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Thursday, March 1, 2012

An Addicting Formula

If you haven't figured it out by now I will forever be perplexed, but I absolutely enjoy the game of soccer. Yes, I do believe that soccer is the greatest sport known to man, so it should also be no surprise that I really like the Ultimate Team function on the newest editions of Fifa games. Previously I congratulated EA for the improvements made to the latest installment of the series, Fifa 12. Recently I've been playing a good deal of Fifa simply because of the Ultimate Team segment. Soccer, in my estimation fits the Ultimate Team formula better than any other sport because of the vast abundance of soccer players from everywhere! Ultimate Team allows the player to build a team from a bunch of lackluster clowns to a group of superstars! If you make it that far that is, which basically means you take the time to build your team. Building your team is all the fun, though. You can purchase players with actual money, but it is way more fun and rewarding to earn coins from playing matches and buying player card packs.

Chase and I were talking about Ultimate Team via xbox live chat the other night and we kept mentioning buying packs. It sounded like we were talking about getting cigarettes. You wouldn't believe how many times I had to retype "cigarettes," apparently I don't know how to spell that word. But when I'm talking about buying packs, I'm talking about player packs of Fifa Ultimate Team! I always find it quite exciting to open a new one because I never know who I'm going to get! As I mentioned before, building a team is so much fun and the large number of players in the soccer world keeps the action fresh all the time. Soccer has great player depth. What I mean by that is that there are many quality players outside of the superstars. There are lots of players that casual fans would never have heard of, but are actually quite good. The game even gives you the option to create multiple lineups spanning many different formations and players. Ultimate Team is my favorite feature in a sports video game in quite some time, probably ever. In fact, I don't play sports video games anymore with the exception of Fifa because it is so good. While I do have a love-hate relationship with the game, which I will probably get into in another post, it is quite good despite what I might say in fit of rage.

I definitely believe that Messi and CR7 are faster than Eto'o
 My Ultimate Team is named Dominationspor because I like to think that I dominate and I would like to pay homage to the Turkcel Super Lig which is sadly not in the game because of licensing agreements, or lack of agreements... sad face. For those of you who still don't get it, almost every team in Turkey ends with spor at the end of the team name. And without the Super Lig that means no Alex or Alanzinho. I do hope to build my team up so I can one day take on Chase's Ultimate Team which is superior to mine, I have no gold players yet, but I do have Kike! You can chose how you want to pronounce that one.

While on the subject of soccer, yesterday, March 29, 2012 marked the first time that the US beat Italy every. They won the game 1-0 with a goal by former Revolution star Clint Dempsey, Oh Dempsey! For any of you that played Fifa World Cup 2012? It might be that game, but I remember one Fifa game where the announcer would always say "Oh Dempsey!" when he had the ball. Almost as good as the saying for Roberto Carlos, "loves to get on the ball." I just wanted to pay some respects to the national team for such a large accomplishment. I think Italy is currently ranked eighth in the world right now by Fifa, so that's a substantial victory for a severely under-appreciated team. I say the US national team is under-appreciated because of the horrible stereotype that soccer has in the US. I will have to post about how stupid basketball and football are as an attempt to do soccer some justice. But that's a matter for another time, some time when I'm angry and need to blow off some steam or something. Luckily I haven't felt that way in a while, probably not since my last anti-Facebook rant which was some time ago now.

Recently I have reverted to happiness, there's not too much bothering me except for the massive amount of projects I have to do this semester, but it really could be a hell of a lot worse. Really the only thing that bothers me now is all the stupid shit I hear my roommate talking about, but I've found a way to channel that, too, by sharing it with all of my readers! The first edition just came out the other day so if you haven't seen it, go read it now! I will most likely be bringing you more of the moronic shit I hear.

Back to Ultimate Team, the only thing I would change is Fernando Torres' value. Listed as a gold player, I think Torres should be a bronze, one of the lackluster clowns you start with at the beginning of your campaign and quickly get rid of in favor of much better players. Why am I so harsh on Torres? It's quite simple, he's a striker, a guy who is supposed to score goals, who has a severe issue scoring goals. A striker that can't score goals is useless. Maybe I should check is shooting accuracy before making this claim, but I'm sure it is a lot higher than it should be. Torres' best days are definitely behind him and gold status is definitely not deserved. They probably should have made him faster than Eto'o while they were at it.

So I love soccer and I love Fifa. I'll leave you with this great video....