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Monday, June 11, 2012

What do I do now?

My family and I have been back home from Seattle for a week now and it only took that week for me to get bored out of my mind. Luckily I was able to spend some time with good friends the last two nights which has greatly helped me ease the boredom to some extent. Yesterday I was gone most of the day for a family get together. During this get together I found myself come to a realization. From my point of view, my life, as well as most people when I come to think about it, revolves around sitting in some place to getting up and going to sit in another place. Call me crazy, but I honestly feel like that's what's going on. Yesterday for example, at my grandmother's 80th birthday party. My family and I got to the restaurant and sat down and ate. Once all that was finished we got walked back to the car and sat in it until we arrived back at her house where we proceeded to sit down inside. Then once everyone was like screw sitting inside, let's go outside because it's so nice. So we all got up and walked outside to sit down. After sitting there for a while it was time for us to make our way home, so we got back in the car and sat there for about another hour and a half.

I don't mean to take anything away from family gatherings, I think they're a good thing as long as they don't last too long. I am merely pointing out how life just revolves around going places to sit down. The same was true in school, whether high school, college, any type of education. You show up to class and sit down and listen to someone, sometimes a huge clown, teach, or in some cases "teach," for a predetermined amount of time. Once that amount of time expires, it's on to the next class or it's time to go sit in the cafeteria or it's time to go sit in your dorm or something. I think this holds true for practically every situation. You go out to a bar and sit down, or maybe you stand around, but I think it's along the same idea. You go to a sporting event and you sit down and watch. You go to work where most professional jobs include lots of sitting and sedentary action.

My sister and I with the Freemont Troll in Seattle!
 Personally, I like to stay active. I like moving around and partaking in physical activity. This is probably why I ended up running track and very much enjoy playing pickup games of frisbee. I usually find myself happiest when running around like a lunatic. Unfortunately as my friends and I get older it gets increasingly difficult each year to play sports because people are busy or lazy and sometimes a combination of both. I also find that most people just want to go to bars and drink or just drink in general. I don't mind doing this sometimes, but I'm definitely not one to go out and drink on an extremely regular basis. I think that right there immediately cuts my options of things to do with people by a lot. Pair the sedentary style of life with no job and I find myself bored out of my mind.

Right now the main goal for me is to find a job. I've submitted my resume to a few places and I'm continuing to search for opportunities while I wait to hear back. The annoying thing is that if the places I've applied to aren't interested in what I have to offer, they probably won't even get back to me so I'll have no idea if I'm still in consideration or not. I'm really hoping that if I can find a job I'll be a lot happier, because I'm already sick of where I'm at now.

At this point I'm just going to continue searching for work and spend time with some of my longest standing friends. Speaking of which, I also had another revelation, something that I've actually known all along, but for some reason took me a while to realize. Actually, I think I always did know it, but I didn't want to be a huge dick, but I now I do. If you are familiar with me, or this blog, you know that I'm not a supporter of Facebook. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, then look at the labels section on the right side of the blog and click on "Facebook." Then you can see me bitch and piss myself into a puddle of my own rage. When I was writing about the social networking site that has become a large part of practically everyone's life my age or around it, I was quick to blame the site for allowing people to do all the annoying things that piss me off. However, I was wrong to blame Facebook, it's not the site's fault, rather it is the people on it. There you go, very simply put, the way people use Facebook, and other social media sites, annoys the piss out of me.

Running around like a lunatic at an early age!
The one thing that annoys me the most on Facebook is that you can tell when people blow you off. I don't really feel like getting into too much depth on this subject because it will just end with a whole lot of unpleasant thoughts, but it does really annoy me. I also think that this has gotten much, much worse since people have been able to use Facebook on mobile devices.

So I have no job and very little to do. I'm bored to say the least. That's about all I have to say for now. I'll leave you with this short film that one of my friends made this past semester in school.

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