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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Guy's a fraud

So the end of the semester is rapidly approaching now and I cannot help but perceive my cost accounting professor as one of the biggest frauds I have encountered thus far in my life. If I was aware that "teaching" was merely sitting at the front of the classroom reading off the answer sheet that is already available to students, then I would have embarked on a journey to be a teacher, let alone a college professor. I can honestly say I have learned absolutely nothing in this class and that I would have been much better off sleeping rather than getting up for this guy's sorry, pathetic excuse for a class at 8 a.m.

Instead of teaching, this guy tells us stories which I'm not sure are even true. Any time your professor claims he used to dunk from the foul line and bench upwards of 300 pounds, you have to be wondering why he isn't a professional athlete. Oh yeah, and the Big Guy (how Mr. Cost Accounting refers to himself) also taught Dr. J everything he knows....... about cost accounting.

We recently had a test in the Big Guy's class. I'm almost certain no one did well on it considering the wonderful direction he gives us in class. However, he was disappointed that only one student in one of his classes knew how to approach a particular problem. He was so disappointed that he told them they should be "shot and hung" for not knowing how to do it. I don't know about you, but I would love being told by a complete fraud that I should be killed for not knowing how to do something he never properly taught in the first place. As a matter of fact, I am positive that he would not be able to do any of the problems he assigns us without the answer sheet. The Big Guy told us the class before the test that if we had any questions we could call him because he would have the answer sheet with him. That made me feel so much better.

The Big Guy always tells us these stories about his wife and daughter, but recently I've come to the conclusion that he doesn't really have a family and he just makes up all these stories. Why, you might ask. I believe he's making up all these stories because I see him eating in the dining hall on a consistent basis everyday. He doesn't teach any classes on Monday, Wednesday, or Friday, but he's still at the dining hall. What family man would be eating dinner at the college dining hall on days he doesn't even need to be at school is beyond me.

I feel sorry for all the accounting majors here that have to suffer through the Big Guy's class. It's a complete waste of time and I can't say that I've learned much of anything in his class. About the only thing I recall him telling us is that you should sell all your operating assets before your statements are due because it will increase your ROI (return on investment) for the statements. Then you should buy the operating assets back the day after you prepare the statements. That's definitely ethical. Good thing I only have three more weeks of the Big Guy...

Be Champions

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