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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Staff Infection

No, I don't have one. I contemplated ending this post with that sentence, but I shall go on. Before I go on, though, I would first like to make a distinction between Staffing Agency Alpha and Staffing Agency Wewannatakeyourclient. I have been working with Staffing Agency Alpha since I graduated from college last May. Staffing Agency Alpha placed me with the temporary position that I have been working at over the past six or seven months and ultimately brought this wonderful permanent opportunity to me. Now I can continue with the story. About a day or two before Staffing Agency Alpha introduced to the job that I am taking, some dude from this other staffing agency called me, this is Staffing Agency Wewannatakeyourclient. And, yes, I am listening to David Bowie as I write this. So this dude from Wewannatakeyourclient calls, emails, and texts me. I think I got the message. Eventually I got back to this guy and I listened to what he had to say. The opportunity he had lined up was a solid one, so I pursued it and went to the interview. Despite this interview taking place before the one set up for me by Staffing Agency Alpha, I got an offer from the other job first. The offer was actually from the job that was at the top of my list to obtain, so of course I accepted it. Then today happened and what an afternoon I had.

I got contacted today by Wewannatakeyourclient about going in for a second interview. I politely told them I have already been offered and accepted a different job. That was not good enough, I was continuously pestered with phone calls and text messages. I know I accepted a job with a longer commute and all, but how many times do you want me to tell you no? I told Wewannatakeyourclient I had already made my decision via text and then on the phone. Maybe I should send them an email, too, just to complete the trifecta. Seriously, though, these guys would not quit.

When I was on the phone with them, I told this dude that I already signed a contract with the company who's position I accepted. This guy told me that the signed document was not legally binding or something and I could still change my mind if I wanted to go after the opportunity through their agency. Yeah man, I'll see you there. If I had any doubt, then I would not have accepted the offer I received. Just the thought of calling the people I just told I would take the position that I was going to take another one instead makes me sick. Thinking about it aggravates me. Eventually I got this text message, which upon lots of consideration I did not even respond to.

This text kind of amused and pissed me off at the same time. I had many different not so nice responses lined up in my head because I'm an asshole when people bother me, and just in general to be fair. I'm really tempted to text this guy in three week about how I wish I had explored this opportunity and I'm thinking about what could have been. Waiting for his response and then texting back "SYKE!" regardless of what his response is. The temptation is amazingly high, but I think I can control myself.

I just cannot believe how inconsiderate these two guys I was talking to at Wewannatakeyourclient were regarding my decision. They wouldn't accept that I had made up my mind. The other thing they neglected to take into account is the actual job itself. The job that they had lined up for me is not the same as the one I accepted. The one I accepted is a more advanced role from the start with better potential for growth and advancement with a much larger and still growing company. It's not like I was choosing between two exact same jobs, one which is about 15 minutes away and one which is about 45 minutes away. I chose the job that's further away because it's simply better. Those clowns at Wewannatakeyourclient just wanted the commission from me taking the job that they set me up with. Damn, it pisses me off thinking about this, but at the same time I'm really glad this all happened because it's also extremely amusing.

Those clowns at Wewannatakeyourclient also pulled the "I'm their number one choice for the job" card. Well guess what, ass clown, I'm also the number one choice for the job I accepted. I'm honored to have a choice in all this matter, but I made a decision and these guys apparently just could not accept it. I was also tempted to tell these guys that me getting this job was more beneficial to them than me because they would get whatever commission type payout for it while I would find myself at a job that is not my first choice in a role that is not nearly as interesting as the one I'm going to have.

What about my commission?!
Going back to that last text message I received from one of the guys at Wewannatakeyourclient, look at that last line again. "Thinking about what could have been..." Really, dude? Really? What is this job, my girlfriend? Wow, I'm so tempted to text this guy three months from now just to be a huge dick. Here's a sample of the things I wanted to respond to that text with:

Yeah, I'll see you there (which would have been funny because this guy is unaware of my type of humor)
Sign me up! (again, he doesn't know my humor)
How much money would you/your staffing agency get out of this?
That's pathetic
How many times do you want me to say no?
Where all da white women at?
I can clearly see you care about my decision
Have you ever heard of fluoridation?

