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Thursday, July 10, 2014

What the Hell have I seen?

This past Tuesday I watched the great debacle that was the World Cup semifinal between Brazil and Germany, a game in which the Germans absolutely butt-plunged Brazil by an outrageous score of 7-1. I'm a Brazil fan since the Brazilian nation team is the team of my childhood, the first team I ever followed beginning with the 1998 World Cup. And of course, my favorite athlete, Ronald, R9, Il Fenomeno, was a major component of that '98 team. While I agree without hesitation that Brazil's squad is nothing compared to what it 15 to 20 years ago, I still did not expect the ridiculous shellacking in this 2014 World Cup semifinal in Brazil! This might be the strangest game I've ever seen and it was sloppy as shit. And in my opinion, despite the score, Germany did not look all that good.

However, the most ridiculous thing about this game did not actually occur in the game. What I'm utterly flabbergasted about is the resulting Miroslav Klose's man of the match card in Fifa 14's Ultimate Team.


Please take a good hard look at the Klose card. 90 pace and 94 dribbling and 99 heading! What is this guy, Superman? Even Rooney has never been that overrated. I think I could smoke Klose in a foot race. Hell he was never fast enough at any point in his career to warrant that pace. And 94 dribbling? Pair that with the 90 pace and this guy is like Messi with an unstoppable header. As shocked as I was with the 7-1 mauling of Brazil, this man of the match card shocked me more.

I had Klose in Ultimate Team on Fifa 13 and he was either an 82 or 83 overall, which also shows how obscene his jump in quality is. I don't care if he's now the all time leading World Cup goal scorer now, that rating is completely ridiculous. If Klose is a 90 overall given what he's accomplished, then Messi should a 167 overall because of all the goals he's put past helpless goalies over the past few years.

Going back to real life, let us look ahead to the final between Argentina and Germany. The two semifinals leading up to this final have really deflated my interest in the tournament this year. Mostly the Germany and Brazil game accounted for the decimation of my interest, and this doesn't stem from Brazil losing the game. Germany has an extremely talented team so I knew that they were entirely capable of beating this installment of Brazil. It's just the way that the game played out, it's like the game was some ill fantasy. After the Germans scored a few scrappy, crappy goals the game turned into one big shit storm that saw the Germans score ugly goal after ugly goal. Kroos' goal and much later on Schurrle's goal were nice, but the rest were scrappy crappy from what I remember. Please forgive me if I am mistaken, but regardless, the game was complete shit.

Judging from the articles online and the user comments on them, it looks like a great deal of people wanted Brazil to lose. So good for them, they got what they wanted. What I don't understand is that these people were calling Brazil thugs and stuff like that for playing rough. I don't get that because in my estimation Columbia played just as dirty. And I'm not saying that just because that ass clown Zuniga almost paralyzed Neymar. I'll give Zuniga a little credit though, he didn't bite Neymar because he knew that would get him a suspension. Cracking vertebra, well, that's ok with Fifa. Luis Suarez, please take note. And f**k James Rodriguez. Or as I'm going to refer to that guy, Hummus Rodriguez. F**k him. I've never heard of the guy before this World Cup and the attention around him has already pissed me off, so f**k him.

I'm not done yet, f**k Hummus Rodriguez. I almost hope that someone breaks his leg, but that might be too harsh. I don't know what it is, but that guy kind of pisses me off, but I'll digress... for now. But seriously, f**k him.

Anyways, back to the final between Argentina and Germany. I can't decide who to root for, so I'm not going to waste my time trying to think of reasons to vote for one or the other. What I can do for sure is enjoy the misery of whichever of these two teams loses and I guess I can make that worth my while. With that I bid you a good night. Until next time...