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Monday, April 9, 2012

A Pleasantly Delightful Weekend

This past weekend was a breath of fresh air despite not feeling the greatest because of a lame cold. I went home for the weekend for Easter and the first thing I did upon arrival was chill with my dad and watch some weird programming on the television. I didn't realize until recently how strange the History Channel is. I have seen the memes making fun of the History Channel guy linking everything to aliens, but that's only part of the story. My dad and I stumbled across a show about the anti-Christ and how the type of development we are experiencing in the world is all part of the anti-Christ's master plan. What kind of crack are these guys smoking? You know these people are full of shit when they link information technology (IT) to the anti-Christ because everyone knows that's skynet. The anti-Christ believers need to get their heads out of their asses and realize that technology could potentially be a threat to mankind, but not because of the anti-Christ, because technology could become self-aware. Haven't these morons seen The Terminator? We had enough of that and switched the channel to another lackluster show that is basically a ripoff of Cesar Milan where some guy attempts to solve people's cat problems. The guy was convinced that the cat was peeing all over the house in an attempt to mark its territory. He brought a black light into the couple's bedroom and shower and revealed stains all over the bed and shower. He confirmed his belief that the cat was marking territory, but they never showed any proof that the stains revealed by the black light was cat piss...

So that was the start to the weekend, a nice paranoia spreading television program. Who would have thought that the media could control thought? Then when my mom got home we went out for dinner. I got the fish and chips because it was the last Friday of lent and I knew that I would instantly go to hell if I ate red meat. I think that's proven in a science book somewhere. The meal was delicious though and I always enjoy eating out as a vessel to fulfill the extreme enjoyment I get in people watching. There were two fat people sitting at the table opposite my parents and I. The two people looked like a mother and her son, both of which could use some time working out. They were sitting on opposite sides of the table, which is what I would have expected, but then I noticed that the little fat ass had ear buds lodged into his ears. Apparently pork chop was not interested in interacting with his mother who was also almost certainly paying for the meal that would definitely not fill his over-sized stomach. When I'm out in the world experiencing the general public I am always thankful that I was born into the family that I was. I like to remind myself of this, which is probably a big reason why I like people watching so much. Everyone should give people watching some time, I think it's one of the most entertaining things to do. You're certainly welcome to join me!

After dinner we went home and watched some baseball while conversing. I'm really happy that baseball is back. Soccer and baseball are my two favorite sports and now both are in season! Eventually my parents went to bed and I stayed up to watch Albert Pujols' first game as a member of the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim, talk to Chase (on AIM!), and finish More Crap My Roommate Says. So basically I talked to Chase and finished the post and didn't really watch the baseball game because I was extremely distracted by the two other things. I did finish that post and I think you should check it out! And if you already looked at it, thank you and I hope it marginally entertained you at the least.

I didn't do much during the day on Saturday. I got up later than usual because I wanted to sleep in and give myself a chance to rest and fight off the common cold that I contracted during the middle part of the week and was still forced to run an 800 (half a mile for non-track oriented people) on Wednesday when I could not breathe properly and felt like shit. And yes, I did ask to not do it, but apparently that doesn't matter. Later on in the day I got together with two friends and we got dinner at D'Angelo's. I got the steak and cheese sub because it is one of the most delicious things I have ever had. Steak and cheese is definitely one of the greatest inventions of all time. Screw sliced bread, the saying should be "(insert word here) is the best thing since the steak and cheese sub." Yes, you do need sliced bread to make a steak and cheese, but the creation of a steak and cheese sub is way greater than slicing bread, which requires a sharp object.

After dinner we went to a local bar, something I don't do much, but that's more because I don't have a group of friends at college who I'm inclined to go out with. Again, if you read my posts about the shit that my roommate talks about, I think you can see where I'm coming from. If not, then you're probably like him and I probably don't want anything to do with you. It was a good time though, we just chilled and met up with one another one of my very good friends when he got out of work. I think it's fun to do stuff like that occasionally and with the right people. I saw some people from high school that I haven't seen in a very long time, too, which was entertaining to some extent. Some of the people I honestly never thought I would see or talk to again. The end result was a good night.

I wasn't sure what to expect of Easter Sunday since that day constitutes an extended family get together. Extended family get togethers get old rather fast once you get older, but this one was not too bad. After we had lunch I basically just talked to my cousin the entire time. She's around the same age, just one year younger in school than me, so we have a lot of common things to discuss. We ended up staying at my grandma's house, where the festivities were held, for over four hours, which was very surprising to me. What's funny about family gatherings on my mom's side of the family, which was the case for this past Easter, is the topic of discussion among her family. I'm from a a moderately sized town, but it's one of those places where practically everyone knows everyone. I hate it, but that's the way it is. My mom's family is always talking about so-and-so and who they're related to, how much their house is selling for, how much personal trouble they are having, how much of an asshole they are/what a great person they are, or how they can hook someone else they know up. I'll mention that I was with one of my friends and they'll ask me if they're related to so-and-so and go up and down the family tree. I have no idea, they're just my friend!

It's just one of those places where everyone really does know everyone else in some way. I somehow managed to not meet a lot of people in my graduating class which is quite an accomplishment, but it was mainly because our paths didn't cross resulting from the small schools initiative that reduced class sizes by 0%, thanks El Gordo! I don't know why, but I find the everyone knowing or knowing of everyone else kind of annoying. I think a little bit of anonymity is a good thing, but I didn't have to worry about that because I wasn't on the football team in high school so very few people knew who I was. You know what else annoys me, people that suck at merging onto the highway. The people who slow down and/or come to a complete stop on the on ramp when no one is in the right lane. That's annoying and so is the constant fear my roommates live in for partaking in activities against the rules of the university. Apparently when I let a group member borrow a book and showed our house to juniors selecting housing for next year I should have told my roommates that people would be knocking on the door because they got really nervous because they thought it was DPS both times. I didn't realize that I can't have people come over without telling anyone but it's fine to have people come pick up in the wee hours of the morning when I'm trying to sleep or come back at 1:00 am after drinking on Thursday night and playing loud, shitty music. That's ok, but when there's going to be a knock on the door, I should probably let them know. After all, it is definitely my problem that they partake in frowned upon and punishable activities.

I should just start knocking on the door every time I'm walking in the house. I would think it's funny, and that's all I really care about. Living in this situation is only lasting a little longer and the memories will be priceless. I'm going to have fun looking back at these posts and reminisce on my time in college and all the clowns I knew. Regardless, the weekend was great and I'm looking forward to the next part of my life, life after graduation. Hopefully someone will be watching my career with great interest, and of course, I wish the same for my readers.

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