I haven't felt so compelled to write about a certain situation in my life since the loose-leaf book post. Good memories right there. Can't believe that was two summers ago now. Anyway, I'm excited for this new chapter in my life. I've got one big thing to cross of my to do list, get a good job. I'm excited for this new job and what lies next in life.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Good Friday: A New Beginning

Wow, this has been a hectic week, a week in which much progress has been made. And by progress, I mean that I have finally obtained a legitimate job. I officially accepted a job yesterday, a salary job, too. No more hourly wages for me, thankfully. I think I've done my time, so now it's about time to flourish. I believe I mentioned it before, but I'm a late bloomer. I didn't have any internships during college, I worked at a movie theater, which you would probably know if you read this blog. If not, then go check out the "Summer Job Chronicles" in which I give a little insight into what that job at the movies was like. I do have to admit that I did have some fun at that place. But anyways, I've been a late bloomer in my estimation in multiple aspects of life. But I'd rather bloom late than rot, so I'm not complaining.

This past week I've spent a large quantity of time preparing and going for interviews. I have to say that it's actually been a good experience. I was actually getting to the point where I was enjoying getting interviewed. It was kind of fun. All of this culminated with a job offer last night, which I have accepted. Hooray for salaried employment! I won't be starting this job for another two weeks, but I am so happy that the search is finally over and I can focus on some other aspects of life/just chill out a bit.

Sir Alex Ferguson?
Now that I come to think about it, I don't really have that much to say right now besides what I've already told you. So let's talk about Dead Space 3 then. While I have yet to complete the game, I don't see anything wrong with it. I think it's fun and that's really what I want out of a video game. The only thing I don't like is that the death scenes have been toned down to a very boring level. The death scenes in Dead Space, especially the first one, were very entertaining, and Isaac's head usually fell off. In Dead Space 3 you merely see Isaac's body get smacked around until it lies motionless on the ground. Not very interesting. And for those people shitting on the story, I don't think it's much different from those told in the first two games. Of course the story is bizarre, it's a video game based in a fictional universe with fictional characters battling against a fictional marker that has some fictional religious group fixated on its powers. As for Isaac's ability to understand things about the marker that no one else understands, I'm rather certain that at some point in the second game players are notified that the marker from the first game like imprinted something on his brain. That's how he was able to unknowingly construct the marker on the Sprawl. I think that pretty much sums up why he can figure out/read some things that other people cannot that pertain to the marker.

Another big plus to this game is you can use a shotgun. In Dead Space almost all of the enemies run at you and get in your face. What better weapon to defend yourself from this type of attack than a shotgun? Is it a frickin' 12 gauge? I don't know, but it sure does pack one hell of a punch. And who doesn't like shotgunning baddies in a video game? I honestly do not understand the complaints about this game. Some people say that it's not scary anymore. While it is definitely not as scary as the first game for sure, what do you expect the game makers to do, make the same game again? I think that if they stuck to the exact same style as the first game people would complain that it's just the same game. It's one of those situations where there are always going to be angry people. Well, that actually sums up every situation, so I'll just go fist myself.

Since I don't have much more to say, I'll keep this short. I'm happy to finally have found a job that looks like it will be a good fit for me and a good start for my career. I'll do my best to come up with something to write about soon. Until then I hope you enjoyed the two random pictures.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Good Friday: Super Bowl Commentary and Other Stuff

