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Saturday, January 19, 2013

2013 and My "Job"

Happy new year! I do realize that the new year has been around for about two and a half weeks at this point, but I hope you will take my bidding kindly. I don't make new year's resolutions or any of that crap, but I do have one goal in mind: get a decent job that doesn't make me want to shoot myself in the face. My current temporary job that has lasted six months now is really starting to bore me. When I actually sat around and thought about it, my job is a joke, for lack of a more descriptively captivating piece of the English language. Allow me to describe why my job is easily classified as a joke.

Let me start with how I got this job. I got my temporary employment via an agency. This agency set me up with a few interviews, but apparently the people I interviewed with didn't like the cut of my slacks or something and decided against employing me. The job I eventually got required no interview. That should have been a big red flag in my face. I did think it was very odd at the time and I was very skeptical, but I'm a stupid asshole so I accepted the "assignment" anyways. Also, let me randomly interject about how temporary positions are called "assignments." An assignment sounds like I'm set out to kill a target or something. But anyways, no interview! I could be a huge turd, waste of life, money stealing, woman impersonating, sleazy pedophile, shithead. That's also probably why the position was originally only supposed to last about a month, that and the owner was selling the company. But here I am six months into the temporary position.

My boss, the person who has power over what I ultimately do each day, even told me that when she was looking at my resume she thought I was overqualified for the position and was fearful that I might get bored. All that was on my resume at that point was basically that I graduated from college and worked at a movie theater. Really impressive stuff right there. Well, she wasn't wrong, I'm bored as shit each and every day. My recurring easy tasks don't take much brainpower to complete and I always feel under stimulated.

Another really bad sign is that the people at the local post office know me. Yes, one of my tasks is going to the post office every day, and I've done it long enough that they know me. Essentially my job makes me feel like I work in a copy center. I might have mentioned that in another post, but it is entirely accurate. All I really do now is scan and copy things so other people can see them. I definitely went to college for this! And apparently I've assumed the role of "office manager," something that I never wanted. When we're running low on supplies they tell me, I should start replying "great, tell someone who cares." People always ask me if we have certain things, to which I think "I don't f**king know, I've been scanning shit for the past three hours." I don't take inventory of what office supplies we have because I don't give a shit. That's not a responsibility I think I should have. I guess this is all I deserve since I can't seem to get another job. I don't have an inside connect to any sweet jobs, I didn't have a ridiculously high GPA, and I'm not a huge suck up or involved in twelve million organizations. I'll just go fist myself.

Did I mention I make shit for money, too? There is no way in hell that I could live on my own with this job. I would go broke relatively quickly and possibly end up on the streets smoking crack or something. My job title ends with the word "clerk," never a good sign. I also thought of all these reasons why my job is a joke while at work. So that gives you an abbreviated description on why my main goal for the new year is to find a new job. That has actually been my goal for the past five months or so.

That all sounded really negative, but I'm really excited for 2013! I'm happy 2012 is over, that year unfortunately had a lot of stuff happen that I was not happy about and would like to forget quickly. I did not really enjoy 2012 and I'm relieved that it is now behind me. The last month or two have been great since all my friends who are still in college were back around town for winter break. Now that they've gone back to school, I'll have more time to look for that new job and keep the happy trend going!

I'm also planning on changing the course of this blog, but only slightly. When I say that, I mean that I'm not going to spend much time on telling stories anymore. I think I'm going to focus mainly on my thoughts and ideas which may briefly shed light on a story of mine, but I'm no longer going to have entire posts dedicated to some shit that happened to me. For example, I'm not going to write a post about my New Year's eve celebration. I went into the city and it was a good time, that's all I have to say about that in reality. Posts will follow more closely what you have read in this one, I think my job is a joke, here is why. I really like ideas and opinions, I think they are far more interesting than the stupid stories I have told here in the past. If something noteworthy happens, then I might, but don't get your hopes up, it's my life we're speaking of. My life and noteworthy events usually don't go together.

One other thing, I hate Fun. I would much rather be miserable and loathing everything for every reason you can think of. Or if you are clever you might have noticed that the Fun I don't like has a capital "F." I don't like the band Fun. I have no definitive reason why, I just don't like them. So don't tell me that tonight we're young, you can just eat my asshole. Go listen to Foster the People or something.

Well, I'm done for now. Hope you're having a good start to 2013!

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