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Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Phenomenon is Over

This past Monday, February 14, 2011 saw the closing of the career of one of the most brilliant soccer players of all time, Ronaldo. It is sad to see him go because he was such a captivating sight when he was healthy. I loved the way he would pick up the ball from anywhere on the pitch and haul ass directly into the opposing defense daring them to stop him.

In my estimation, he is the greatest player of all time because of the way he influenced games. He scored many crucial goals throughout his career at the club and international level, including the two goals in the 2002 World Cup against the great German keeper Oliver Khan and many goals in UEFA competition (including finals).

Many often speak about "what could have been" when looking back on Ronaldo's career because of all the fatal injuries he had. I don't like to think this way, especially about Ronaldo, because he had an unbelievable career regardless. Sure he did miss many years and probably played in many games when he wasn't fit, but there is no denying that he transformed as a player so he could perform at the highest of levels despite his unfortunate knee problems.

I also get extremely annoyed when he is referred to as "gordo" (fat) or fat Ronaldo because it is simply unfair to call him that. He was accused of being fat when playing for Real Madrid, but I remember Ronaldo running by people and scoring a multitude of goals in his second stint in the Spanish liga.

I believe Ronaldo played the game of soccer better than anyone because of his ability to adapt to many leagues and his insatiable desire to score goals. He took by storm the Brazilian, Dutch, Spanish, and Italian leagues with his slaloming runs and deadly finishing skills. He could finish from anywhere near the goal, set up his teammates, or weave through a defense on his own.

It is sad to see such a wonderful player exit the game, but his decision was definitely the right one. The great game of soccer will never be the same without Ronaldo, a true phenomenon.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Holy Heart Failures!

I don't know about everyone else, but thinking of the future scares me. Why? Well, over the last five or six years I've met many people and the thought of these people in professional positions frightens me! This sounds horrible, but I find most people dumb for lack of a better descriptive word. The worst part is that this dumbness cannot be pinpointed to one particular attribute or habit. I have met some people who perform well academically, but lack common sense.

I frequently hear about the concern for obesity in the United States, but I'd rather fat people surround me than the ignorant pricks that we create. I know many students at the university I attend that get very good grades, but make horrible decisions on a regular basis. These decisions include, but by no means are limited to, doing drugs, drinking excessively, and smoking illegal substances. But apparently that doesn't matter if your transcript looks good because they'll still get hired by elite firms that will probably need to be bailed out at some point.

I would say that on a normal day just hearing conversations among people I know and strangers, I feel like this about 15-20 times:

I really do feel like I'm taking crazy pills because I don't get why so many people are so pigheaded! I've heard countless stories about stupid things people have done when under the influence of some type of substance. I happen to believe that no one should ever go "full retard." Apparently not many people are on my side on this one because people continue to do things that allow them to capture retardedness in all of it's glory.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


While lying restlessly in bed last night, I decided to change the content of my immensely successful blog. Sycophantic Laughter will now be dedicated to my view of life and the events that take place in my life. The great thing about this is that I have no reason to change the title of the blog and I will still occasionally construct very biased blogs about sports and various other areas.