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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Things My Roommates Say

Unfortunately, February has marked a month of very little blogging. I have been busy with school work and I've recently become addicted to Fifa Ultimate Team on Fifa 12 and Borderlands. Basically I've spent free time playing video games instead of blogging. However, I did have an idea for a blog post or possibly even multiple posts that require very little work from me. I mentioned in a recent post that I have very little in common with the people I live with at school. The differences in our personalities and interests reach incredibly comical levels. I often find myself amused and or disgusted with a rather large portion of their dialogue. Usually I hear this crap while I'm doing homework at night, but practically every time one of them opens their mouth. I wish I had this idea earlier, but I am going to record the things they say here for our enjoyment.


I was going to get up at eight today, but that didn't happen. The thing is, I'm still going to 2/3 of my classes, I just have so many of them.

This is our last chance, we're about to be professional business men. I think we should pull the job.

Dude, you can't drink everclear.

Dude, you can't bring your girl. Not if we're going to be planning this thing out.

Did you hear I got hit with reckless driving?

The Valentine worked. It kind of sucks because I have to buy her drinks now.

You're gonna have to hit him in the face, but I thought you would like that.

I'm just gonna feed the kid whiskey.

Dude, we need another goon.

That girl **** said she was fantasizing about me in class.

I piped some gross chick at the bar. Now I have to figure out how to handle it.

He's a ginger, a walking vagina.

This is gonna be so much easier since I'm making up my sources.

I still can't believe Jay was sleeping next to the dead body, holy shit.

Not much, I've been smoking and drinking a lot. Living the life.

You know what the sexiest thing is about that girl? Her voice. I just wanna fuck the shit out of her.

She wanted to f**k in the woods.

I was riding it from behind the whole night.

She has like 40 condoms. She said "you gotta help me use all these."

There were pictures of her boyfriend EVERYwhere.

For all the emotional stuff she can go to her boyfriend, for all that bullshit. She can come to me for dick.

Two of the last three girls I've fucked have boyfriends. Shows how much that means.

I'm good for dick, and dick only.

Bozo's Sidekick

I don't know, that girl never even accepted my Facebook friend request.

I think that kid's pretty cool if he's bringing up three kegs this weekend.

Do you believe in love? I don't even know what I would say to that.

I used the name "Bozo" for one of my roommates because that is his code-name among some of my friends at school, so they all know what I'm talking about. And by all, I mean that three people probably know who I'm referring to. His sidekick is another one of my roommates who tends to follow Bozo around. I gathered the dialogue above over the course of roughly two weeks. I will continue to listen for the duration of the semester and most likely will post some more of the ridiculous things I hear. Sometimes its funny, and sometimes its extremely annoying, aggravating, or makes me wish I had ear plugs.

Blogging in general has been at a standstill, at least from the perspective of readers looking for more posts. Get it, because barely anyone reads this shit! However, I have been working on some pieces, I've just been real slow putting an entire post together. My last post, which is dated the first of this month, even though I started and wrote the majority of it on the last day of January, touched on the good mood I was in. I can gladly say that I have maintained this happiness over the course of this month, but it sure has been busy. This upcoming weekend is the first one in which I will not be attending a track meet since I arrived back from winter break and my some of my former roommates are supposed to be visiting this weekend. What perfect timing! Should be a great weekend!

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