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Sunday, April 15, 2012

Poor Start, Strong Finish

The last few days have not been anything special, but some strange things have happened. I'll start with Friday morning. Actually, I'll take a few steps back and look at Thursday night. Of course my roommates left for a very small portion of the night on Thursday because that's the thing to do. Thursday night was typical, they left and came back sometime between 1 and 2 a.m. and played shitty music loudly and brought back obnoxious girls. I've gotten very used to this and thought nothing of it, except that I'm more than ready to graduate and be done with it. I got up Friday morning and went downstairs to the kitchen to get some juice to eat with breakfast before class. When I got to the kitchen I thought I was suddenly in the movie Die Hard and I looked around to see if Bruce Willis was around. What I saw to trigger this reaction was shattered glass all over the floor.

Remember that part in Die Hard when Bruce Willis had to walk over broken glass barefoot? That was awesome.
I had no idea what had happened, I hadn't heard anything last night, but whatever had been broken wasn't just dropped, it was obliterated. Of course no one else I live with has any idea what happened either. I think they ended up blaming it on some tool they were hanging out with the night before. But for all I know it could have been the Boogeyman. We think the victim was a glass bowl that one of my roommates uses for popcorn, but who knows. As long as it wasn't one of my things, I guess I don't really care. You know what else is kind of funny, all the glass is still on the floor now, it's just not spread out all over the floor. Now the glass is in a nice neat pile in front of the sink. I think I might wait to see how long it sits there as some kind of a social experiment where I do absolutely nothing to help. I wanted to do the same thing with the dirty dishes in the sink, but I actually want to use those so I never actually did it. I'll take bets on how long the glass will sit in a pile on the floor. I'm also still waiting for someone to stab themselves.

In other news, we had a track meet yesterday where I had a first time experience. This experience revolved around the blocks. For people unfamiliar with track, the blocks are the supports used in sprinting races that allow runners to push off the angled supports to ensure a better start.

Starting blocks, a sprinter's best friend!
Blocks are anchored into the track surface by spikes similar to the ones used in sprinting spikes, or at least I think they look similar. Before the race I did two practice starts/runs at the first hurdle and everything was fine. Actually, I felt quite good, also due in part to the excellent weather. However, when the gun went off for the race to begin, the blocks slid back on me and I went nowhere. This could be partly my fault because I didn't have anyone stand on the back of the blocks for extra support, but I've done without that many times and it has not been an issue, until now that is. The blocks slid out from under me and I almost fell on my face. I looked up and saw everyone else racing their way toward the first hurdle and I decided, hell, I may as well run anyway. So I proceeded to run the race with one of the worst starts I could imagine. I basically made a handicap for myself and was faced with a task I hope I will never have again: running people down in the 110 meter hurdles. Check out these pictures to see how far behind I was at the beginning of the race. You should have no difficulty picking me out if you don't know what I look like.

Wait for me

I still want to race

I ended up running a shitty time by my expectations, but it could have been a lot worse actually. In fact, I've runner slower times in my career when nothing bad happened in the race except me sucking. I don't know what's worse, the fact that I still beat some of my previous times despite my blocks slipping out from under me, or that I managed to come in third in this race. Addressing the first statement, I guess that just shows my improvement over the years. I have been happy that I have run faster each year throughout college. In a strange way, I think that this experience might have been very good for me, at least there are some positives that came out of it.When this happened, I felt a sense of panic and exhilaration, I just had to get back into the race. My senior year in high school, which was the best by far in my high school track career, I always felt like I could turn it on in the 110 hurdles, to some extent that is. I would be in situations where I would think I need to put some distance between me and my competitors or that I just needed to try to keep up with someone. In the race yesterday, I felt like that panic and adrenaline rush led to the same type of situation, except I felt like I had to catch up. The guys that came in first and second are both very good, so I knew there was no chance catching them, but I was able to run down and beat the other guys in the race.

