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Sunday, September 16, 2012

This Should Not Get Posted

September is not typically the month when you think of what you're thankful for. Usually that crap happens during the holidays, like Thanksgiving and Christmas, but I can't wait that long. I get impatient sometimes. One of the things I'm most thankful for is political correctness. I'm really glad political correctness is around because I like politically incorrect things. Without political correctness, politically incorrect statements or ideas would not be funny, so I kindly thank the people who made political correctness possible. I just think it's way too much fun to see a black person in a car and say something about how he or she must have stolen it. Now I don't actually think that, at least not most of the time, but it sure is funny! I also find this joke incredibly amusing:

Q: What do you call a black transformer?
A: Optimus Crime

Political correctness just opens up a whole world of funny. Basically, I mean that anything that isn't "publicly acceptable" is hilarious. I really enjoy exploiting stereotypes for my own amusement, and sometimes for the amusement of others. I'm no racist, but seriously, this stuff is funny, and anyone who can't appreciate politically incorrect jokes should lighten up a bit and remove the stick that is embedded deep into their asshole. Just because a lot of convenient stores are run by Indians offering you a Slurpee does not mean that all Indians work at convenient stores. Nor does it mean that they all smell like curry. Well, actually, that one might be true.

Not every German is a Nazi, in fact, I don't think many people still associate with that party. But c'mon, if I hear some random people speaking in German, I'm going to say that they must be forming a Nazi plan. And then they'll tell me that they are planning a hike or something. It's all in good fun, though. If you ever find yourself in a position thinking "oh, I (he or she) can't say that," then you know what I'm talking about. And what about drivers? Who's worse, old people or Asians? The stuck up assholes devoutly against this type of comedy ironically (I think this is the correct use of the word, but feel free to badger me if I'm incorrect) allow political incorrectness to exist. If no one was so offended by it, or wanted to stop it all together, then I don't see how it would still be hilarious. Also, stereotypes exist for a reason, because they are usually true. There are exceptions, as with most rules, so stereotypes have exceptions, but on a large scale are true. Women and Asians are both not very good drivers. From personal experience I can say that any time I'm driving and I have a "holy shit, what the f**k is that guy doing" reaction, the instigator of that reaction is almost always a woman. No offense intended, but you can get mad at me if you want, I might feel bad momentarily.

I can't get enough of this one
We're all aware that not everyone who wears a turban is a terrorist, and implying so is not funny. Psych! Yes, it is funny. And so is making fun of overwhelming airport security because of the whole terrorist thing. Just check anyone with a turban, right? I really like do enjoy this politically incorrect stuff. For being incorrect, it sure seems like the right answer all the time to me. I remember back in high school when I was meeting new people some of them would ask me if I'm Puerto Rican. I got a big kick out of that. Luckily I tan instead of getting red as a lobster, so when it heats up I sometimes look, well, I guess Puerto Rican. That could also be because a large number of people at my high school were Puerto Rican. I like to think of myself as looking like a mix of Portuguese and Italian, since that is what I am, but mostly Portuguese. People are always asking me what my heritage is because of my skin complexion. I always put on applications and surveys that I'm white, but I might look a tad bit like a minority. I kind of like the confusion, and I love my complexion!

The other side of political incorrectness is just as funny. I'm talking about the people I briefly mentioned before, the ones devoutly against saying these so-called "incorrect" phrases. Do these people know what a joke is? They're probably the same people that are making it illegal to buy certain size fizzy drinks in New York. That will keep the fat away! I can't imagine seriously going to the media and talking about how so-and-so crossed the line when they said something about their suspicions that their black coworker stole their wallet. That same person probably thinks Ahkmed is a terrorist because they overheard him saying "herka durka" on the phone. However, it is entirely necessary that these people continue voicing their opinions so I can laugh at allegedly racist commercials. Of course it is entirely true that there are racist commercials, or they could be poking fun at stereotypes, which as mentioned before, exist because they are usually accurate.

Sometimes I say things that sound offensive, but I'm just kidding... usually. I even used to have a black friend... until my father sold him. If you can't detect the joking nature of that last statement, then I feel sorry for you. I in fact do have black, white, and Asian friends. I might not have a lot in two of those categories, but I do have some. You can accuse me of racism and stereotyping, but I'll say it's because I is black.

I probably shouldn't publish this post because of it's "incorrectness," but where's the fun in that? Besides, most of the people that would be offended by this can't read anyway, right? As I see it, I'm golden. Why stand on a silent platform? Fight the war, f**k the norm. Yes, those are Rage Against the Machine (RATM) lyrics. But I offer Zack de la Rocha my apologies because his people's use is very limited outside of performing yard work and other menial tasks for incredibly low wages. At least in the United States of course. See how I took what I was referencing and made it politically incorrect? If anything, at least we know the Thought Police don't exist, not yet, since I was able to write this whole post and now publish it.

Did I mention I'm thankful to live in a predominantly white neighborhood?

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