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Tuesday, April 21, 2015

When Can I Move South?

Well, another few months has passed and I'm still confused as hell about what I want to do with my life. Yesterday I went for a job interview in New York City and today I had another interview about ten minutes away from where I currently live. I came out of the NYC interview feeling much better about how the whole interview went. Both companies are good, but there was something that didn't quite sit well with me after the second, closer to home interview. Unfortunately for me, I'm still finding the same issue with every job that I've currently had any type of interview for, they're all in the northeast. I don't know whose d*ck I have to suck, but I really just want to get the hell out of the northeast and its horrible weather. I'm approaching the point where I'll look for a job at a convenience store somewhere in the south, where its warm, and there's no snow, and you can't really tell when the seasons change. You know, somewhere nice.

I'll look on the bright side of this, at least I got to miss two consecutive days of work. I also called out one day last week to go for another interview, which makes me wonder if my boss is catching on at all. I called out of work in my first two years with the company, and now I've called out for a morning and two consecutive days in the past week. That's two and a half days that I haven't had to deal with any of the aggravations and crap that occur at work daily. Regardless of what happens from here, it was nice to have a little adventure into NYC, a place I hadn't been since my sister was looking at NYU back around 2004 or 2005. Of course it was raining, though. It's like a reminder that NYC is still in the northeast and subject to the same garbage weather that New England is. I didn't have any time to go exploring while in NYC, but I saw a whole lot of taxis and heard a whole lot of honking.

Now I can't crap on the city of New York, I don't know much of anything about it, all I know is that the winters are still harsh, it still gets really cold there and it's less than ideal from a weather standpoint. I've also been saying for years that New York is a place I never wanted to live, along with Fitchburg and a whole bunch of other places. So the saga continues. I'm just hoping to have everything not necessarily figured out, but to have made some kind of a move before next winter comes around, because if there is one thing I know, I don't want to be here for another winter. I've been living in the northeast for the past fifteen years, and looking at the past 3 years since college graduation, I'd say this isn't really working for me. I can't say that I've been all that happy since I graduated. I've had two jobs, neither of which have satisfied me in their own unique ways, and I absolutely hate the weather.

Did I mention that I don't like the weather in the northeast? Anyway, I've given the northeast a fair chance, I'd say, but I'm ready to at least give another place a chance. I don't see why I shouldn't relocate either, it's not like I have anything tying me down here. I've said it once and I'll say it again, the only thing I'd miss about this place is my friends. At the same time, though, I don't see my friends that often as it is because of the different paths our lives have gone down since the completion of college. Times change and I think a major change would do me good at this point. I'm looking for a change to nicer scenery (meaning nicer weather), it's simply not working for me in the northeast and I'm ready to leave.