After the race, I was speaking with one of my coaches who had seen all the events of the race unfold. He told me that he thinks that the unfortunate beginning of the race could have hindered by my time by an entire second, which is a really long time in a race, especially one that is only 110 meters. If that's true, I probably actually ran the best race of my college career in the high hurdles yesterday, it just won't show up that way in the results. I'll use it as a great source of encouragement and I'm excited to get back out on the track and see what I can do!

Another side note about my college athletic career, I always have a good time looking at the articles on our school's website about the track team. Practically every single article, I can't remember one that hasn't, mentions "strong performances from so-and-so." You can tell that the people who write the articles have no idea about track and what good times for certain events are. Also, since the vast majority of this post has been dedicated to sports, I would like to welcome any readers to check out the new sports blog that a couple friends and I just started, Penultimate Round Pick. We hope to deliver a unique view on sports that has a marginal entertainment value.

We have much higher hopes for PRP than Retentive Gibberish since there is a defined focus for the articles. So check it out, there are already a few articles up and hopefully many more to come in the near and far out future! Also, while it is not my phrase, I want to remind everyone, be champions!

Monday, April 9, 2012

A Pleasantly Delightful Weekend

This past weekend was a breath of fresh air despite not feeling the greatest because of a lame cold. I went home for the weekend for Easter and the first thing I did upon arrival was chill with my dad and watch some weird programming on the television. I didn't realize until recently how strange the History Channel is. I have seen the memes making fun of the History Channel guy linking everything to aliens, but that's only part of the story. My dad and I stumbled across a show about the anti-Christ and how the type of development we are experiencing in the world is all part of the anti-Christ's master plan. What kind of crack are these guys smoking? You know these people are full of shit when they link information technology (IT) to the anti-Christ because everyone knows that's skynet. The anti-Christ believers need to get their heads out of their asses and realize that technology could potentially be a threat to mankind, but not because of the anti-Christ, because technology could become self-aware. Haven't these morons seen The Terminator? We had enough of that and switched the channel to another lackluster show that is basically a ripoff of Cesar Milan where some guy attempts to solve people's cat problems. The guy was convinced that the cat was peeing all over the house in an attempt to mark its territory. He brought a black light into the couple's bedroom and shower and revealed stains all over the bed and shower. He confirmed his belief that the cat was marking territory, but they never showed any proof that the stains revealed by the black light was cat piss...

So that was the start to the weekend, a nice paranoia spreading television program. Who would have thought that the media could control thought? Then when my mom got home we went out for dinner. I got the fish and chips because it was the last Friday of lent and I knew that I would instantly go to hell if I ate red meat. I think that's proven in a science book somewhere. The meal was delicious though and I always enjoy eating out as a vessel to fulfill the extreme enjoyment I get in people watching. There were two fat people sitting at the table opposite my parents and I. The two people looked like a mother and her son, both of which could use some time working out. They were sitting on opposite sides of the table, which is what I would have expected, but then I noticed that the little fat ass had ear buds lodged into his ears. Apparently pork chop was not interested in interacting with his mother who was also almost certainly paying for the meal that would definitely not fill his over-sized stomach. When I'm out in the world experiencing the general public I am always thankful that I was born into the family that I was. I like to remind myself of this, which is probably a big reason why I like people watching so much. Everyone should give people watching some time, I think it's one of the most entertaining things to do. You're certainly welcome to join me!

After dinner we went home and watched some baseball while conversing. I'm really happy that baseball is back. Soccer and baseball are my two favorite sports and now both are in season! Eventually my parents went to bed and I stayed up to watch Albert Pujols' first game as a member of the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim, talk to Chase (on AIM!), and finish More Crap My Roommate Says. So basically I talked to Chase and finished the post and didn't really watch the baseball game because I was extremely distracted by the two other things. I did finish that post and I think you should check it out! And if you already looked at it, thank you and I hope it marginally entertained you at the least.

