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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Trending For the Best

I remember going through high school and remember enjoying each year better than the last. Happily, I can report that I feel the same way about college because I think senior year is shaping up to an exciting and enjoyable collegiate climax. Fall semester of senior year I had a good set of classes with some great professors, especially Dr. K, one of the most likable people I've ever met. I would also like to note that I spoke with the Legendary Dr. K on the phone once, too! Cross that off the list of things to do. Classes so far this semester will be more of a pain in the ass in my estimation, mainly because I have two accounting classes that will cause me pain all the way until graduation. However, enduring until graduation is possible and there are plenty of things to distract me from my dislike of the subject. I would also like to announce that I have gained one more reader, adding on to my impressive total that I can still count on one hand. The new reader is a former teammate of mine from high school and one of my very good friends for so many reasons. Here's a shout out to him:

Actually, now that I'm looking at this picture of him eating some type of uber-sub, I am reminded of another time we dined together back circa sophomore or junior year of high school. I was at my house with three friends from the high school track team, we were playing Halo I believe. My parents decided to order a pizza and the special pizza offer for the week was some sausage pizza with lots of meat on it. I remember when my dad asked us if it was okay to order that pizza my friend, pictured above, said something about enjoying a sausagey sensation in his mouth. I need say no more.

Getting back to more current news, today was a great day. The highlight of the day was lunch, which I had with a lovely young lady. I am speaking of my friend that spent last semester studying abroad in Italy. She's the one I mentioned something about cooking dinner for this semester, but that might come later on. This was the first chance we had to really speak since she got back and it was quite enjoyable. We were able to visit for just about an forty-five minutes before parting to go to class, but it certainly was a quick forty-five minutes. Hopefully we'll be hanging out on a regular basis this semester, but at this point, she's probably the closest female friend I have ever had.

I can't help but realize how much I don't have in common with my roommates. I actually find it quite funny, I do have some similarities with them and we get along just fine, but the dissimilarities are staggering. Mainly because they smoke all day and I tend to do work, blog, read, or play video games. Sometimes we play video games together and watch sports together, but outside of that I don't really do anything with my roommates. But enough about that, I'm in a good mood today and I can't even find the words to complain about anything and do it justice. So I'm going to take a look at things that I find enjoyable for various different reasons, hope you enjoy.

Are those dildos in his hands?
Fractured Tibia! I don't want to see any patients lying around in bed!

Holy shit! There it is revealed in all of it's glory, the mystery of the name Toninho revealed. The unveiling of my true name comes because I could no longer hold on to this priceless image from a game of Words with Friends with Chase. Please continue to observe this picture and appreciate it for what it is. Also, the previous stream of photos and videos sums up what I do with my free time. What can I say, I just enjoy to laugh and entertain myself.

Well, it is past midnight now and I need to get some sleep. I hope you got a laugh or two out of this post, but I'm just in a good mood and thought I would share some happiness with everyone! I'll be back soon to shed light on topics I find interesting!

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