I couldn't do it, I caved and watched the Super Bowl this past weekend. Damn it, I'm just like every other brainwashed person in this country I guess. You have to watch the Super Bowl or else you're like un-American or something. It's complete horseshit. Anyways, I did watch, and despite the scenario that I laid out in a previous post not coming true to any extent, I was surprisingly satisfied with the game... for the most part at least. I don't know why, but I just could not root for the 49ers. There's just something I really do not like about that team. Mainly Jim Harbough, the coach, and that fudge packer Kaepernick. I don't like Harbough because he's always yelling and screaming, especially when anything doesn't go his way. Some one should tell him to shut the f**k up, it's not like there's ever going to be a game where nothing goes against your team. Also, they should allow the punter on the opposing team to run up to him and give him a nice, powerful kick to the nuts every time he doesn't like a call. Or the refs should throw him out of the game as soon as he gives them shit. And Kaepernick, I hate that guy not because of who he is or what he does. I hate the guy because everyone is on his nuts. He was sucking huge assholes in the beginning of the Super Bowl, and pretty much for the entire first half, but the commentators were still going on his nuts hard. I know it's stupid to not like someone because of all the praise they get, but it's really annoying when they keep stroking his dick when he's sucking big time. Oh yeah, and there's the whole thing where I despise running quarterbacks, too. Those dickless f**otts take all the skill out of the game. I imagine this is what goes on in their heads: Well, I suck huge ball sacks and can't make a throw, so I guess I'll be a huge f*g and run until someone is going to touch me, at which point I will slide like a huge turd or run out of bounds like a huge turd.

I'm also disgusted because I can't find a picture making fun of Kaepernick. That's how much everyone is on his nuts. In lieu of that photo, because apparently it does not exist, you get the one shown above. Back to the actual Super Bowl, though. I was thoroughly enjoying the game when the Ravens were romping the 49ers. Partly because I like domination and blowouts, but also because as I said before, I just could not bring myself to root for a team that is coached by Jim Harbough because the man disgusts me. I might not have mentioned that part before, but I really couldn't root for the 49ers. That's saying a lot, too, because I am not a fan of many of the people on the Ravens, insert Ray Lewis. But I don't want to talk about that guy. So I was enjoying the game until the "blackout" occurred. Since I'm a conspiracy kind of dude, I think that this blackout was an NFL conspiracy. I think the commissioner of the league, Roger Goodell, saw that the Ravens were going to rape the 49ers too hard after the second half kickoff was returned by a black dude for a touchdown. I'm going to revisit this kickoff return a little later, too. Goodell had to find some way to disrupt the rhythm of the game, attempt to change the momentum. So let's cut the power and everyone will be too concerned with making jokes about Bane entering the stadium and such to think that it was in fact the doing of the National Football League itself. Goodell knows that the broadcast of this game was in danger of losing viewers if the margin between the two sides was too great, and it's all about ratings. So f**k it, let's change the game because we have the power to do so. And thus the blackout was born and the 49ers got back into the game. I'm really glad they lost after that bullshit.

This is not true
This is more accurate

Back to that kickoff return. The return was a very captivating and exciting play, one certainly hard to do for sure. But let's not kid ourselves, the guy traveled 108 yards (after an initial ruling of 109) in 11 and some odd seconds. That's not as fast as most people believe. 108 yards is not even 100 meters, it's 98.7552 meters. Granted he did not run straight and had to avoid people, but Usain Bolt has run 100 meters in 9.58 seconds. That's fast as shit. I've seen people in high school run sub 11 second 100 meter races. Yes, the guy who returned the kickoff for a touchdown probably could too, but I don't believe that he has Olympic speed, otherwise why the hell wouldn't he be in the Olympics? Again, I'm not saying what he did wasn't impressive, but don't get overhyped on the speed.

Now I'm going to completely switch gears. No more Super Bowl talk, it's still the winter, so the weather still sucks. One thing I've noticed quite a bit lately is people leaving their cars running while they go into the post office or something. I've been thinking about what kind of car I should just get into and drive away with. You can't take that kind of risk with a piece of shit car, so what kind of car would be worth it? I'm open to suggestions. I'm just amazed at how many people I've seen doing it. Seriously though, I know it's cold, but it's not cold enough for me to leave my car in a public lot with the keys in the ignition. Maybe I'm wrong... I wonder how many people's cars get stolen each year in this situation. That's a statistic I would enjoy seeing, even if it's probably made up.

