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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

First Post in May This Is

Somehow there has never been a post on Sycophantic Laughter in the month of May since its birth in 2011. Probably due to the nature of the month which for the past few years has consisted of finals and the end of the school year. So here's to another first, a post in May! I'll start with a thought on, not the site in general, but in my personal position on the site. I'll focus on myself since I'm a self-centered clown. I made a profile on in an attempt to find a job. Since I've found a job I have neglected to update my profile on Monster to reflect my employment. Rather than updating it now, I'll just sit back and blog instead. Since I neglect to change my employment status on I continue to receive emails from people about job opportunities that I don't want because my current position is better. Not only do I fail to update my profile, I also don't respond to any of the messages I have been sent. Basically I leave all these people hanging. I could just update my profile, but I just don't really feel like it.

Also what's up with "looking springy?" I've heard multiple people at work comment on how other people's clothing looking "springy." No one has ever said that to me, should I be offended? I take it that looking "springy" simply equates to wearing colors and shades one would associate with the spring season. If you have any suggestions on "springy," please feel free to let me know. Another thing I need clarification on is the use of Instagram on Twitter. Twitter already has a picture function, but people feel the need to tweet pictures from Instagram. The Instagram pictures take way longer to open than twitpics, so just use twitpics for Joe's sake. The only reason I can think of to use Instagram pictures in Twitter is to get more people to look at your Instagram account. It's stupid.

You know what else is bullshit? The belief that the customer is always right. I call bullshit. If the customer tells the cashier to empty out the cash register and give all the money to them, then they're a robber. I've been told that stealing isn't right. Therefore the customer is not right. What if the customer told you to piss in the aisle or kill your coworkers? I guess we'd have to do it if we lived by "the customer is always right code." What are you going to tell your boss when you gave away all your inventory for free because a customer told you to? I guess the boss would be wrong because he or she isn't a customer anyway. There's some super sound logic right there!

Have you ever noticed that there are some pants that no matter what you do, whenever you sit down they make you look like you have a raging hard on? Mostly this happens with dress pants. But seriously, what's with that? People might start getting the wrong idea about you. Of course this doesn't pertain to women, but they have their own clothing problems which I am not privy to, at least for the most part.

I'm going to wrap up this completely disjointed post with something that really bothers me: people who are intolerant of soccer. Now that I commute to work I find myself listening to some sports talk radio because I like sports. One of the guys on the afternoon show is intolerant of soccer and even said he likes Nascar better. Thankfully one of the other guys in the booth correctly told him that Nascar wasn't even a sport. I thank this man. While I don't have the time now to discuss how much the intolerance of soccer in this country bothers me, I can at least point this out. Actually, that's about all I'm going to do right now because I am going to bed soon. And by bed I mean going to watch Netflix or something. So that's what I'm going to do. But first listen to this song by Marina and the Diamonds:

And look at this picture to go with something I was talking about before.