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Tuesday, July 2, 2013

10 Minute Post

Usually I spend hour upon hour writing a blog post, as evidenced by the large number of absolute pieces of garbage displayed on this blog. Tonight, however, I'm going to see what I can slap together in ten minutes or so. At this point you should be expecting a real piece of shit! I haven't even remotely thought about what I am going to write about either. With that said, I'll let the words flow straight from the top of my dome, but not as I rock, rock, rock the microphone.

I wouldn't have blamed you if you thought microphone was going to be the last word in this post, but I would think you a bit retarded since you can clearly see that there is more content right below that word. I don't even know if I should spend time looking for pictures, which can sometimes be time consuming, but f*ck it, of course I'm going to look for pictures. I'll also add that this will probably be longer than ten minutes, but I'm not going to change the title because I'm a stubborn f*ck sometimes. Take right now for instance. Please commend me for going two paragraphs now and still not really saying anything.

Currently I'm working on my patience. I was hoping by now someone would have stumbled upon my blog thus propelling me to stardom and a random life full of doing who knows what. I didn't seriously think any one would discover me here, but you never know what's going to happen. You know how quickly things can change. At this point it has been about seven minutes since I started the post, and I can confirm that it will most definitely be more than ten minutes, but I will also confirm again that I will not change the title. Maybe I'll make this post ridiculously long and people will look at it, not read it, and think "holy shit, this guy wrote all this garbage in ten minutes? That Toninho is a real piece of shit!" I'm going to look for a picture now, be right back.

Ten minutes have already elapsed, but I'll continue using my free time to do this. I should really make a post about all the things I could be doing instead of writing a post. Maybe that would help me have a life or something, but that's a pondering for another time. You know, I got in a solid three paragraphs in ten minutes, that's not bad. I wonder how much time I've spent blogging in comparison to the amount of time I spent writing papers for school in my whole career as a student? I plan on overtaking the student paper writing mark with continued writing for this blog. It's good to have goals, and this is one that I won't know if I achieve or not, so I'll always be working toward it. Sound like a solid plan to me.

I realized something this weekend, well, actually I have been noticing for the past few years that it is getting harder and harder to find people to do things. I almost completely fail at making plans, but that doesn't stop me from continuing to try only to get the same negative responses or no response at all. Could be in a worse place though. I remember a year ago I was not very happy at all. That was when I was unemployed and I didn't have much to do. I felt like a waste of space, but luckily things have gone in my favor over the course of the year. Now I'm a cog in the great work machine of the United States of America. Last summer was not so much fun getting rejection after rejection for jobs, but I did my time and now I have an adult job! At least I think I do.

I think I mentioned this before, but my only complaint now is that I'm getting bored. Most of my friends are busy or busy ignoring me, and life has settled into one giant routine. I'll just go fist myself for now. And would you look at the time. Seems I'm out of time thanks to the aforementioned routine. I'll still go fist myself, though.

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