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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

New Things in a New Place

Ten days ago, August 14th of 2015, the day I finally made the move to Southern California. Feels like I've been bitching about the weather in the northeast for an eternity and talked about moving to California for about as long. How long this experiment will last, I know not. I might be here for a month, I might be here for years, there are a lot of factors at work. Now I've only been here for ten days, but I've already been called an ugly faced MFer by a presumably homeless man, seen a guy getting a blow job in his car, and met some dude on the street who said he was known as Batman and he's been prowling the streets of LA for twenty-seven years. That's longer than I've been alive. But let's talk about the guy who was getting a blowjob.

This morning I was on the way to my first assignment job thingy. Assignment job thingy is my way of describing my work life right now. I'm using a temp agency to find work since I was too stupid in college to secure myself a good job upon graduation. So I was in one of the many LA public buses minding my own business en route to the industrial sector of the city (not my choice). While stopped at a red light, I glanced out the window to my left and couldn't help but notice what was going on in the car stopped along side the bus. This guy was straight chilling in the driver seat while the woman in the passenger seat was bent over giving him a quickie in the car. At first I did a double take because I've heard of this, but this was my first time seeing it take place. So naturally I stared. Not really, though. I only glanced over a few times in an effort to not be creepy. Then the light changed and the bus started moving before the car, but when the car caught up I could see she was still down there as they took a left at the next intersection. Now I have no idea what that guy does for a living and I have no idea who the woman was next to him, but this guy was getting his dick sucked on a Monday morning in one of the biggest cities in the US. This guy must be doing something right. What an inspirational sighting.

Then I got to the assignment job thingy, sat around for four hours and did basically nothing, then happily found out later that this particular company didn't want to extend my temporary work assignment there because I didn't speak Spanish. This was news to my ears because this job was honestly embarrassingly below my intellect, not that I'm smart, but this job was painfully boring and required no thought. However, I received this news a few hours too late. I have some moments of extreme anger and the continuous search to find a good job has driven me mad many times. Today was one of those days that it got the best of me. In a fit of rage, I punched my knee with my right fist, which I've done many times, but this time I had the unfortunate bad luck of hitting my knee right on the cap which has bruised the bottom of my right hand. I don't think I broke anything and will continue to hope that it is just swollen. I wish I hadn't done that, but I just get so damn angry sometimes.

Well, I have new assignment job thingy to interview for tomorrow and I'm happy to an actual interview. The thing I went to today was one of those suspect no interview deals. Anyways, I'm in LA and attempting to look for a way to make a living. Until next time...