Another thing that has recently perplexed me are these emails that Facebook sends me every once in a while. I get these emails from Facebook telling me that people have posted statuses, pictures, or some other shit. Then at the bottom it tells me stuff like that the person that posted a status commented on their status. Basically the email is attempting to tell me that I am missing all of this. If I cared I would look at these statuses and pictures on Facebook. But the truth is that I don't. I just think this whole thing is funny. Does anyone else get these emails? Or is Facebook actually monitored to the extent that it knows I don't look at it practically ever. I do look at Facebook, but not to see what other people are doing. I don't like the "I saw it on Facebook effect," and I'm not interested in seeing what most of the people I'm allegedly friends with on it are doing. For the most part the people I care about knowing what's going on in their lives I speak to or have some sort of regular communication, so I don't need to stalk them on Facebook. While I'm talking about Facebook I might as well mention that the whole experience of Facebook is getting very stale in my opinion. This has nothing to do with my past bitchings about the site. I am genuinely bored with it. Facebook, in my opinion, does not have the friendly atmosphere it used to. It doesn't strike me as the place to go to keep in touch with friends anymore. Hell, they even changed it to a "timeline." That's all it is now. I don't want Facebook to keep track of my life in a timeline. I liked it better to stay in touch with my friends, but I really think it's moving away from that.

Of course I do absolutely nothing to change this, I hardly ever use the thing anymore. I pretty much just respond to the one post or fewer that is posted on my timeline each month. That's about it. Twitter to some extent is also getting stale for me, mainly because of the people I follow that I actually know. I think most of them use it just to stroke themselves. Believe me, they are so out there. That's a joke because I see a lot of this #weouthere shit. You're out where? You put me in a quandary, social media, a quandary.

Finally, I've started Dead Space 3. I've been excited about this game since I heard it was in the making about a year ago because I really enjoyed the first two games. I've only finished the prologue and the first few chapters, but it's really different so far. It's not bad, but different. I don't really like that there are lots of automatic weapons, I think it makes the game less about dismemberment, which is what makes these games so totally awesome! There are also these new necromorphs that have pick axes and come at you flailing them. That's cool and all, especially because a lot of the game is supposed to take place on some frozen planet, but I don't understand why you fight some of these guys in the first chapter that takes place in a human city. Were people mining in the city? I haven't played enough of the game yet to have a real opinion on it. I just hope it's fun. My addiction for Fifa Ultimate team is really distracting me too.

Have to love these games
One thing that has really jumped out at me that is different in Dead Space 3 is the amount of ammo you get. You have tons more ammo than in either of the first two games. That right there shows you that this game is more action oriented than ammo conservation and strategy. I really liked strategically dismembering enemies to kill them with their own body parts, too... You can still do that, but it's much harder, at least I think so, because the enemies get on you so quick.

I have just one more incredibly random interjection before signing off on this post. When I was at work the other day I stumbled across this invoice that I have pictured below. Go ahead, take a look.

Yes, that's correct, those are brass nipples. I've heard of brass knuckles before, but never brass nipples. I can only imagine what those are used for. Brass knuckles are used to kick someones ass with your hands. Does this mean that brass nipples are to kick someones ass with your nipples? That wasn't all, though. There was also one for black nipples.

I'll leave you with that. As always, be champions.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Winter, You're a Jerk

Now that I've worked through a portion of the winter, I have no idea why the hell people live in places with a real winter, places where changes of season actually occur. I really don't like it. It's only February and I'm sick of warming my car up in the morning, shoveling all the f**kin' snow out of the driveway early so I can get to work, uncovering my car from beneath the snow, and all the other shit you have to do because of the weather. I miss the days of the summer when the weather was pleasant and warm. I don't like putting on seventeen layers of clothing just to go outside and still feel cold. I also hate getting sick. And I don't think it's a coincidence that I only get sick during the winter or the transition season, fall and spring, both of which share a border with winter, that sick bastard. Basically, I don't like the winter and I have no idea why people put up with it's shit.

