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Sunday, September 25, 2011

So Many Ways to Draw a Circle

I realize it has been quite some time since I last posted,  but this is for the best reason, I have been particularly busy lately. Now that it's Sunday afternoon and I'm just chilling watching some football, more particularly, some Tom Brady domination, I have some time to blog! Speaking of football, now that the NFL season is in full swing, maybe I'll dedicate a future post to how much I dislike field goals, and believe me, you will hate them too once you've seen my rant. Maybe I can even do a small vlog to go with it, but who knows. In my last post I mentioned the legendary Dr. K and how much I love listening to what he has to say. Well, this past week was no disappointment. I have his class two times per week, and this past Tuesday we spent the entire class watching the episode "The Suitcase" from the show Mad Men and discussing it. We got world class commentary from Dr. K throughout including insight into who on the show is an asshole and about how that episode is one of the greatest episodes of a television show ever. Then on Thursday, I was waiting outside of Dr. K's class, just waiting for him to finish up with the class he has beforehand. So I'm just standing there talking to one of my friends when all of a sudden Dr. K emerges from the classroom carrying his bag and personal belongings. He looks at us, all the students he has in his next class, and just keeps walking. To the best of my knowledge he never came back and just peaced out.

Dr. K strolled out of the building without saying a word to any of us, like a boss. We waited a little while to see if he was coming back, but eventually I figured that he was on his way home while we were standing outside the classroom. So I left. Later on that day I received an e-mail from Dr. K. When I saw it in my inbox I was certain that it was an explanation for whatever had happened earlier. Upon opening the e-mail, I found that I was incorrect. The e-mail was about how he was going to have shoulder surgery on November 17 so he would be missing class that day. That just left me thinking, what about today?! He ditched class and then e-mailed us about how he will be missing class in two months! I love this guy!

Oh yeah! In some other ground breaking news, it looks like the mobile blog is a go since there is finally an app that I can use for my mobile cellular phone! This segment new segment, Mere Minutia, should be up and running in the next few days. Mere Minutia will most likely have shorter blog posts about random things I'm contemplating when not around the computer or taking a crap.

Blog here, why not?
 I am fully aware that all my devoted subscribers were anxiously awaiting the arrival of the mobile blog. What can I say, I'm doing it for the followers. They deserve it for all the time they put into reading my stupid shit. Get it, because they would still just be reading my stupid shit. I also just joined Google+ today. I hate Facebook for approximately everything that people do on it, so let's hope for Google+ domination and make Mark the new Tom. Having looked the Google+ interface for a brief amount of time, it reminds me of Twitter on steroids. I say this because there is no way to "write on your friends' walls." You can do updates, like a status update on Facebook or a tweet on Twitter, and people can comment on them. You can upload photos and videos and supply friends with information about yourself. The best part so far, though, is the "Circles" you can create. You can assign people to circles, which they cannot see or know they are part of, and only share things with people in particular circles if you choose. That's such a great idea. As I mentioned sometime before, I can finally have a group of "Assholes!" I think it has a great chance to be a fun social networking tool since there can be some level of privacy. That's right, screw you Facebook! I really need to stop being such a dickhead and get my latest installment about why Facebook sucks up. I've had the piece on status updates sitting in my drafts for about two months now.

I know I talk a lot of shit about Facebook, and it's all justifiable, but I actually have found good use of it, especially right now. The funny thing is that I believe the only useful feature of Facebook that I use is its message application. It's one of the only things that you can keep private, which is why I use it, and it is basically sending someone an e-mail. Something so revolutionary that I could have done it years before Facebook even existed. I used the messaging function last year when I realized that one of my friends got a new phone number and I wanted it. Now I'm using messages to communicate with my friend who is studying abroad this semester. Besides using Facebook for the mentioned purposes, I can't say that it has really had any value to me personally, so it sucks.

Retentive Gibberish is struggling. It hasn't been updated since I wrote a shitty movie review of "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" which has done absolutely nothing for the blog. I don't think we should give up hope yet, but it does have great potential to turn into another failed project. What wasn't a big failure was this past weekend, alumni weekend. Some good friends of mine came back to school this weekend for alumni/homecoming weekend and it was great! It felt like the old times, and I mean the past two years when I say that. Going out to dinner and spending the nights with them again was a whole lot of fun. There is a lot of cleaning up to do, but I think that is more a result of the people I live with, but either way it was totally worth it and a hell of a time!

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