I didn't do much during the day on Saturday. I got up later than usual because I wanted to sleep in and give myself a chance to rest and fight off the common cold that I contracted during the middle part of the week and was still forced to run an 800 (half a mile for non-track oriented people) on Wednesday when I could not breathe properly and felt like shit. And yes, I did ask to not do it, but apparently that doesn't matter. Later on in the day I got together with two friends and we got dinner at D'Angelo's. I got the steak and cheese sub because it is one of the most delicious things I have ever had. Steak and cheese is definitely one of the greatest inventions of all time. Screw sliced bread, the saying should be "(insert word here) is the best thing since the steak and cheese sub." Yes, you do need sliced bread to make a steak and cheese, but the creation of a steak and cheese sub is way greater than slicing bread, which requires a sharp object.

After dinner we went to a local bar, something I don't do much, but that's more because I don't have a group of friends at college who I'm inclined to go out with. Again, if you read my posts about the shit that my roommate talks about, I think you can see where I'm coming from. If not, then you're probably like him and I probably don't want anything to do with you. It was a good time though, we just chilled and met up with one another one of my very good friends when he got out of work. I think it's fun to do stuff like that occasionally and with the right people. I saw some people from high school that I haven't seen in a very long time, too, which was entertaining to some extent. Some of the people I honestly never thought I would see or talk to again. The end result was a good night.

I wasn't sure what to expect of Easter Sunday since that day constitutes an extended family get together. Extended family get togethers get old rather fast once you get older, but this one was not too bad. After we had lunch I basically just talked to my cousin the entire time. She's around the same age, just one year younger in school than me, so we have a lot of common things to discuss. We ended up staying at my grandma's house, where the festivities were held, for over four hours, which was very surprising to me. What's funny about family gatherings on my mom's side of the family, which was the case for this past Easter, is the topic of discussion among her family. I'm from a a moderately sized town, but it's one of those places where practically everyone knows everyone. I hate it, but that's the way it is. My mom's family is always talking about so-and-so and who they're related to, how much their house is selling for, how much personal trouble they are having, how much of an asshole they are/what a great person they are, or how they can hook someone else they know up. I'll mention that I was with one of my friends and they'll ask me if they're related to so-and-so and go up and down the family tree. I have no idea, they're just my friend!

It's just one of those places where everyone really does know everyone else in some way. I somehow managed to not meet a lot of people in my graduating class which is quite an accomplishment, but it was mainly because our paths didn't cross resulting from the small schools initiative that reduced class sizes by 0%, thanks El Gordo! I don't know why, but I find the everyone knowing or knowing of everyone else kind of annoying. I think a little bit of anonymity is a good thing, but I didn't have to worry about that because I wasn't on the football team in high school so very few people knew who I was. You know what else annoys me, people that suck at merging onto the highway. The people who slow down and/or come to a complete stop on the on ramp when no one is in the right lane. That's annoying and so is the constant fear my roommates live in for partaking in activities against the rules of the university. Apparently when I let a group member borrow a book and showed our house to juniors selecting housing for next year I should have told my roommates that people would be knocking on the door because they got really nervous because they thought it was DPS both times. I didn't realize that I can't have people come over without telling anyone but it's fine to have people come pick up in the wee hours of the morning when I'm trying to sleep or come back at 1:00 am after drinking on Thursday night and playing loud, shitty music. That's ok, but when there's going to be a knock on the door, I should probably let them know. After all, it is definitely my problem that they partake in frowned upon and punishable activities.

I should just start knocking on the door every time I'm walking in the house. I would think it's funny, and that's all I really care about. Living in this situation is only lasting a little longer and the memories will be priceless. I'm going to have fun looking back at these posts and reminisce on my time in college and all the clowns I knew. Regardless, the weekend was great and I'm looking forward to the next part of my life, life after graduation. Hopefully someone will be watching my career with great interest, and of course, I wish the same for my readers.