The last four years of my life at college I didn't have to do shit when it snowed. The school had people that took care of that and I had heat blasting into my dorm room, especially senior year, damn did that heat get pumped. I would sleep with no shirt on every night during the winter and still need only one blanket. I think at some point I would very much like to get the hell out of here and go somewhere warmer, but I don't think that is very feasible at this point in time. Someday, though, someday. Watch, I'll probably live in this shit for the rest of my life. I remember when I was in high school and I was getting some really good results in track, my sister, who was out at college in Southern California, told her friends about what I was doing in indoor track, to which they asked her what indoor track was. That sounds like a great place to live. That's also how I came to realize how I was in the top 100 in the nation in the 55m hurdles in high school, because so much of the country doesn't even participate in indoor track.

Since I'm talking about track, I did finally make a return to the sport in December. I ran the 400m at a ridiculously good track in December and surprisingly was only .42 seconds off my best time. Running this race made me come to a realization about track. After the race I felt like absolute garbage and threw up shortly after crossing the finish line. Maybe about five or six minutes later. Good thing they have garbage cans on the infield. This is not the first time I've thrown up after a race and I've done it at practice on multiple of occasions. I think I can actually relate my desire to run track to an alcoholic. On multiple occasions I've heard people claim that they were never going to drink again when they felt like shit the next day. But everyone knows that in a few days they'll be back at it just as hard. I think that track is like this. I felt like shit once the race was done and there are thoughts running through my head like "I'm never doing this again." I could easily retire now, too, since I'm not part of a team or anything. But a few days later I get that urge to run and compete again. Every weekend during the track season is pretty much like that. After racing you wonder why the hell you do this, during training, too, but if you're dedicated to it, you just can't get away from it. Just like an alcoholic can't stay away from alcohol. I think it makes perfect sense, and this way more people can relate to the life a runner, or athlete in general since if you want to have success in any sport, you have to put in the time, effort, and a certain amount of puke.

But seriously, f**k winter. It's cold all the time, it gets dark at like 4, it's cold all the time, you have to wear a ton of clothes, it's cold all the time, I always get sick, it's cold all the time. That's like twelve thousand reasons why the winter sucks right there. Did I mention that it's always cold during the winter? A week or so ago, when I was at the post office for work, I was talking to one of the people who works there that I have come to know on a very superficial basis. I was telling him how I liked last winter because it was very mild and warm compared to most others. He was telling me something about how that kind of a winter is bad for the ecosystem. I hear that, but seriously, f**k that. I'm sure the ecosystem can adapt to warmer weather. I think there's something that a guy named Darwin spoke about called survival of the fittest or something. I think the ecosystem can adapt just fine to warmer weather. Maybe the reservoirs won't have as much melted snow in them, but I think that's because of a lack of precipitation, right? It doesn't matter if it's rain or snow filling the reservoirs, does it? If there's no rain then there wouldn't have been snow, right? Right? I think I want to do that one more time... right? I'm probably wrong because I'm not a scientist or something, but I think precipitation can take more than one form. That's not important, though, what I'm saying is that warm is better, no matter what the effects of the warm weather are. Doesn't the winter have some really bad effects on living things? I know it pisses me off.

Just in case you didn't notice, I don't like the winter. I've been belaboring that point for some time now, but I'll recap. I don't like the winter, it's cold, gets dark early, it's cold, I tend to get sick, it's cold, and it sucks. I'm right, right? I realize that some people like the winter because they like skiing or snowboarding or pelting snowballs at people, but I just see all these activities as cruel punishment to yourself. I don't want to do much of anything that involves staying out in the freezing cold for extended periods of time. Sounds like some type of Chinese punishment to me. Damn Chinese water torture. I apologize if that was uncalled for, maybe I should just say that it sounds like some kind of punishment to me. The most fun I had in the snow was probably that time during sophomore year of high school when two very good friends of mine and I built a snowman in the middle of the street outside my house. My dad told us we couldn't leave it there, so we proceeded to beat the snowman with a wooden baseball bat (that was more like a club) until it was no more. Now that was fun, mostly because we went inside where it was warm after.

I could probably sit here and think of more reasons why the winter sucks, such as the constant cold. I might have mentioned that before, though. Plain and simple, winter sucks.