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Saturday, February 2, 2013

Winter, You're a Jerk

Now that I've worked through a portion of the winter, I have no idea why the hell people live in places with a real winter, places where changes of season actually occur. I really don't like it. It's only February and I'm sick of warming my car up in the morning, shoveling all the f**kin' snow out of the driveway early so I can get to work, uncovering my car from beneath the snow, and all the other shit you have to do because of the weather. I miss the days of the summer when the weather was pleasant and warm. I don't like putting on seventeen layers of clothing just to go outside and still feel cold. I also hate getting sick. And I don't think it's a coincidence that I only get sick during the winter or the transition season, fall and spring, both of which share a border with winter, that sick bastard. Basically, I don't like the winter and I have no idea why people put up with it's shit.

The last four years of my life at college I didn't have to do shit when it snowed. The school had people that took care of that and I had heat blasting into my dorm room, especially senior year, damn did that heat get pumped. I would sleep with no shirt on every night during the winter and still need only one blanket. I think at some point I would very much like to get the hell out of here and go somewhere warmer, but I don't think that is very feasible at this point in time. Someday, though, someday. Watch, I'll probably live in this shit for the rest of my life. I remember when I was in high school and I was getting some really good results in track, my sister, who was out at college in Southern California, told her friends about what I was doing in indoor track, to which they asked her what indoor track was. That sounds like a great place to live. That's also how I came to realize how I was in the top 100 in the nation in the 55m hurdles in high school, because so much of the country doesn't even participate in indoor track.

Since I'm talking about track, I did finally make a return to the sport in December. I ran the 400m at a ridiculously good track in December and surprisingly was only .42 seconds off my best time. Running this race made me come to a realization about track. After the race I felt like absolute garbage and threw up shortly after crossing the finish line. Maybe about five or six minutes later. Good thing they have garbage cans on the infield. This is not the first time I've thrown up after a race and I've done it at practice on multiple of occasions. I think I can actually relate my desire to run track to an alcoholic. On multiple occasions I've heard people claim that they were never going to drink again when they felt like shit the next day. But everyone knows that in a few days they'll be back at it just as hard. I think that track is like this. I felt like shit once the race was done and there are thoughts running through my head like "I'm never doing this again." I could easily retire now, too, since I'm not part of a team or anything. But a few days later I get that urge to run and compete again. Every weekend during the track season is pretty much like that. After racing you wonder why the hell you do this, during training, too, but if you're dedicated to it, you just can't get away from it. Just like an alcoholic can't stay away from alcohol. I think it makes perfect sense, and this way more people can relate to the life a runner, or athlete in general since if you want to have success in any sport, you have to put in the time, effort, and a certain amount of puke.

But seriously, f**k winter. It's cold all the time, it gets dark at like 4, it's cold all the time, you have to wear a ton of clothes, it's cold all the time, I always get sick, it's cold all the time. That's like twelve thousand reasons why the winter sucks right there. Did I mention that it's always cold during the winter? A week or so ago, when I was at the post office for work, I was talking to one of the people who works there that I have come to know on a very superficial basis. I was telling him how I liked last winter because it was very mild and warm compared to most others. He was telling me something about how that kind of a winter is bad for the ecosystem. I hear that, but seriously, f**k that. I'm sure the ecosystem can adapt to warmer weather. I think there's something that a guy named Darwin spoke about called survival of the fittest or something. I think the ecosystem can adapt just fine to warmer weather. Maybe the reservoirs won't have as much melted snow in them, but I think that's because of a lack of precipitation, right? It doesn't matter if it's rain or snow filling the reservoirs, does it? If there's no rain then there wouldn't have been snow, right? Right? I think I want to do that one more time... right? I'm probably wrong because I'm not a scientist or something, but I think precipitation can take more than one form. That's not important, though, what I'm saying is that warm is better, no matter what the effects of the warm weather are. Doesn't the winter have some really bad effects on living things? I know it pisses me off.

Just in case you didn't notice, I don't like the winter. I've been belaboring that point for some time now, but I'll recap. I don't like the winter, it's cold, gets dark early, it's cold, I tend to get sick, it's cold, and it sucks. I'm right, right? I realize that some people like the winter because they like skiing or snowboarding or pelting snowballs at people, but I just see all these activities as cruel punishment to yourself. I don't want to do much of anything that involves staying out in the freezing cold for extended periods of time. Sounds like some type of Chinese punishment to me. Damn Chinese water torture. I apologize if that was uncalled for, maybe I should just say that it sounds like some kind of punishment to me. The most fun I had in the snow was probably that time during sophomore year of high school when two very good friends of mine and I built a snowman in the middle of the street outside my house. My dad told us we couldn't leave it there, so we proceeded to beat the snowman with a wooden baseball bat (that was more like a club) until it was no more. Now that was fun, mostly because we went inside where it was warm after.

I could probably sit here and think of more reasons why the winter sucks, such as the constant cold. I might have mentioned that before, though. Plain and simple, winter sucks.

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