Friday, April 6, 2012

More Crap My Roommate Says

Here it is, the second installment of the things that come out of my roommates mouth! Another classic assortment of phrases. This list has been building up since the first post documenting his dialogue, about two months of material is in here. But you must remember, this is only a sample of what I have heard. I'm sure I've missed some gems, but this is still an entertaining collection. I really wish I had this idea way earlier. This could have been a great series, but I was too stupid to recognize the potential until about three months ago. Sometimes hearing this shit is funny, but sometimes it's the most annoying stuff in the world. I actually have very few conversations with two out of the three other guys I live with because I don't think anyone can have a normal conversation with the two of them. All they ever talk about is sex, drugs, and alcohol, which is technically a drug, so they really only talk about two things, two things I'm not very interested in discussing, at least with them. Their conversations lack any substance whatsoever, but it could just be that I'm strange.

When I come to think about it, there are actually a lot of days when I don't have much interaction with any of the people I live with. I'll have very brief conversations, but that's about it. I don't have the same connection with them as I do with many of my other friends. As I believe I mentioned at some point, all the people I enjoyed hanging out with at school, for the most part, graduated. But that's not the point of this post, the focus is the habits of my roommates. The roommate I'm deriving all these quotes from, code name Bozo, is the classic player. He likes to drink and have sex. I think there is more emphasis on the sex part, but drinking often goes along with that for so many different reasons. My other roommate, who I briefly referenced in the first installment, Things My Roommates Say, is kind of like his partner. He was that guy freshman year who wanted to try everything. This led him down an interesting path and he is now like Bozo, but with a very different personality. Basically the two of them want to have lots of sex. On Thursdays they often go to a local bar that is filled with people who go to the same school as us. The goal: interact with drunk girls and hope to score.

My other roommate I shared a room with sophomore and junior year, but now we each have singles. Actually, all four of us have singles now that one of our roommates moved out after the fall semester. He's the only one I ever have interesting conversations with. However, I don't really do anything with any of the people I live with. I think it sucks because I used to have fun sophomore year when I was living with people who had similar interests as me. We went to Monster Jam that year! The three of them always do thing together. Only my actual former roommate, the legend (inside joke alert), ever invites me along. Most of the time I decline because I'm not interested. They're always ordering out for food, which I sometimes take part in, but often they're picking up (if you don't know what I mean, then don't worry about it), or going out to get drunk and find girls to have sex with.

But without further rambling on about the people I live with, here are some of the things I've heard Bozo say over roughly the past two months:

Dude, I just found out I have two midterms tomorrow.

Wizzy boy, I love you so much. You're so good.

Buddy, you are getting played right now. I'm laying the pipe on your girlfriend right now.

We're thinking about hitting up to find some sluts.

I just wanna bring mad bitches back. That's my goal.

My career is gonna be f**kin' bitches. For the first couple of years. I'm gonna be the kid hittin' on all my coworkers.

Dude, I'm not gonna f**k bitches at my parents' house.

I would sleep 'til about two. Smoke some pot. Then go party. That's a stupid f**kin' question. I wouldn't work. I wouldn't do anything that constitutes a salary.

Dude, he's like f**kin' possessed. Look at him.

I wish there was a way to know if you're gonna get drug tested.

How the f**k am I supposed to trust you when you f**ked me when you had a boyfriend.

That girl who likes Anthony is sooo hot. (he will never get this)

When you see my f**kin' tan tomorrow, you are gonna be so jealous.

I've never been this addicted to being tan.

I'm gonna go another two hours tomorrow, just bronze. It's not as gay as going to a tanning booth.

She left a huge wet spot on my bed. It looked like a cum spot the size of a Frisbee.

I'm going to get a DUI. I'm gonna start a DUI fund.

I saw Alex today, walking into the gym with his f**kin' suit on. I saw his face and was just pissed off.

What he did is he's just the biggest vagina in the world. He just brings everyone down.

