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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Staff Infection

No, I don't have one. I contemplated ending this post with that sentence, but I shall go on. Before I go on, though, I would first like to make a distinction between Staffing Agency Alpha and Staffing Agency Wewannatakeyourclient. I have been working with Staffing Agency Alpha since I graduated from college last May. Staffing Agency Alpha placed me with the temporary position that I have been working at over the past six or seven months and ultimately brought this wonderful permanent opportunity to me. Now I can continue with the story. About a day or two before Staffing Agency Alpha introduced to the job that I am taking, some dude from this other staffing agency called me, this is Staffing Agency Wewannatakeyourclient. And, yes, I am listening to David Bowie as I write this. So this dude from Wewannatakeyourclient calls, emails, and texts me. I think I got the message. Eventually I got back to this guy and I listened to what he had to say. The opportunity he had lined up was a solid one, so I pursued it and went to the interview. Despite this interview taking place before the one set up for me by Staffing Agency Alpha, I got an offer from the other job first. The offer was actually from the job that was at the top of my list to obtain, so of course I accepted it. Then today happened and what an afternoon I had.

I got contacted today by Wewannatakeyourclient about going in for a second interview. I politely told them I have already been offered and accepted a different job. That was not good enough, I was continuously pestered with phone calls and text messages. I know I accepted a job with a longer commute and all, but how many times do you want me to tell you no? I told Wewannatakeyourclient I had already made my decision via text and then on the phone. Maybe I should send them an email, too, just to complete the trifecta. Seriously, though, these guys would not quit.

When I was on the phone with them, I told this dude that I already signed a contract with the company who's position I accepted. This guy told me that the signed document was not legally binding or something and I could still change my mind if I wanted to go after the opportunity through their agency. Yeah man, I'll see you there. If I had any doubt, then I would not have accepted the offer I received. Just the thought of calling the people I just told I would take the position that I was going to take another one instead makes me sick. Thinking about it aggravates me. Eventually I got this text message, which upon lots of consideration I did not even respond to.

This text kind of amused and pissed me off at the same time. I had many different not so nice responses lined up in my head because I'm an asshole when people bother me, and just in general to be fair. I'm really tempted to text this guy in three week about how I wish I had explored this opportunity and I'm thinking about what could have been. Waiting for his response and then texting back "SYKE!" regardless of what his response is. The temptation is amazingly high, but I think I can control myself.

I just cannot believe how inconsiderate these two guys I was talking to at Wewannatakeyourclient were regarding my decision. They wouldn't accept that I had made up my mind. The other thing they neglected to take into account is the actual job itself. The job that they had lined up for me is not the same as the one I accepted. The one I accepted is a more advanced role from the start with better potential for growth and advancement with a much larger and still growing company. It's not like I was choosing between two exact same jobs, one which is about 15 minutes away and one which is about 45 minutes away. I chose the job that's further away because it's simply better. Those clowns at Wewannatakeyourclient just wanted the commission from me taking the job that they set me up with. Damn, it pisses me off thinking about this, but at the same time I'm really glad this all happened because it's also extremely amusing.

Those clowns at Wewannatakeyourclient also pulled the "I'm their number one choice for the job" card. Well guess what, ass clown, I'm also the number one choice for the job I accepted. I'm honored to have a choice in all this matter, but I made a decision and these guys apparently just could not accept it. I was also tempted to tell these guys that me getting this job was more beneficial to them than me because they would get whatever commission type payout for it while I would find myself at a job that is not my first choice in a role that is not nearly as interesting as the one I'm going to have.

What about my commission?!
Going back to that last text message I received from one of the guys at Wewannatakeyourclient, look at that last line again. "Thinking about what could have been..." Really, dude? Really? What is this job, my girlfriend? Wow, I'm so tempted to text this guy three months from now just to be a huge dick. Here's a sample of the things I wanted to respond to that text with:

Yeah, I'll see you there (which would have been funny because this guy is unaware of my type of humor)
Sign me up! (again, he doesn't know my humor)
How much money would you/your staffing agency get out of this?
That's pathetic
How many times do you want me to say no?
Where all da white women at?
I can clearly see you care about my decision
Have you ever heard of fluoridation?

I haven't felt so compelled to write about a certain situation in my life since the loose-leaf book post. Good memories right there. Can't believe that was two summers ago now. Anyway, I'm excited for this new chapter in my life. I've got one big thing to cross of my to do list, get a good job. I'm excited for this new job and what lies next in life.

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