not disappoint me today. As soon as I sat down in class he started rambling about how something was bullshit. I don't even recall what subject he was speaking on, but it was bullshit. This guy is so great that I seriously wish he was related to me, he's definitely old enough to be my grandfather, but I would love to see this guy at family gatherings and on a regular basis. He gave us a syllabus with a schedule of what we will be doing over the semester, but after having this guy twice already in my college career, I highly doubt we'll do what it says because he'll be too busy talking about Genesis I.1.26 and how that line is proof that nothing has ever been read. I've heard this view three times now, but it's interesting each time. What was great about the syllabus was the attendance section which I recreated below for your amusement, compliments of Dr. K:

Attendance: Please attend my classes. I will schedule you as a failure (and have alerted the Dean's Office) if you miss more than three classes. Important: Please remain seated during our 90-minute class--unless, of course, you are called upon to give testimony in Washington, D.C. (N.B. No texting, sexting, laptops or lap dancing. Please.

No lap dancing! Is this guy serious? I guess I understand why he keeps us late after every class now, the class is supposed to be 75 minutes, not 90, but I honestly don't care because all time spent listening to Dr. K is time very well spent. I really enjoy listening to this guy because he speaks his mind and doesn't hold back. He was talking about the creation of man today and made up some dialogue for Adam when he got lonely. He had Adam say something about wanting a woman to have sex with and when God asked him what he wanted the woman to look like, Adam responded that he wanted a serious piece of ass. This class is seriously like a stand up comedy act and I love it.

This should be Dr. K's classroom
On another note, just like Chase I am relying on myself for food this year. While I am still living on campus, I am in a townhouse and have no meal plan anymore. The first three days in the townhouse have been great. It's way better than living in a dorm building and I have a single this year, so we all know what that means (nudge, nudge, wink, wink). However, it has been quite expensive these first few days. Yesterday we got a bunch of groceries and we bought a grill which is absolutely essential. Hamburgers and practically anything cooked on a grill is phenomenal. One funny note from all this buying. We live with a Jew. I could just end the thought right there and it would be funny and understandable, but I will not. We ended up going to buy more food once we bought the grill because we wanted to have some hamburgers and hot dogs after we finished setting up the grill. We went to the self-checkout and as soon as we started running the bar codes over the scanner, the Jew walked away. He walked toward the exit and left my suitemate and I to pay for the food. A nice little anecdote from yesterday. Putting the grill together was way more time consuming that we had imagined, too. We built most of it with the normal annoyances and minor problems, but we hit a larger problem near the end. We couldn't fit the actual part of the grill where all the grilling takes place onto the legs. We managed to sort of force it on, so hopefully that works out without something horrible happening. One of my suitemates said that we'll "(insert racial slur that looks a lot like nagger) rig" it so that it works.

Do I look like I'm paying for food?
I hope that tomorrow's classes are as delightfully entertaining as today's, if that's the case, I think this will be an enjoyable semester. I'm also anxious for track to start up, which it will soon, because I'm very intrigued to experience practice under a new sprints coach. Hopefully that will work out very well, too, but I'm sure it will. I'm excited for the upcoming track seasons because they could very well be my last and I want to perform well. I have the same goal for track as I did when entering senior year of high school: I want to go out with a bang.

I'm starving, so I'm going to make myself some dinner now! No more waiting in line for food at the dining hall. To the kitchen!


  1. I need to find out what time you have that class so I can sext you pictures of my nipples and maybe if you are lucky, a little something more!

  2. Pro-tip from the kitchen: I made myself an awesome quesadilla yesterday. Just your standard flour tortillas and shredded cheese, but with the addition of diced red and yellow bell peppers and LEEKS. If you're not sure what those are, look at this:

    They taste a little like onions. You don't use the big leafy parts, just the white and light green stalk. For a quesadilla you only need one small one. I chopped it into bite-size pieces and cleaned it carefully because a lot of dirt gets in those things. It takes your quesadilla from "meh" to "WOW".

  3. Once our kitchen is restored to order and we get some groceries I will begin experimenting with food. But keep the food ideas coming! I appreciate them and hope to make something good.

    I'm still waiting for those pictures!