Take you and your mangina and get the f**k out of my townhouse.

Every girl we meet, we f**k, then we never talk to them again. We make it mad awkward. We burn bridges. We just f**k girls.

I think I'm gonna ask Heavy if he's gay. I would still chill with him if he was gay.

Do you think that was her first time getting it from the back? I don't think so.

She said she would try everything once.

Those kids are so excited to throw down.

Have you ever been in a situation where you're f**kin' a girl and you're just like, this is so gross.

I'm gonna text her "do you have any hot friends who wanna smoke?"

Would you have to go to California to bang girls like that?

Cops should treat criminals with more respect. Without them they would have no job.

Imagine if I had three grand, we could get three escorts in here.

If you get a girl with hot friends, you know, c'mon.

You shoulda had Juliet come up so we could have piped her.

She's either a lesbian or she loves black dick.

You wanna set the standard with your dick, no substitutes.

I've put my finger in a few girls' butts. It's like a Chinese finger trap. I would never think about putting my dick in there.

You got kicked out for punchin' a kid in the face? That's stupid.

It's ridiculous how many connects I have. One goes out, I have three others.

I'm thinkin' about just smokin' him in the face.

More bullshit, I should have expected that
So basically I have absolutely nothing in common with my roommates. I would not be the least bit surprised if I don't stay in touch with these guys at all once we graduate, even though I've lived with them for three of the past four years, and one of them for all four years. Hearing this stuff is funny, but only to an extent because I hear this everyday. I really think that Bozo and his protege are the people that all parents want their daughters staying away from. But I can't put all the blame on my roommates. Maybe they are the people that go out looking for drunk girls to have sex with, but the girls might be doing the same thing. So they deserve each other.

I also find Bozo's affection for the cat, Wiz, highly entertaining. I think he treats that cat with more respect than some of the girls he's been with. He just wants to get it in with them, but he tells Wiz what a good boy he is and how he loves him. He refers to the cat as his son. But when it comes to girls, other people, there's only one thing he wants. After he gets it, there's a good chance he'll never speak to them again. Certainly is an interesting life style, but I bet there are a lot of people in the world like him.

There's only a little more than a month left of school, but I'm sure that is plenty of time to compile more outrageous dialogue. You can count on me to continue listening, as if I had a choice, unless my ears begin internally bleeding from all this crap.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

A Journey of Close Calls

As I near the end of my track career, at least competing for school, I have realized that I have an insanely outrageous knack for almost achieving. Take the last few competitions I attended this indoor season as a perfect example of what I am referring to. Two of our last three meets were championship meets, we had our conference meet in Maryland and then two weekends later the collegiate New England Championship meet at the wonderful indoor track facility that belongs to Boston University.  At our conference meet the top eight times from the hurdle preliminaries qualify for the final on the second day of competition. I made the finals last year, as a junior, and finished 6th overall. This year I ran faster and came in 9th, the first person not to make the final. Not only was I the cutoff line, but the person who qualified 8th ran .01 seconds faster than me... I also came in second in my preliminary heat, so it wasn't like I sucked ass or anything. Only a really tall black man that ended up finishing third beat me in the preliminary heat.

So that was heartbreaking to some extent, but I wasn't angry when I realized what happened because for me, it was a good race. I was more or less just unlucky. Two weekends later I was very happy to have qualified for the semifinals for the first time at the New England Indoor Championships. The top sixteen from the preliminary make it to the semis. I qualified in the 12th spot, so I knew that I had some work to do, but hey, I made it! I was all geared up for the race on Saturday, hoping that  I could pull off something great and qualify for the final. BU has nine lanes on the infield, which is where the hurdles and dash are contested. So they let nine people run in the finals of the hurdles and dash, which is nice, but the person that comes in 9th is the only one not to score any points, sad face. Anyway, I was ready to go, the adrenaline was flowing and I was feeling that nervousness that I really enjoy, the anticipation for a race! There's nothing like it! I got out of the blocks very well, for me at least, and reactions take over from there.

