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Saturday, November 10, 2012

I R Perplexed

Yesterday, just before leaving from work to enjoy the weekend, I was offered a full-time position at the business where I have been working on a temporary basis since the middle of July. When I first took this position it was strictly temporary and it was only supposed to last for 30 days I think. Now it's November and I'm still there. And now I have the option to make it a permanent thing, but the question is do I want that? I don't know right now. The position is not what I had, at any point, envisioned myself doing for a career and I'm not sure I want to commit to it at this stage in my life. What I really want to do is go work in a much more booming area for people in the young adult age range like myself. I have no problem with the area I'm working in now, except that it is a wasteland for young adults. If I was in my forties looking for a nice quiet place to live/work, I would probably be all for it. But at this point in life I want to go do things and not have to drive for an hour plus to get anywhere near a good time. I also think that accepting the position full time would make continuing to run track extremely difficult given the location of indoor tracks compared to where I live now. Also, I don't want to live in my parents' house for the rest of my life and I don't think I could afford even rent with the money I would be making.

Sooo, I'm very perplexed right now. As of right now I plan on keeping the job on temporary terms. I just feel like I want something more, actually I know that I want something more. I'm happy, but I'm not satisfied with my life yet, at least to the point where I would basically decide to live for a decent part of my young adult life within the constraints of the aforementioned (I like that word if you haven't been able to tell from any of my other posts) wasteland. I still want to run/compete, I still want to meet new people that are around my age, I still want to be able to go into the city on weekends and not have to trek for over an hour to get there, and I still want to eventually get an apartment or some place to live with friends. That is a very vague description of what I would like my life to be like and I'm not sure accepting this offer will allow me to live out any of those things.

In conclusion, I'm a huge piece of shit because I'm most likely going to keep this a temporary thing. I'm sorry, but my hopes for life surpass what I believe I can accomplish at the job I currently hold. Like I said before, I'm happy, but I'm not satisfied. In fairness, though, I doubt I'll be satisfied until the day I die. I always want more or something better, sometimes I don't know if that's a good or bad thing. Oh well, I've put up with myself for twenty-two years, so I think I can stand myself for a bit longer.

One thing I'm absolutely not perplexed about is Halo 4. Holy crap do I really like this game on first impressions. I've only played online for about an hour and only completed one of the campaign missions, but so far I think it is ridiculously good! Maybe I'll do my own extremely opinionated review on it once I've played a bit more and finished the campaign. In other video game news, I have started working on a post dedicated to the things I yell or say in a very violent way at my television screen when I'm going on a hell-bent rampage over video games because they are pissing me off. Stay tuned for that! I hope you'll be able to visualize me wetting myself into a rage induced coma while reading it!

Poor people who haven't played Halo 4
Now I'm going to write about something completely different from the first two things I mentioned in this post that already didn't go together! Thus is the disjointed nature of the my "mind." I wanted to go back and touch, but not like a Sandusky touch, on something I mentioned in my most recent published post. The one called something about how roller coaster rides are cliche. In case you didn't get that title, what I was referring to is the phrase that something, usually life, is like a roller coaster because of all the ups and downs. I don't believe in downs, though. I choose to believe that there are different levels of ups, so in that case, there is no roller coaster life because there is no roller coaster that continuously goes up, up, up, up, and up... until it dies. Now if I've confused you, just forget about what you just read because it is absolutely meaningless, much like most of the stuff I post on this blog. So back to before I was talking about roller coasters as a means of describing life, which is actually just a word like that guy in one of the Matrix explains to us using the word "love." He was totally right, "love" is just a word, just like "roller coaster" and all the other characters I've been using to create other words in an attempt to convey to anyone who cares to read what is going through my "mind," yet another word.

Now I'll go back to before I was speaking of roller coasters and before I was speaking of words to where I said I wanted to touch on a subject from my most recently published post, before this one of course, and not a Sandusky touch. I really want to stress the point that I am not using the word "touch" in the way Sandusky touched boys. I merely want to go through a small timeline of events that recently occurred in my sometimes amazing, yet sometimes simultaneously boring life.

At the end of October I had dinner one night with a lady friend that I hadn't seen since sometime in January. So it had been about nine months since the last time I had seen her. And no, she was not pregnant you sick f**ks. So we had a fine time, but I wasn't really looking for much to come out of it. But somehow it got to the point where we were planning on watching V for Vendetta, going to see another movie in the theater, and hanging out not the next weekend, but the weekend after that. I was still not thinking much of it, because of course I would never turn down friendly hangouts. Over the next week we had frequent texting communication because that's what has happened to communication. Then when it was only a few days before the weekend we were going to hang out, I texted her a question about the upcoming weekend. A few hours later she responded that she could no longer go because she was now seeing someone. That's fine with me, but we had made those plans probably three days ago.What I'm getting at is how awesomely abrupt that was. I'm actually really glad that whole series of events went down because of how amazingly abrupt our renewal of friendship started and for the most part has ceased. I think it's actually quite impressive. In the future I hope to accomplish this in an even shorter amount of time because I'm not satisfied with three days. It could certainly be quicker, but damn was that fast. Definitely was the best thing that could have happened, hopefully for both parties, but I sure as heck know I'm perfectly content with what happened there. I can feel the inner asshole coming out again. I sure do have a lot more fun writing these posts when I write like an asshole. I usually do this by making fun of fat people and their expanding waistlines, degrading people for drinking too much alcohol, thinking less of people who smoke any kind of thing that can be smoked, and writing extremely opinionated things.

Also, why doesn't Blogger recognize the words "texting" and "texted" as actual words. Stop putting that red line that indicates a misspelled word under "texting" and "texted," two words that are heavily ingrained in the English language now. I receive/send out at least 1 texts per day because I'm so popular, enough evidence that the two words should be added to Bloggers vocabulary list. And don't tell me the red lines aren't there, I know they aren't, the red lines only show up on the composition side of posts, not the finished product. So I could misspell every word in a post and it would not have any indication of my stupidity in the finished product except to people who know how to spell. I could make an incredibly racist comment here, but I will refrain and let John Terry do that instead. And speaking of John Terry, I should be commended for writing two articles in a row for Penultimate Round Pick without mentioning John Terry. That is a very hard thing for me to accomplish because Terry has left himself in a position making him an easy target for totally unimaginative jokes about affairs with other peoples' significant others and racism.

One more thing, wtf NBC. NBC was in very high regards with me since it signed a ludicrously expensive contract to show English Premier League games starting in 2013 I believe, and it is the home of my favorite show ever: 30 Rock. What disappoints me and pisses me off to some extent is how 30 Rock, in it's final season, has been moved from it's normal airing time, Thursdays at 8:00 on NBC, because of the show The Voice! WTF NBC! While I don't watch The Voice, I don't mind if they put it on television, but don't f**k with the time slot for the best show on television! For f**k sake, 30 Rock is only half an hour long, leave it alone and put The Voice on after it.

Kindly replace "The Biggest Loser" with "The Voice"
On that note I will bid you farewell for now. Remember to be champions.

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