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Friday, November 22, 2013

Finally Finished, As in the Post is Finally Finished

Last weekend I was watching Baseball Tonight before the Sunday Night Baseball game on ESPN. One of the analysts on Baseball Tonight is former pitcher Mark Mulder. He was decently nasty back in his glory days when he was part of the three-headed monster that was the Oakland Athletics' starting rotation. While I was looking at his name, I couldn't help but think what if his last name wasn't Mulder, but Murder. Mark Murder. That would be a hell of a name. Imagine if your team had to face Barry Zito, Tim Hudson, and then the dagger, Mark Murder.

I've also been around long enough to realize that there are almost an infinite number of ways that you can categorize people. I think birthdays are an interesting way to put people into different categories. In terms of what type of birthday person you are, there are only two distinct categories, or at least only two that are worthy of mention. You are either one of those people that feels the need to let other people know that it is your birthday, or you don't feel this need.

What's in my glove?
If you're like me, then you could really care less about the actual day you were born when it comes around each year. After this year, I would be perfectly content not having another birthday ever again and staying at the same age for the rest of time. While that is unlikely to happen, I can still think about it. But not everyone is so apathetic like me. I find it amusing when people have to let you know it's their birthday. When people tell me, I don't really know what to say except "happy birthday." I'm not going to tell them that we are blessed that they were put on this earth however many years ago. It's nice to celebrate milestones in life with friends, but I could give a rat's ass if anyone else knew it was birthday. I'd absolutely wish Mark Murder a most happy birthday though.

I find it funny when you ask someone how they're doing and they tell you it's their birthday. People who want you to know it's their birthday are generally people who like attention. Having everyone wish you a happy birthday is a good way to generate attention. Another way to generate attention is to walk into work with a shotgun. Generating attention has become a huge part of life for people around my age. With all the different forms of social networking it feels like all most people do now a days is try to get attention. I wonder if anyone has been wished a happy birthday on every social networking site in existence. I'd count it even if these wishes weren't all on the same birthday. For instance, say you had a MySpace back in the day and were wished a happy birthday on it, but you no longer have one, but you had a happy birthday wished on some other social networking platform. I'd be very interested to know if anyone has accomplished that feat.

In my own classic fashion, I'll pick up penning this post more than 2 months after I started it. I'm not going to bother to read what I had previously written in September, I wouldn't want to attempt to make a cohesive piece here. I also don't really give a rats ass to be honest. Who knows what I was rambling on about, something about Mark Murder, which is a sweet name, and birthdays. I would also like to point out that I found out some dirt on one of my former friends last weekend, but that's all I'm going to say about that. I just wanted to make note of it in somewhere to serve as a reminder when I happen to come back to this post and read somewhere in the future.

If you remember my series of posts about the things that one of my college roommates said, that means you've read my blog before. If you haven't seen this series, I suggest checking it out, it will only waste a few moments of your life. Why, you may ask am I bringing this up? Well, I was thinking of reviving this series with a new segment about the conversations I overhear from two of my coworkers who have cubicles next to mine. To put it simply, it sounds like Access Hollywood mixed with stories about lame experiences with guys and how to deal with relationships, in a very poor fashion if you ask me. I'm still contemplating this, but all of the lines would essentially boil down to "I'm dying," "I can't breathe," "is this real life,"she's so crazy," etc. It's quite repetitive and they don't give me much material to work with. Who knows, though, might come to fruition, but probably not.

I've fallen out of rhythm with posts lately, I have no idea if I'll get back into blogging on a more consistent basis. Regardless, 2013 has been a really good year. That's probably part of the reason I haven't been on Blogger as much. I'm sure I'll find something to write on here. To be fair, last year I had tons of time to think about random things at work and was able to generate list after list of things I wanted to write about. I just need to get some topics going and I can start churning out some garbage just like in the summer of 2011! Also, the weather is going to start really sucking big fat ass holes soon, so that should automatically lend more time to me writing incessantly about nonsense. I've noticed that I haven't really been writing about much of anything since I placed my fingers at the keyboard to finish this post. I'd like to think that I would be really good at performing filibusters in blog form. I can keep going on about nothing in particular with the best of them. Or at least I think, I can't actually say that I read many blogs, but I would guess that they have way more of a sense of direction, but a whole lot less awesomeness.

Well, I'm done for now. I don't know what's next for this blog, but don't expect anything innovative. Catch you later.