We were told that the top four from each heat plus the next fastest time would advance to the final. I was in the second heat, knowing that I couldn't come in anything less than 5th in my heat or else I would not make the final. The race went by in an instant, like it always does. 60 meters doesn't last a long time. After crossing the finish line I thought I ran a decent race, I just felt like I floated over the third hurdle which bit my asshole a little.

BU's great indoor track!
I stood on the infield, looking up at the big board, awaiting the results. The results flashed onto the screen, and I saw it. I came in 6th. I did it again, top nine make finals, I came in tenth, like an average employee, because bosses qualify for the finals. Again, I couldn't be too disappointed because I ran only .03 off my best time, but come on, again! I should be used to this now, though, this started way back in high school when I first began running track. By the end of freshman year in high school I was posting the best times on the team in the hurdles. However, I missed the finals at the indoor district meet by .03 seconds, and the next year at the same meet, I was bumped big time in the final, which really messed me up. I didn't run outdoor track until sophomore year because I played baseball my freshman year. Actually, that brings up another memory, I was hit in the face with a baseball bat during tryouts! I'll have to document that tale in another post.

Top 4 make the final
My first year of outdoor track was more of the same. At our league meet I came in second in the 110 meter high hurdles and the 300 meter intermediate hurdles to the same guy. I was almost a double winner at leagues, but not quite. It was still a very pleasant surprise though! Speaking of hurdling, the reason I started to hurdle is kind of interesting. At some point during middle school I realized that I could jump over the furniture in my house rather easily. Also, I distinctly remember one day jumping on top of my friend's stone wall back in eighth grade, to which his mom told me "the track team will be looking for you." That's interesting to think about in hindsight, I guess she was right. Anyway, I decided to run track freshman year and my dad, based on my furniture jumping delight, told me I should try doing the hurdles. I never thought that would be a decision that would impact my life for the next eight years.

My career of almosts continued for the rest of the outdoor season when I came in second at the state qualifier meet in the 110 meter hurdles, qualifying me for the all-state competition where I would place 10th, two spots out of making the finals as a sophomore. I wasn't really expecting to even place that high, so that was a pleasant surprise as well. Come junior year, I had much higher expectations given these very good previous experiences. Junior year was rife with almosts. I remember indoor districts very distinctly. I was in first place after the preliminary and semi-finals for the hurdles. I ended up coming in second in the final which I found very disappointing. Very soon after that I posted my best time ever to qualify for all-states for the first time in indoor track. At the all-state meet I wrote another chapter in my growing list of almosts. I was again the first person to miss the final coming in ninth place when top nine make the finals, this time by 0.02 seconds. I ran a 7.925 and the guy who qualified in front of me clocked in at 7.923. Not to mention that I slightly stumbled out of the blocks. I remember the sense of panic after that rough start. You can have a look at the race yourself in the video below!

I capped off the junior year campaign outdoors placing second at districts and leagues in the 110 meter high hurdles. I lost at leagues by .01 seconds in what was a fantastic race, my favorite one for a while until the many better races I had my senior year, which was absolutely as much fun as anything could possibly be. At the same league meet my coach did not enter me in the 300 meter intermediate hurdles. I was extremely pissed when I found this out. The person who won that event at leagues I had beat earlier in the season at a regular season meet. I still do not understand that decision to this day. But that doesn't take anything away from how great the high hurdle race was. Over the season I had developed a very friendly rivalry with the guy who ended up winning that thrilling race. I would have loved to take that victory over him and I ALMOST did. See the trend here. So junior year marked a year that I would finish second to the same guy in the 110 hurdles at leagues, districts, and state qualifiers. I did think it was quite satisfying that two of the best hurdlers in the area came from our league and that I was a part of it.

