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Thursday, November 10, 2011

I Can't Get Enough of this Guy!

The sheer brilliance that is Dr. K never ceases to amaze me. I have to acknowledge this guy's greatness before doing anything else. I'm putting the post I was working on for the study I performed a month ago on hold just to give Dr. K the attention he deserves. I love this guy! Dr. K fires on all cylinders all day, every day. He was speaking about unemployment today, more specifically on how the way the government reports unemployment statistics is bullshit. He has a point, too. He handed us an article from October 24, 2011 titled What Is the Real Unemployment Rate? Turns out the government leaves many people who don't have jobs out of the equation, in the words of Dr. K, bullshit!

Dr. K in all his glory!

He also told us a personal story about when he was diagnosed with cancer. This is a sad subject, but he found a way to make it absolutely hysterical. The way he introduced it was even comical. He was talking about how some years ago he had a doctor's appointment and the results yielded that he had testicular cancer, or as he referred to it, "cancer in the balls." Then Dr. K went on to tell us how he went to many different doctors to discuss treatment of the cancer before it got too late. While I cannot remember the specific names he gave to the procedures, I remember very well how he described each process. One of the doctors told him he could remove the cancerous area by cutting it off. "Snip snip" as Dr. K referred to the process, I think you know what this means (cut IT off, it referring to the "sack"). The doctor also told Dr. K that this would cause incontinence. Dr. K told him he could not have that because he's a teacher, "I can't be walking around all day peeing myself." The doctor's response to this was that he could wear a diaper. Dr. K: "Yeah, I'll wear a diaper" (as he proceeded to raise his middle finger and perform the "fuck you" arm motion, for lack of a better word. I wonder if that motion has a name. I'll have to find out.). I can say with absolute certainty that I have never witnessed another teacher/professor do this, though. I cannot stress how much I wish I was related to this guy in some way! I could listen to him day after day, the hilarity is like nothing I have experienced before.

This is very similar to the gesture I reference , does it have a name?
Another doctor told Dr. K that he could perform a procedure where he could "shoot" the cancer with radiation. The only problem is that he wouldn't hit it every time. His reaction spoken in my lingo: "yeah, I'm definitely doing that." Or even better yet, "go pound sand," (inside joke alert). Keep in mind that this is a story Dr. K is telling us during class. He goes on to tell us that another doctor tells him he can freeze the cancer, or in Dr. K's words, "they put your nuggets in a freezer." Once he said this, I was laughing hard enough that I felt some tears gathering in my eyes. Once again, something I have never experienced in a classroom before, and during a class. There was another doctor who had yet another procedure, but I cannot remember it, probably because I was too busy laughing. He finally found a doctor who could help him out with a more precise way of hitting the cancer with radiation or something like that. The process was more careful and took longer, but it saved his life, completely worth it.

Frozen Nuggets!
I am very grateful that he was able to find a good doctor, but the story does not end there. Dr. K told us he got a bill from the hospital for $2,500 to speak with the doctors about the possible treatments. To make matters worse, his insurance was not going to cover any of it. Of course Dr. K found this complete bullshit, he had only been in the doctors' offices for a few brief minutes to discuss treatment possibilities. He called the hospital to tell them that he thought this bill was absurd. They told him that they had a "white knight (night?)" for him to speak to. Dr. K called this "white knight" and said he sounded like one of the guys from the Godfather on the phone, like a mobster. Dr. K explained his situation to this guy. The "white knight" told him "he would take care of it." Later on Dr. K received a call from his insurance company and the person on the line apologized to him and said his insurance would cover the costs of the doctors visits. Just take a moment to let this all sink in.

And one last thing about Dr. K's class today. Back on the subject of unemployment and money. Dr. K told us he knew someone who made $11 million last year and his job was J.O. He asked if anyone knew what J.O. was and someone in the back of the class said jacking off. This was the correct answer!

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