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Friday, March 25, 2011

Antisocial Networking

Social networking sites have become extremely popular over the past six or seven years and to be honest, they bother the shit out of me. Currently Facebook is the most popular social networking site, or at least I imagine that it is seeing that practically everyone I know has a profile. In my experience from using social networking sites, the ideology behind them is great. They are meant to stay in touch with your friends. However, people use them for the stupidest shit.

First of all, people think they are "cool" if they have tons of friends. Some people do have a lot of friends, but if you think you have 1,000 friends, then you're lying to yourself. How many of those people do they actually speak to?

Most, if not all, of the conversation that takes place on social networking sites is completely unnecessary. The conversations are practically all stupid, most commonly about how much people supposedly miss each other, making plans that will probably never happen, or something about how insanely drunk people got the other night.

The worst part by far about Facebook is status updates. I hate status updates. There's no need to broadcast your problems to all of your "friends." Maybe you should try having an actual conversation sometime that doesn't involve the "oh yeah, I saw that on Facebook" response. Statuses practically always tell me things I don't want or need to know. Here's a status update for Facebook users: NO ONE CARES!

I think this video by YouTube user LtMkilla most accurately sums up how I feel about Facebook in general:

I will more than likely revisit social networking in the future to further rant about it.