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Monday, November 28, 2011

One Year Anniversary!

Exactly one year ago to the day I created Sycophantic Laughter. Little did I know at the time that I would document so much shit on this blog, and I can say in honesty that it has been a joy. I have a good time looking back at the beginning of this blog. My first few posts are very raw and if you actually read the posts, you can see how the blog has transformed. I am happy with the direction I have taken with the blog. When I started, the posts were somewhat disjointed and are quite random. I do enjoy randomness quite a bit, but I have altered the randomness to fit into the events that occur in my life. The largest change I have made is blogging almost exclusively about my life and my thoughts. I enjoy doing this and I think it makes for a better comprehensive blog than the disjointed group of posts I was creating in the very beginning.

Sycophantic Laughter has been a wonderful learning experience and I hope that it continues to function as a memoir of the events in my life and a place where I can freely display my thoughts, ideas, and opinions. I remember starting this blog. I had just got back to college after Thanksgiving break and for some reason I wanted to blog. What a wonderful idea that turned out to be! Blogging is by far my favorite social networking medium. I like blogging so much because there is way more to it than any other social networking site. You don't have 140 characters to say what's on your mind and you don't have to constantly see stupid updates about your friends that you could give less than a shit about. With blogging you get to express your thoughts and ideas to the full extent. If you want to bash on something relentlessly, blogging is for you. If you want to share the events of your life, blogging is for you. If you want to express your opinion on society, blogging is for you. All of these reasons are why I blog. The substance involved in blogging is far greater than any other social networking site. If you don't enjoy writing and thoroughly expressing how you feel, blogging is not for you. I love blogging because you can expand upon your thoughts to whatever extent you desire.

Speaking of my thoughts and ideas, I'm ecstatic that my sister recently introduced me to the genius that is George Carlin! My sister suggested that I check out the stand up comedy performed by George Carlin and I can assure you that he is hilarious! He questions and pokes fun at society in a way that I wish I could. If I was a comedian I would want to be just like him because I think I view the world in a similar fashion. He, along with Dave Chappelle, are my favorite comedians. I could listen to both of them hour after hour and still find myself laughing. Chappelle is great because I don't think I've heard a joke in any of his stand up routines that I have not laughed at. Carlin is great because he shows how stupid many things in our society are. I enjoy laughing, in fact, laughing is my favorite thing to do. I spend many hours on YouTube watching comedians and funny videos. I think a lot of people need to lighten up and look on the bright side of life and I practice that every single time I blog. I like to blog, therefore I do.

There are way too many negative vibes thrown around all day, everyday. I hear it when I go to class: "now's a terrible time to be graduating." I hear it when I'm at my townhouse: "I'm so busy I don't have time to take off my suit." I hear it when I go to practice: "If you want to do that, then you can find a different coach." Maybe if everyone didn't act as such depressing fucks we could enjoy ourselves a bit. I try to enjoy myself as much as I can. Take this very moment for instance. I should probably be working on a memo and analyzing a case for auditing class, but both of those things suck ass and blogging is way more fun, so fuck them for now. I'll do that shit, but I don't want to do it right now because I want to enjoy myself. I think people are far too constrained by the bullshit rules and ideologies instilled on us from a very young age.

Bullshit, now there's a word that I very much like. I think "bullshit" might actually be my favorite word in the English language. I like "bullshit" so much because it accurately describes so much of life. Work is bullshit, education (to a certain extent) is bullshit, business is bullshit, and the list goes on and on and on. Tests, exams, quizzes, they're all bullshit, too. I am so sick and tired of taking tests. I don't think tests prove anything except how well you can take the test. Tests are bullshit because you have no resources, I need say no more. There's even a degree named after the wonderful word, the BS. Instead of bitching about what is bullshit, I would rather look at the beautiful word and think about how useful it is in communication. Everyone who is reading this, go on and say "bullshit" out loud right now, you'll feel better.

You know what bothered me today, on the fucking one year anniversary of Sycophantic Laughter (the audacity, another one of my favorite words!), one of my professors shit on video gaming. He said something about how playing video games is a waste of time that could be spent doing something else. Well, speak for yourself. I can't stand the amount of shit that video games take. Here's some more bullshit, who would have guessed. Video games get blamed for violence, obesity, and are considered a waste of time. So instead of playing a video game I should read my accounting book. I'll SIT around (obesity risk!), learn nothing because the book is as interesting as a blank wall (waste of time risk!), and proceed to get outrageously angry at how bullshit all the information is (violence risk!). I am probably alone on this, but I get significantly more angry at many academic books than I do at anything else. It might be strange, but it is absolutely true. Video games are not as bad as the media and some people make them out to be. I like to have fun, that's probably why I like video games. All the things that are fun are the same things that I'm always told are a waste of time. I would rather blog than do my homework. I would rather play video games than study. I would rather read the books I want to read than the books I'm told to read. I have to say, I feel rather oppressed sometimes. There are too many customary standards. I don't think I'm a retard just because I get Cs in my accounting classes. I hate accounting, it's bullshit because it's all completely made up. If for some reason there was a revolution because all the blind people realized what bullshit they are subject to on a daily basis, then all these business experts would be screwed. Business, the way it works, is completely arbitrary. Science, language, mathematics, and communication, you can't change them. The real experts reside in these fields.

This turned out to be a much longer post than I had originally planned. I only wanted to pay my respects to the one year anniversary of Sycophantic Laughter and I ended up going off on a few tangents. However, this post shows how Sycophantic Laughter has evolved and matured over the year period. The randomness of this particular entry is what I was referring to at the beginning. My posts are random, but only due to the randomness of my thoughts. I love random! I also love happiness, which I am experiencing currently. I've watched a lot of comedy today, including George Carlin, Rodney Dangerfield, and Yakov Smirnoff (who Chase just introduced me to today!), while getting some bullshit school work done as well. I'm happy that I got to see a few of my friends over Thanksgiving break and that I've reestablished communication with some friends who I've not spoken to in quite some time. What a great day for Sycophantic Laughter, thank you all for reading!


  1. Here's a way to look on the bright side of accounting: as a CPA, you can make sure that the government takes the absolute minimum amount of money from your clients' pockets.

  2. You know what's interesting about having the distinction of CPA, is that technically, the only thing an accountant with a CPA can do that no other accountant can do is sign an audit report. Fun accounting fact! I am actually contemplating further education, but in the form of an MBA. We'll see what happens.
