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Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The Near Future, It's Uncertain

Two weeks ago I had an interview for a job that I believe would do me some positive things for my "career," or whatever I should call it at this point. As of now, 8:40 p.m. on the fourteenth day since that interview, the phone has been silent, the email has been receiving messages, just not from the interviewing company. So what's next? I have no idea, but I'd really like to know if I'm still a potential candidate for the job or not. I'll be realistic, they don't want to hire me, which taking a realistic approach again, I can't really blame them for. Let's take a brief look at my so-called career so far. After college, I spent 8 months basically paying bills, then for the next 2 and a quarter years I basically called people and told them the owed money to the company I worked for. What great experience!

Honestly, I feel like my intellect has been insulted since joining the world that exists after education. Now I'll be the first to admit that I'm a dumb shit, but what I've been doing is mind numbing and down right insulting. That is why I left my two previous jobs and why I am search of something that doesn't make me want to physically harm myself every day because of how stupid it is. So at this point I've been out in Southern California for about a month and a half, it's almost October and the weather is great, but I have some issues. The first issue was the unpleasant experience I had with a temp agency that I have since cut ties with and the lack of success I've had applying to jobs on my own. It's looking increasingly like I might need to work another shitty job for a while, hopefully one that at least has valuable experience, but now the question is where do I want to do that?

I love the weather in Southern California, but now I'm beginning to doubt the decision to move out here, at least at this time. California might be too far away from New England, where I for the most part grew up, for me right now. The largest problem I have with the distance is actually the time zone differential. A three hour difference from the east coast is rather large and even with the awesome technology at our disposal, that can't reduce the time difference in these two regions. Having said that, I do not want to go back to living in the northeast. Going back to live in the northeast is low on my personally made option list. However, I would consider going back east except to a central/southern state, somewhere like North or South Carolina. I don't know how feasible that is right now. For me, the locations of California and New England are very unfortunate. I hate the cold and snow, but I also don't like the pacific time zone. I feel like the pacific time zone is behind the rest of the country and it makes it rather difficult to stay in touch with my friends the way I'd like, but damn the weather out here is nice. It still feels like the middle of summer and it's September 30th!

On a positive note, I have discovered a talent of mine! I have found that I am good at getting job offers for jobs I don't want. A lot of the displeasure I mentioned with the temp agency had to do with the assignments they were giving to me. This is partly my fault because I could have been more specific on what I was looking for. However, I can't do anything when the agency calls me up and tells me to report to a job without consulting me, telling me what the job is, or giving me any information at all. And according to them, I have to go because it would be unprofessional for me not to show up because they already told the client I would be there... without consulting me. That doesn't sit well with me and it pissed me off to the point that our relationship had to be severed.

Well, I've got some thinking to do! I've left the northeast and gone to Southern California, but I still have no idea what I'm doing with my life. Hooray for indecision!

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