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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

When I Grow Up I Want to be...

We have once again reached November, there's something about this time of year regarding school. For some reason, in my experiences, from the end of October until the mini break for Thanksgiving school work just ass-rapes students. Every fall semester I have projects due right before Thanksgiving and tests galore! I also don't like the fact that practically every class now is based strictly on examinations (quizzes, tests, whatever you want to call them). I also find myself increasingly not wanting to do anything relating to my major: accounting. If I knew what a terrible profession accounting was earlier there is no way in hell I would have chosen it. Actually, there's nothing wrong with the profession, it's just not for me. At least the degree isn't strictly for accounting, business for the win!

I've been very preoccupied as of late with a bunch of tests and projects. I even forgot to study for a quiz I had today because I somehow overlooked that there even was one. At least I know I got the bonus question right. When I think about it, I really should have majored in English or communications or something of that nature. I enjoy writing (hence why I continue to post blog entries that I believe only 2 people actually read) and reading certain things. I read Huxley's Brave New World this past summer and absolutely enjoyed it! The problem is I don't like being forced to read certain things or write about things that I'm not interested in. That is why I didn't pursue English as a major, plus I also don't like it when my writing style is constricted to how someone else wants. Everyone has their own style and flow, there is no right or wrong way. I'm rather certain that if I were to produce any of Shakespeare's plays for a literature or English class, that the professor would find something "wrong" with it. Given Shakespeare hadn't written it, but my point is that there is always something "wrong" with a paper. I say bullshit.

Should have gone with this method
What don't I like about accounting is mainly that I flat out suck at it and I don't enjoy it at all. The other thing that bothers me about it is that the only reason there is a "right way" to record items for accounting is because some assholes decided on the "right way." Science is hard, too, probably even harder than accounting, but at least there are scientific facts that back it up. Accounting is governed by GAAP, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, or as I like to call it, Genuinely Arbitrary Account Preparation. I am more interested in people. I enjoy watching people and taking note on their behavior and tendencies. This is probably why I rip on Facebook so much. Again, I don't want my areas of joy to become a burden. I would much rather suffer through bullshit business/accounting classes and watch people on my own for fun! And blog of course! Maybe at some point I will reveal this blog to some of my friends in an attempt to spread it's already incredible fame.

I attribute some of my enjoyment of literature to the man himself, Dr. K (read about him in my other posts!). I will reiterate that I wish Dr. K was my grandfather or uncle, anything in relation to me. This is the third class I have had with him, and to be honest, every class is practically the same. The names of the courses he teaches do not matter, the only thing that matters is that Dr. K teaches them. A lot of people take him because they think his class is a joke and doesn't require an obscene amount of work. While it is true that you will not have to do a ton of work, I find myself intrigued by all of his theories and his views in general. I remember the second class we had this year he was going off on a rant. I don't recall what he was angry about, but he kept saying that it was bullshit! His ideas about Hamlet are thrilling and could very well be true. I choose to believe him and I now find Hamlet my favorite play by far. There's something about English professors, they are different than all other types of professors. Two of my favorite teachers/professors of all time teach English. I can't quite say what's different about them, but they are unique. In my estimation they have much deeper thinking on a much wider range of topics. Not like an accounting professor who knows the ins and outs of tax. Knowing tax is more concrete, there are certain things you should do in particular situations. Not that a tax professor can't be interesting, but in my interactions with different teachers/professors, I have tended to like the people who teach subjects such as English, sociology, psychology, or communication classes the most.

Back to the subject of majors, the common advice that is given to students attempting to choose a major is very weak. One of my favorites is the one that goes something like this: "if you choose a field that you enjoy, then you never work a day in your life." I completely agree, but what kind of job lets you play sports, play video games, and study people/blog? That's my perfect job right there. Anyone want to pay me to do those things? I argue that this is also a far better job than most out there, aside from being a professional soccer player. The job that I would love to have has the perfect balance. Playing sports/doing athletic activity gets you exercise and keeps you in shape. I don't want to sit at a desk all day and get overweight like the rest of the nation. Now there's something I can never understand. Obesity is such a large issue today, but who has looked at the nation that we have created? The lifestyle of this country promotes doing nothing at sedentary jobs. Back to my main point though, about the perfect balance. Playing video games lets you recover and take a break from physical endeavors. Video games are so enjoyable because I think they are like interactive movies. I feel like I'm in action/horror films when playing, but I get to make all the decisions! And despite many "experts" claiming that video games don't help people think, I disagree. Video games make the player think in varying ways depending on the game. Gamers solve puzzles, develop strategy, and overcome problems on the fly. As for my final piece, studying people and blogging, just so much fun. People fascinate me and I enjoy communicating my thoughts through blogging, even if no one reads my garbage. Maybe one day I'll make it to ten followers!

The only career that comes close to my perfect career is that of a professional soccer player. I think being a professional soccer player would be a dream come true, but the prospect is even enhanced because I'm American. I say this because soccer is sadly under-appreciated in the United States. Yes, I think anti-soccer people are fools. But how great would it be to be an American professional soccer player? You could make money playing the wonderful game and during the off-season you could reside in the United States and barely anyone would know you are! Make decent money and maintain anonymity.

Well, I guess I should get some sleep so I can get up in the morning and study! Remember, studying is important. You need to know everything because when you get a "real" job in the "real" world you'll be locked away in a room with absolutely no resources and need to perform your job completely from memory.

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