That same year I ran a very mediocre race at all-states and missed the final by .06 seconds. I remember seeing that and thinking to myself that I should have definitely made it. I felt like I always choked at the all-state meets since my first experience competing at those meets sophomore year. The failure to qualify for the final at all-states marked the end of track for junior year by the very slightest of margins. My senior year doesn't really fit into this post at all, and I am very happy about that! Senior year of track, as I mentioned before, was soooo much fun. I'll have to document that legendary year (to me) in another post because I think it deserves it. However, I did still have some almosts, but not to the same extent as the ones I have been mentioning.

Fast forward to college track. At the beginning of this post I mentioned the close encounters I had at our conference championship and the New England meet. At outdoor conferences the year before, junior year I fell in the 110 hurdles, which I came out of unscathed. Actually, I wouldn't really say that I fell. Unfortunately I was starting to get sick right before we left for the meet. I did not sleep very well the nights leading up to the meet. Saturday morning, the first day of conferences, I remember not feeling quite right physically. I didn't feel quite as strong. I actually got a decently good start in the high hurdles, but I couldn't get over and back down to the ground the way I usually do. That caught up to me very fast and I clipped one of the first few hurdles and it threw me off a bit. I kept on running and clipped another hurdle just as badly. My opponents had made up the ground from my good start and had already passed me at this point, and by the time I got to the next hurdle I knew I was either wrecking myself on it or going under. I chose the latter and slid onto my back underneath the hurdle. I sacrificed the race for my personal safety. After seeing the results, I could have made it to the finals comfortably if I had put together a typical race for me at that time.

I wanted to prevent this from happening
I ran the 400 meter intermediate hurdles later that day. I still didn't feel great, but I was feeling better as the day went on. I ended up running my best time in the event ever and missing the final by 0.61 seconds. The guy who claimed the last spot into the final was in my heat, too. So I was close again, but the funny thing is that I got demolished in my heat. I only beat one guy, while four others finished in front of me. Those four guys all ended up in the final. I was very happy with the time I ran, though. The 400 hurdles have always given me trouble since freshman year of college when I first started running them. Actually, I've always felt like a disappointment in the intermediate hurdles. My coaches always think that I should be nasty at them and then it doesn't happen. I remember in high school my coach thought I could be the state champion in the 300 meter hurdles, we still ran the 300 hurdles when I was in high school. I never ran the 300 hurdles at any major competitions, leagues was the biggest meet I ever competed in them at. However, I blame the MIAA (the Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association, I think) for this because they don't let people compete in more than one individual running event at the larger meets. This meant that I always had to choose which hurdle event I wanted to run. I always chose the high hurdles because for some reason I really enjoy that race. So I never really had a chance to run the intermediate hurdles at a very big meet in high school, and I'm going to stick to blaming the MIAA for that.

In college I got the same thing. I remember freshman year when I told my coach I was a hurdler, he thought I meant exclusively an intermediate hurdler. I always get that because of my height, four feet and eleven inches. Not really though, I'm five feet nine and some odd inches tall, which is rather short for a high hurdler, so I don't blame them. However, I still haven't really panned out as an intermediate hurdler and the race continues to frustrate me to no end. Thus the only close call I've had in the intermediate hurdles was at conferences junior year when I missed the final by 0.61 seconds. Otherwise I've always been shit on in that event. I'll end this discussion about my close encounters with almost achieving cool things with a race from this past indoor season of my senior year. My opponent and I posted the same time on the big board. I was second though, so he must have beaten me by thousandths of a second! He was the state champion in the 110 hurdles our junior year of high school, so I'll take it!

He'll see the big board!

Understand where I'm coming from here, I really enjoy track. Track has been a big part of my life for past eight years and I'm so glad that I got involved in the sport. I've met so many great people through track and I have had an absolutely wonderful time competing and embarking on the never ending quest to beat my best times. I just happened to noticed my knack for almost achieving a bunch of accolades. Trust me, it's all in good taste, thank you track for the memories.